Tag Archive for: Chris Bloch

Bens Branch Erosion Forces Installation of New Bridge

1/9/25 – The widening of Bens Branch caused by ever-increasing amounts of water coming downstream from new upstream developments has forced the Bear Branch Trail Association to replace an aging wooden bridge with a new $300,000 steel truss bridge.

Old Bridge Between Cedar Knolls and Park Royal in Bear Branch Trail Association. Photo by Chris Bloch.
New steel-truss bridge in same area being hoisted into place today. Photo by Chris Bloch.

The creek has widened from 32 to 50 feet since Tropical Storm Imelda in 2019. The new steel-truss bridge became necessary to accommodate the wider span.

Upstream Growth and Importance of Bridge

Contractors installed the new bridge about a hundred yards south of the Pines Montessori School on Cedar Knolls. It connects Park Royal in Bear Branch Village to Cedar Knolls in Kings Forest Village.

It is also a major connector for foot and bicycle traffic between the western and eastern halves of the 100+ mile Kingwood trail system.

Thousands of residents use it, including students going to/from Bear Branch Elementary, Kingwood High School and Pines Montessori.

The Bens Branch watershed extends northwest all the way up into fast-growing Valley Ranch area in Montgomery County. Over the years, ever-increasing amounts of runoff have widened the watercourse, undermining the supports of pedestrian and street bridges alike.

The Tree Lane Bridge about a 1000 feet upstream from today’s bridge replacement had to have its entire substructure refurbished last year because of excessive erosion. That was at least the third set of repairs since Imelda.

The pedestrian bridge also was pummeled by the power of moving water.

Eroded support for old bridge. Photo by Chris Bloch.

Erosion Also Undercut Trees

During floods in January, May and July last year, erosion also claimed hundreds of trees that fell into the creek, backing water up and contributing to flooding.

Example of erosion just a few feet downstream from new bridge.
Trees hauled out of Bens Branch after Beryl remain stacked on Tree Lane waiting to be hauled away.

Pictures of New Bridge Installation on 1/9/25

The next group of pictures shows the new bridge and its placement today.

Before installation. The new 5,000 pound steel bridge will have concrete poured in the tray surrounding the deck.
The concrete abutments are sunk deep into the ground.
Overhead shot shows riprap stacked on both sides. It will protect the edges of the embankment next to the bridge from erosion.
Wooden “matts” had to be placed under the crane to stabilize it for the heavy lift in rain-soaked soil.
Then a forklift and a backhoe maneuvered the new bridge down the trail to the stream.
As the crane slowly lifted the bridge into position, workers guided it with ropes from a safe distance.
They guided the bridge by hand for the last foot or so to make sure it was squarely seated on steel posts embedded in the concrete.
One whack from a sledgehammer and everything locked into place.

More to Come

Workers still have to:

  • Pour the concrete deck
  • Place the riprap
  • Finish the approaches to the bridge
  • Replant trees destroyed by heavy equipment.

The new bridge should help reduce erosion. The cross section under the bridge increased from 120 square feet before Imelda to 420 square feet with the new design – a 3.5X or 250% increase. That will make it easier for water to flow under the bridge without backing up, causing jetting, or flooding the nearby Montessori school.

The project should be complete by the end of January 2025.

Thanks go to more than 2,800 members of the Bear Branch Trail Association who paid for the new bridge and its engineering. And a special “thank you” goes out to three volunteer members of the BBTA board – Lee Danner, Chris Bloch and Chris Arceneaux. They supervised the installation today in driving rain and near-freezing temperatures. They exemplify a dedication to excellence and community service that makes Kingwood such a wonderful place to live.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 1/9/25 with help from Chris Bloch

2690 Days since Hurricane Harvey

Four Years of Persistence by Flood Activist Finally Paying Off

11/13/24 – Four years of persistence by flood activist Chris Bloch are finally paying off. HCFCD is clearing a drainage ditch blocked by silt and vegetation.

Bloch, who does not live near the ditch, has no financial stake in the clean-out effort. Yet he has stayed on top of the project and gently pushed it along out of concern for Kingwood. His persistence should be an example for everyone everywhere.

Blocked culverts before clean-out began

Effort Began in 2020

Concerned about how flooding could affect the future of his community, Bloch, a retired engineer, began exploring local drainage issues after Harvey and quickly became a flood activist. In 2020, he reported problems related to G-103-36-02.1 to Harris County Flood Control. The unnamed ditch runs from Kingwood Drive to Lake Kingwood, a couple blocks east of Woodland Hills Drive.

Ditch in question (a tributary of Bear Branch) is circled in red. From Harris County Flood Education Mapping Tool.

The ditch is only about 1,500 feet long, but helps drain a much larger area around it, including the major intersection of Kingwood Drive and Woodland Hills. The intersection often floods in heavy rains when water backs up in storm sewers because they are blocked by sediment and silt in the ditch.

