Northpark Expansion

Northpark Expansion Still Making Progress Despite Holidays

12/10/24 – Halfway between Christmas and New Year’s, Harper Brothers Construction is still making progress on Northpark Expansion. The pace appears to have slowed somewhat. But that’s because of the current focus on subsurface drainage. Installing reinforced concrete box culverts takes significantly longer than work above ground.

It appears that all of the old westbound road bed between Caliber Collision and the railroad tracks has been removed except for driveways.

Meanwhile, farther east, I spotted more concrete being poured in the middle in preparation for additional demolition of westbound lanes.

Pictures Taken 12/10/24

Looking east from just west of Russell Palmer. Note new concrete being poured in middle of frame.
Closer shot of today’s pour near Shipley’s. Still looking east.
Wider shot looking west shows significant progress where old drainage ditch used to be in center.
Installation of box culverts in front of Caliber Collision. Notice: old road bed removed between here and railroad tracks.

The area above is where surface turn lanes will diverge from westbound traffic headed over an as-yet-unbuilt bridge over the railroad tracks.

Coffer dam protects workers from cave ins as they work underground.

Up Next

In other news, according to the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority website:

  • Waterline crews will continue transferring water services from the Porter SUD to the City of Houston waterline.
  • Dirt crews will backfill new paving on Loop 494 and excavate for the asphalt transition on each end to tie into the new concrete paving
  • Next week, project managers have scheduled a traffic switch on LP 494. They will move all traffic onto the new concrete paving, and close off the existing LP 494.
  • Another traffic switch during the week of 12/16 will occur just east of Kings Mill to the east end of the project. Traffic will detour into the middle closing off the existing eastbound lanes.

To see what happens when, consult the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority project pages or the schedule below.

For More Information

To learn more about the project history, consult these posts:

The next meeting of the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority Board will be Thursday morning at 8am at the Kingwood Community Center.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 12/10/24

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