More Than Half the Rain This Year Has Fallen in May
According to the rain gage in my back yard, more than half the rain this year has fallen this month. I recorded:
- Year to date = 24.98 inches
- Month to date = 12.72 inches
That’s 51%.
If that’s not impressive enough for you, consider this.
11.19 of the 12.72 inches in May fell this week.
Bob’s backyard rain gage
The week isn’t even over for another 15 hours, and it’s still raining.

This May Compared to 30-Year Average for May
Compare this to the 30-year running average at Bush Intercontinental Airport – 5.09 inches. We’ve already gotten more than twice the average for the month, this week.
May is usually the third wettest month of the year after June (5.93 inches) and October (5.70 inches).
The record for May is 14.39 inches in 1970. That means we’re 1.39 inches short of the record. The NWS predicts another inch may fall today in the Lake Houston Area. And we have another 8 days left in the month with a substantial chance of rain every day through next Wednesday. So this could easily become the new record…at least according to Bob’s backyard gage. (The official one is at the big airport, of course.)
Below are the official stats. They also include norms and extremes for temperature, wind, cloudiness and more.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 5/22/2021 based on information from the National Weather Service
1362 Days since Hurricane Harvey