US59 at West Fork during Harvey

Study on Flood Inundation Mapping Seeks Focus Group Participants

The Nurture Nature Center, a nonprofit organization in Easton, Pennsylvania, is conducting focus group studies nationwide on National Weather Service hydrologic forecast products for NOAA. Next month, they will conduct a group in the Houston area.

US59 at West Fork during Harvey
Looking S across San Jacinto West Fork toward Humble from over US59 bridge during Harvey.

Purpose of Study

The research team is currently studying new Flood Inundation Mapping Products. The goal: make sure people get the information they need to prepare for possible flooding.

The study will explore the kinds of decisions users will make with new maps. The researchers will use feedback they get to provide recommendations to NWS based on focus group testing about how to:

  • Integrate key information
  • Eliminate confusion
  • Provide clarity.

This is part of a series of focus groups being conducted nationwide. Researchers will conduct this particular group in conjunction with the Houston/Galveston Weather Forecast Office. It will focus on the San Jacinto River Basin.

Focus Group Details

Researchers will hold the San Jacinto focus group:

  • On Tuesday, July 23rd from 6-8 PM
  • At the Jacinto City Branch Library Meeting Room
    921 Akron St
    Houston, TX 77029
  • Refreshments and light snacks provided

Participants will each receive $50.

To qualify, participants must live and/or work in the Houston, TX – San Jacinto River Basin area and be at least 18 years of age.

To Register…

Registration is required and limited to 15 participants.

Please circulate this post to anyone vulnerable to flooding, interested in sharing their experiences, and willing to help improve flood forecast products.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 6/23/24

2490 Days since Hurricane Harvey