Extent of clean-out effort on 11/12/24
Same area from ground level. Note dirt piled up on left bank.

The two thoroughfares are important evacuation routes during major floods. The flooded intersection also causes major inconvenience at other times. In addition, homes, yards and streets along the ditch have flooded multiple times in recent years as it has become increasingly blocked.

Bloch worked with the Kingwood Lakes Community Association to grant access, so that Flood Control could cross Kingwood Lakes Property.

Overcoming One Obstacle After Another

Finally, in 2021, Bloch received an email indicating the Flood Control District was finally going to start a clean-out project in June of that year.

But a railing installed by the City of Houston along a Kingwood Drive sidewalk still blocked access to the site.

It took several months for HCFCD to get permission from the City to remove the railing.

June 2021 came and went, and the project never started.  When Bloch inquired about the delay, he was told they would start in September. That did not happen.

In November, HCFCD told him it had cancelled the project because it did not have “property rights” to the channel. This was despite the fact that HCFCD had posted its signs on the channel. 

Bloch persisted. After investigation, he found the City of Houston originally inherited the channel from the MUD District as a result of annexation. The City agreed to transfer the property to the Flood Control District, but somehow the paperwork was never finalized.

So Bloch approached former District E City Council Member Dave Martin. Martin got the paperwork finalized.

Confusion and Nature Lay Down More Obstacles

Finally, in March 2024, HCFCD admitted they had property rights to the ditch and would reinstate the project. 

But HCFCD indicated it would have to clear vegetation before the project could start. According to Bloch, crews came out to Kingwood, but mistakenly cleared vegetation on a different tributary of the Bear Branch channel.

Before they could straighten that out, Hurricane Beryl further obstructed the proper channel. Several trees and limbs fell into it. 

Bloch worked with a FEMA contractor to make sure they cleared the channel of all tree debris. As a result, HCFCD could finally initiate sediment removal and the project began several weeks ago.

Bloch Remains Vigilant

But Bloch has not let up. He continues to watch the contractor like a hawk. His concern: that sediment piled along the channel’s edge could back water up into yards and homes if we get a heavy rain.

Few people would take on a project like this unless it affected them personally. I find Bloch’s persistence amazing, inspiring and refreshing. I see him popping up at projects I follow all over Kingwood. His activism is a shining example of what it takes to get things done when dealing with multiple entities and overworked bureaucracies. It’s just too easy for things to get lost in the shuffle.

Thank you, Chris Bloch! We need more flood activists like you.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 11/13/24

2633 Days since Hurricane Harvey

Many Eager to Discuss CenterPoint Power Outage Issues

8/4/24 – Yesterday’s post about power disruptions due to “tree touches” drew of flood of responses from all parts of the Lake Houston Area. Many were eager to meet with CenterPoint face-to-face and discuss grievances going back decades.

Among the many responses, one stood out. Chris Bloch, a Bear Branch Trail Association (BBTA) board member, provided a detailed list of problems that his association encounters when trying to work with the company.

I have lightly edited Bloch’s letter for brevity without changing any thoughts. It shows the lengths our unpaid volunteers go to in order to serve their community. I took all photos below today on BBTA property to illustrate the issues Bloch talks about.


The Bear Branch Trail Association property has many power line easements crossing it. In each of the last three years, CenterPoint has had contractors on BBTA property cutting back vegetation. I do not know about other trail associations, but CenterPoint has actively tried to manage their right of way (ROW) through BBTA property.

In all cases, CenterPoint contractors cut back vegetation at a greater width than the CenterPoint easement. We have not objected to that practice as long as it is within reason. But we have encountered several other persistent problems.

Not Removing Debris

In numerous cases, we have identified trees on BBTA property leaning toward power line easements. In some cases, CenterPoint, has taken down the trees, but it is their policy not to remove the debris. We have had to bear the cost of removal or leave it to rot. If the tree is in a highly visible area, we pay to have it removed.

CenterPoint easement through BBTA property behind the Kings Forest Pool. Note debris left behind and tree still leaning over pole.

Working Near Power Lines

At other times, CenterPoint feels BBTA should hire contractors to remove trees near power lines. BBTA contractors are highly qualified and professional, but they often refuse to remove trees near power lines. They fear for their safety. (See photo above.) As we work through these issues, delays can expose the public to higher risk of power outages.

Taking Out the Trash

We also have had a consistent problem with CenterPoint contractors leaving ROW debris on BBTA property.

We document these instances with photos and complain to CenterPoint. They respond by claiming their contractors should have removed the debris.

CenterPoint usually asks us to document locations. Eventually contractors may return to remove debris. But…

We do not feel we should have to supervise CenterPoint contractors. CenterPoint should have their own inspectors monitor contractors’ work.

