Northpark Reduced to One Outbound Lane Friday Morning
10/2/24 – The Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority/TIRZ 10 has announced that it will reduce Northpark Drive outbound traffic to one lane Friday (10/4/24) from about 3AM to 1PM. Contractors will be pouring concrete next to existing lanes. Crews need part of one lane for both construction work and their safety.
Men will spread and smooth new concrete from the old roadway as they previously did in eastbound lanes two weeks ago.
The work will take place between Loop 494 and Russell Palmer Road. Currently crews are preparing the base with asphalt. They should be ready to create a rebar grid on all of part of the asphalt areas beginning tomorrow.
Another concrete pour is scheduled for the following Friday, 10/11/24, weather permitting.
Pictures of Progress
Below are pictures of the project’s progress since my last post in mid-September.

Remember: the road will widen inward, not outward except near the bridge.
Visible Progress Accelerating
Contractors have completed most, but not all, of the underground drainage work at this point. They still have to:
- Complete drainage from Loop 494 to US59
- Build surface lanes that will parallel the new bridge over Loop 494.
- Tunnel under the railroad tracks to install drainage that will convey stormwater from entry ponds to “Ditch One” behind the businesses that line the north side of Northpark.
- Connect all the pieces of the drainage system.
But the lion’s share of underground work – the most difficult part of road construction – has finished.
Now contractors are focused on pavement that people can actually see. And it’s moving along rapidly thanks to cooperative weather.
The project paving plan and the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority website indicate they will attempt to complete a 1680 stretch of westbound lane on Friday. Additional segments will follow.
Before then, though, contractors are returning dirt to the site that had been excavated and stored temporarily during installation of the culverts. They will then prepare the raised areas for future concrete pours by installing a base of asphalt and a grid of rebar.
Here’s a schedule posted yesterday for the next three weeks.
The long-term vision for the thoroughfare is to create an all-weather access road that will facilitate both evacuation and growth. The six lanes will have the width of freeway lanes. A bridge will carry those six lanes of traffic over Loop 494. And four additional surface turn lanes will be built near the bridge. They will let traffic turn left and right from each of the four directions.
The extra runoff will be stored in stormwater retention basins that bracket the expansion project at 59.
For More Information
The posts below contain a history of the project.
- 24/09/16 Pictures of First Concrete Pour
- 24/09/13 Northpark Crews Begin Pouring Concrete Monday, Road Narrowed
- 24/08/18 Northpark Drive Construction Sequence Changing
- 24/08/08 Northpark Drive Expansion Project Overcoming Hurdles
- 24/06/21 Northpark Expansion Obstacles Finally Being Addressed
- 24/04/21 Northpark Floods at Russell-Palmer Road
- 24/04/19 Entergy Makes Some Progress on Northpark but Significant Issues Remain
- 24/04/07 Northpark Entergy Saga: New Power Poles Slowly Going Up
- 24/04/02 New Entergy Power Poles Finally Arrive on Northpark
- 24/03/29 Northpark Expansion Update; Still No Sign of Entergy
- 24/03/16 First Concrete Poured for Northpark Expansion
- 24/03/09 Entergy Ignores City Deadline to Move Power Lines
- 24/03/08 TXDoT, LHRA Engage Kingwood at Northpark Phase II Meeting
- 24/03/05 Details of Phase II Meeting
- 24/02/27 February ’24 Northpark Expansion Update Including Lane Closures
- 24.02/24 Save the Dates: Public Input Meetings for Diversion Ditch, Northpark Expansion Phase II
- 24/02/20 Entergy Escalates Battle with COH over Northpark
- 24/02/16 Excavation of Second Northpark Detention Basin Well Underway
- 24/02/10 Entergy in City’s Crosshairs, Lane Closures Announced
- 24/02/02 Northpark Tree Transplantation Finished, Drainage Updates
- 24/01/13 Excavation of Northpark Detention Basins Starts
- 24/01/07 What Some Utilities Don’t Understand About the Northpark Expansion Project
- 24/01/04 Northpark Tree Moving Starts; Pond Excavation Next
- 23/12/03 Northpark Expansion Presses Forward While Fighting Entergy Obstacle
- 23/11/17 Contractors Strike Oil at Entry (Illegally dumped years ago)
- 23/11/05 City Approves Northpark Expansion Agreement with Union-Pacific.
- 23/10/26 Project moving forward on multiple fronts
- 23/10/12 Transplanting first tree
- 23/10/02 Clearing of south-side entry for second pond
- 23/09/30 Clearing north-side entry for first pond
- 23/09/23 How plan balances flood mitigation, costs, saving trees
- 23/09/02 New entry design, change in construction plans forced by utility conflicts
- 23/08/17 More drainage for Northpark
- 23/08/02 Ditch clearing stretches halfway to 59 in less than week
- 23/07/25 Northpark construction starts in earnest
- 23/04/13 Groundbreaking
- 22/02/19 Update on expansion project
- 21/07/28 Plan details
Posted by Bob Rehak on 10/2/24
2591 Days since Hurricane Harvey