Northpark Drive demolition

More of Old Northpark Drive Disappears

1/23/25 – In an effort to build the first all-weather evacuation route from Kingwood along Northpark Drive, contractors this week took a brief break – for the weather. But today, they were back at it. Here’s where things stand in the last full week of January.

Demolition, Drainage and Weather Delay

The Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority/TIRZ 10 has resumed demolishing more of the old Northpark Drive pavement. Contractors already demolished and removed the old northbound lanes on Loop 494 south of Northpark. This afternoon, they were busy scraping away the old eastbound lanes on Northpark itself between the entrance to Kings Mill and Russell Palmer Road.

In other news:

  • Installation of culverts on the north side of Northpark has almost reached the UnionPacific Railroad tracks.
  • A concrete pour between Loop 494 and US59 was only partially completed before the big freeze. It was paused, but rebar is ready when the temperature becomes warm enough to pour concrete again. The ideal temperature for safely pouring concrete is typically between 50°F and 70°F.

Pictures Taken 1/23/25

Here are pictures of the progress taken this afternoon.

Looking east from in front of Northpark Christian Church. Old lanes have been demolished and removed all the way to Russell Palmer Road.
Reverse angle from same location. Demolition extends to Kings Mill entrance.
Drainage on outbound Northpark now extends almost to UPRR tracks visible at top of frame.
Looking South at Loop 494 northbound lanes, also demolished.

Only one of two westbound lanes were poured before cold weather set in.

But another is ready to go when temperatures improve.

Coming Soon

In the next couple weeks, the look-ahead schedule posted on the LHRA website shows that, weather permitting:

  • As soon as the main drainage reaches the UPRR, crews will drop back and begin working on laterals to businesses.
  • After the eastbound roadway is removed, a small storm sewer crew will begin the installation of laterals to the new inlets at the new curb line.
  • Paving crews will continue westbound work between 59 and Loop 494.
  • Crews will demolish the Northbound lanes on Loop 494 north of Northpark.

For More Information

See the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority project web pages. For a history of the project, see these select posts on ReduceFlooding.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 1/23/25

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