Chris Bloch, BBTA Board Member
BBTA trail behind Kings Forest Pool

Homeowner Reporting Issues

We actively monitor power line rights of way to identify problems. And we notify CenterPoint when we find them. We feel it’s part of our responsibility. But their own contractors do not seem to report issues to CenterPoint.

And unfortunately, we do not see all the problems. Many originate on adjoining homeowner properties. In my opinion, nearly half of power line damages start there. I suspect the vast majority of homeowners do not report problem trees. And if they did, they would likely not volunteer to have trees removed at their own expense.

Whose Job Is It?

CenterPoint seems to avoid removing trees that threaten power lines if they are not on the CenterPoint ROW. This contributes to the number of trees that fall on power lines.

Giving Notice

And CenterPoint rarely advises us when accessing their right of way through our trails.

CenterPoint often uses BBTA trails to access downed power lines in many locations. (See below.) Their heavy equipment has damaged trails, left deep ruts and created unsightly holes in underbrush. In one case, they even ran over saplings newly planted by students.

Equipment cut across trail and through underbrush to get to Centerpoint easement.

Refusing to Pay for Most Damages

But CenterPoint has refused to pay to repair the damage. They say their out of state contractors are responsible.

BBTA has threatened to sue CenterPoint, but eventually BBTA usually bears the cost of replacing damaged trails.

To reduce this chronic problem, we have now upgraded our specifications for trail repairs to make trails stronger.

In the past, when CenterPoint damaged trees on BBTA property, they donated replacement trees. That’s good. We hope they will respond the same way this time.

Better Management Approach Needed…All Around

Damage to power infrastructure can be much better managed. But it will take a more cooperative approach between CenterPoint, Trail Associations, and Homeowner Associations.

CenterPoint isn’t the only utility that we occasionally grapple with. Comcast damaged greenbelts, too. And it is our understanding that Optimum, Brightspeed and AT&T all plan fiberoptic installations in the near future.

We look forward to resolving these conflicts in a way that benefits all parties.

Chris Bloch

Bear Branch Trail Association Board Member

Posted by Bob Rehak on 8/4/24

2532 days since Hurricane Harvey and 27 since Beryl

CoH Public Works Kicks Off Tree Lane Bridge Rehab Project

City of Houston (COH) Public Works Department held a kick-off meeting with contractors and the Bear Branch Trail Association (BBTA) this morning for the Tree Lane Bridge Rehabilitation Project. Public Works and the contractors outlined plans for the project. They also discussed access through BBTA property and safety protocols.

Chris Bloch (left) and Lee Danner (center) of BBTA met with contractor and Houston Public Works representatives at bridge on 2/21/24.

Construction should begin by mid-March and take approximately 150 days.

Project Scope

The $909,000 project will involve:

  • Creating access areas for equipment
  • Removing all existing concrete under the bridge and along the sidewalls
  • Establishing a 2-foot deep by 32-foot-wide low-flow channel from 20 feet upstream to 20 feet downstream of the bridge
  • Rebuilding wing walls
  • Restoring outfalls for local drainage
  • Restoring the work site and replanting trees.

See the construction plans here.

Safety Warning

Contractors will meet with the Bear Branch Elementary School principal to understand normal drop-off and pick-up times. They will then work around those times to try to minimize traffic interference.

Regardless, the City urged parents to warn children to stay away from the construction zone, which will be on both sides of the bridge. Lots of heavy equipment will be maneuvering in tight spaces with limited visibility near Bear Branch Elementary. Observe all traffic warnings and flag men.

Reason for Project

Embankments under the bridge have degraded significantly in the last 10 years. This is largely because of jetting.

Jetting is caused when water backs up behind a bridge that is too small for the volume of water coming down a stream. Pressure upstream of the bridge forces turbulent water to shoot out the downstream side destroying anything in its way. See six images below taken 2/21/24.

Looking upstream at eastern side of bridge. Jetting has blown out concrete under the bridge.
Damaged storm sewer outfall.
Exposed abutment
Downcutting as floodwater tries to make more room for itself.
Jetting continues to erode a large basin south of the bridge.
Note how narrow creek is upstream (Left). Right = effect of jetting downstream.

It Wasn’t Always This Way

The erosion has started in the last ten years and accelerated with upstream development.

In general, developments increase the time of accumulation of runoff. Compared to a densely developed area, when rain falls on a forest, it trickles its way to the creek. But if it falls on concrete and rooftops, it rushes to the creeks through storm sewers.

For illustration purposes, the graph below shows the actual change along Brays Bayou.

time of accumulation
Change in time of accumulation in Brays Bayou as watershed developed over 85 years.

If development were sufficiently mitigated, post-development runoff would be no higher than pre-development. But given the amount of recent erosion, some development upstream from Tree Lane is likely insufficiently mitigated.

