Russell Palmer crossover will be closed for repaving this weekend.

Northpark Crossover at Russell Palmer Closed Friday through Sunday

10/23/24 – Starting Friday 10/25/24 at 8 PM through Monday 10/28/24 at 5AM, contractors will close the Northpark crossover at Russell Palmer Road to pour new concrete in the median. See location of the X in the diagram below.

That means northbound traffic on Russell Palmer will not be able to turn west (left) toward 59. Nor will westbound traffic on Northpark be able to turn south onto Russell Palmer. In each case, traffic must detour by looping around to another open crossover then doubling back.

 Eastbound and westbound traffic on Northpark drive will not be affected.

In my 10/11 post on Northpark expansion, I implied that Northpark traffic would be closed also. That was a mistake. It will remain open in both directions.

Only area within boundaries of red box will be closed. Picture taken on 10/11 for previous post.

To minimize inconvenience caused by the crossover closure, crews will place rebar and pour concrete directly on compacted dirt, rather than putting asphalt down first.

Utility Conflicts Almost Eliminated

Elsewhere on Northpark, CenterPoint was working to remove the last of its power poles. That means the last of the utility obstacles should soon be out of the way for road construction crews.

Exact Dates of Total Closure, Bridge Construction Still Not Determined

Work is expected to begin on the frontage roads over the UPRR tacks in January. Motorists can expect a 3-day closure of Northpark Drive in either January or February as UPRR crews remove and replace more than 200 feet of railroad tracks.

The exact date of the closure depends on how quickly the railroad crew completes other work. They will also be reconstructing the crossing farther north on the tracks at Knox road. Union Pacific is trying to schedule both projects back to back. 

Construction on the bridge structure itself is still a year away.

Phase-2 Preparations Underway

TxDOT approved the proposed schematics for Phase 2 earlier this year. Phase 2 will:

  • Expand Northpark Drive from Russell Palmer Road to east of Woodland Hills Drive from four to six lanes
  • Replace both bridges at the Kingwood Diversion Ditch
  • Replace the roadway crossing at Ben’s Branch. 
  • Add a 90-acre foot detention basin for more stormwater mitigation and to control flow into the Diversion Ditch.

Now, that TxDOT has approved schematics for Phase 2, LHRA is conducting land surveys, obtaining rights of entry, and preparing documents needed to acquire roadway right-of-way and drainage easements.

Ralph De Leon, TIRZ manager, explained the primary reason for extending the extra lanes east past Woodland Hills. It has to do with drainage, specifically eliminating a huge depression in the roadbed. The road dips from west of the Diversion Ditch almost to Woodland Hills. He said engineers want to establish a consistent elevation between high points.

The purpose of the expansion project is to accommodate growth and create an all-weather evacuation route for 78,000 Kingwood residents.

“All the work we’re doing in Phase 1 would do no good in an evacuation if people couldn’t get to it,” he said.

Red X on left at Bens Branch corresponds to X in elevation profile on right. Source: USGS National Map Viewer.

Construction of Phase 2, however, is still several years away.

For More Information

Consult the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority project pages. Or see these ReduceFlooding posts:

Posted by Bob Rehak on 10/23/24

2612 Days since Hurricane Harvey