Say Goodbye to the Old Northpark Drive
10/26/24 – Say goodbye to the old Northpark Drive.
Construction crews were hard at work all along Northpark Drive on this beautiful fall Saturday afternoon. One group focused on replacing the Northpark median at Russell Palmer Road.

Another focused on breaking up and carrying away pavement from the old westbound lanes.

A third group focused on Loop 494 expansion where it crosses Northpark.

All this had Northpark traffic backed up for more than a half mile in each direction.
A Crawl Down Memory Lane
As I inched along in traffic, I felt somewhat nostalgic. I’ve lived in Kingwood for more than 40 years and had offices near or on Northpark for more than half that time.
Google Earth shows Northpark under construction back in 1978. It was a heavily wooded area back then. Google does not even have aerial imagery for the area west of the Diversion Ditch. And few homes existed beyond North Woodland Hills and Sherwood Trails.

Kingwood Park high school didn’t exist. Neither did Kingwood High. And the Northpark Recreation Area had just been logged.
Northpark Drive served Kingwood well back then. It helped make Kingwood one of the finest master-planned communities in the Houston area, and one of the most unique in the country. To this day, Kingwood’s integration of homes and businesses with nature still astounds newcomers and sets a standard for the nation.
The vision appealed to so many, that now Northpark must expand from four lanes to six, with 10 at the widest point.
Photos Taken on 10/25/24
The gleaming, white, new concrete poured during the last three weeks stretches a half mile to where crews funneled westbound traffic onto the new lanes at the approximate location where they were tearing out the old westbound lanes.

This is the general area where a bridge will begin to carry traffic over Loop 494 and the UP Railroad Tracks. In addition to the three lanes of traffic in each direction going over the bridge, we will also have two surface lanes on each side of the bridge…in both directions. One of the lanes will be for left turns and the other for right turns.
Loop 494 Expansion
Contractors are also widening Loop 494 sound of Northpark. The extra lanes on 494 will help prevent traffic coming off Northpark from backing up into the new turn lanes.

The result of all this work: the first all-weather evacuation route from Kingwood. The widened road will also increase mobility, cut commute times, increase safety, and keep Kingwood a premier community for the next generation.
For More Information
Consult the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority project pages. Or see these ReduceFlooding posts:
- 24/10/23 Northpark Crossover at Russell Palmer Closed through Sunday Night
- 24/10/11 Northpark Expansion Shifting into Higher Gear
- 24/10/04 More Northpark Concrete Poured Today; Expansion Update
- 24/10/02 Lane Closure for Upcoming Concrete Pour
- 24/09/16 Pictures of First Concrete Pour
- 24/09/13 Northpark Crews Begin Pouring Concrete Monday, Road Narrowed
- 24/08/18 Northpark Drive Construction Sequence Changing
- 24/08/08 Northpark Drive Expansion Project Overcoming Hurdles
- 24/06/21 Northpark Expansion Obstacles Finally Being Addressed
- 24/04/21 Northpark Floods at Russell-Palmer Road
- 24/04/19 Entergy Makes Some Progress on Northpark but Significant Issues Remain
- 24/04/07 Northpark Entergy Saga: New Power Poles Slowly Going Up
- 24/04/02 New Entergy Power Poles Finally Arrive on Northpark
- 24/03/29 Northpark Expansion Update; Still No Sign of Entergy
- 24/03/16 First Concrete Poured for Northpark Expansion
- 24/03/09 Entergy Ignores City Deadline to Move Power Lines
- 24/03/08 TXDoT, LHRA Engage Kingwood at Northpark Phase II Meeting
- 24/03/05 Details of Phase II Meeting
- 24/02/27 February ’24 Northpark Expansion Update Including Lane Closures
- 24.02/24 Save the Dates: Public Input Meetings for Diversion Ditch, Northpark Expansion Phase II
- 24/02/20 Entergy Escalates Battle with COH over Northpark
- 24/02/16 Excavation of Second Northpark Detention Basin Well Underway
- 24/02/10 Entergy in City’s Crosshairs, Lane Closures Announced
- 24/02/02 Northpark Tree Transplantation Finished, Drainage Updates
- 24/01/13 Excavation of Northpark Detention Basins Starts
- 24/01/07 What Some Utilities Don’t Understand About the Northpark Expansion Project
- 24/01/04 Northpark Tree Moving Starts; Pond Excavation Next
- 23/12/03 Northpark Expansion Presses Forward While Fighting Entergy Obstacle
- 23/11/17 Contractors Strike Oil at Entry (Illegally dumped years ago)
- 23/11/05 City Approves Northpark Expansion Agreement with Union-Pacific.
- 23/10/26 Project moving forward on multiple fronts
- 23/10/12 Transplanting first tree
- 23/10/02 Clearing of south-side entry for second pond
- 23/09/30 Clearing north-side entry for first pond
- 23/09/23 How plan balances flood mitigation, costs, saving trees
- 23/09/02 New entry design, change in construction plans forced by utility conflicts
- 23/08/17 More drainage for Northpark
- 23/08/02 Ditch clearing stretches halfway to 59 in less than week
- 23/07/25 Northpark construction starts in earnest
- 23/04/13 Groundbreaking
- 22/02/19 Update on expansion project
- 21/07/28 Plan details
Posted by Bob Rehak on 10/26/24
2615 Days since Hurricane Harvey