I’ve lived near the Tree Lane Bridge for 40 years. For the first 30, erosion was no problem. Now look at it. Compare the two satellite images below.

In 2014, you could barely see creek.
Same area in 2023.

Chris Bloch, an engineer, says that at the time of Imelda in 2019, the open space under the bridge was 500 square feet. The design approved by COH and Harris County Flood Control District will add approximately 64 square feet in the form of a low-flow channel. Contractors will add that where the stream has already downcut.

If the 500 SF estimate is accurate, another 64 SF would represent a 12.8% increase in the carrying capacity of the channel under the bridge.

Will It Be Enough Conveyance?

This will be the second time in three years that the city has repaired the bridge and its embankments.

The state of the bridge now is worse than it was after Imelda, BEFORE the last repair job. And no storms since Imelda have even came close to Imelda’s magnitude. That means insufficiently mitigated development may have played a role in building flood peaks faster and higher; and undermining the bridge.

So, will 12.8% be enough to eliminate more jetting? Only time will tell. Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

Sign Up for Project Updates

You can sign up for project updates by visiting Houston Public Works’ “Engage Houston” page for this project.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 2/21/24

2367 Days since Hurricane Harvey

CoH Removing Sediment under Northpark Bridges, More Good News on Northpark Expansion

To help accommodate the expansion of Northpark Drive and the Kingwood Diversion Ditch, City of Houston (CoH) contractors are cleaning sediment from under the Northpark Bridges. This effort will eliminate a constriction in the Diversion Ditch that backed stormwater up, forcing it into Bens Branch, flooding people, businesses and schools downstream.

Separately, Week 2 of Northpark Drive expansion has seen other breakthroughs farther west.

  • Cleaning and expansion of the median ditch have reached almost to the UnionPacific (UP) railroad tracks that parallel Loop 494.
  • CoH and UP are also reaching agreements – at long last – that will let contractors move forward with construction at a much faster rate.

See more details and photos below.

Photos of Bridge Clean-out Taken 8/8/23

Looking east toward Woodland Hills at sediment removal project under Northpark bridges.
Side view looking SE toward North Woodland Hills shows more of work under bridge.
Looking west across Diversion Ditch and sediment removal project toward Russell Palmer. Photo by Father TJ Dolce of St. Martha Catholic Church.

8/8/23 Photos of Northpark Ditch Clean-out

Looking East from Northpark median at Public Storage. Note Duncan Donuts on left.
Reverse angle looking West shows remaining distance to UP tracks and Loop 494 at intersection.

The ditch clean-out will make room for 5′ x 7′ box culverts like those you see below. Workers have now buried all of the round concrete pipe stockpiled last week. They have also cut through concrete in the crossover between the fireworks stand and Flowers of Kingwood.

Steel cofferdam prevents wall collapse, protects workers in ditch.

The “step-down” from the box culverts to the round concrete pipe (now buried) will provide in-line stormwater detention during heavy rains that helps reduce flood potential in the receiving ditch, i.e., the Diversion Ditch.

UP and CoH Near Agreement on Access Rights

According to Ralph De Leon, project manager for the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority and TIRZ 10, CoH and UP have come to terms on one agreement and are close to finalizing a second.

The first covers covers maintenance and construction. It will let contractors drill under the railroad tracks to address utility issues. Cost: $2.2 million.

The second agreement covers vertical and horizontal easements. Cost: under $200 thousand. The easements will let contractors build a bridge and access roads over the tracks.

However, it will also require the TIRZ to purchase two additional tracts of land north and south of Northpark at the railroad tracks.

Resident Reacts to Sediment Removal in Diversion Ditch

Flood activist and Kingwood resident Chris Bloch lauded the CoH sediment removal under the Northpark Bridge. He called it, “Great news for Kingwood!” 

“Removal of the sediment under the Northpark bridges will substantially recover conveyance capacity of the Diversion Ditch,” he added. “When the water level in the Diversion Ditch touches the bottom of the Northpark bridges, the bridge acts as a dam and water levels upstream rise rapidly.”  That forces water into Bens Branch, threatening homes and businesses on either side of it.

Remembering Stan Sarman

Bloch worked with former TIRZ president Stan Sarman, who was also an engineer, to approach Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin and CoH about the need for this project. They agreed that sediment removal from the Diversion Ditch under the Northpark Bridges would help reduce flood risk in Woodland Hills, Hunters Ridge, Bear Branch and Kings Forest.  

Martin’s office arranged for the purchase order to get this project done.

Bloch took video during Imelda and shared it with Sarman, who had the original drawings of the bridge and channel from 1972. He is quick to give credit to Sarman who has since passed away. “I am not sure most Kingwood residents appreciate all Sarman did for Kingwood,” said Bloch.

This project and the repair of the channel under the Tree Lane Bridge are valued at nearly $1 million dollars.

Up Next

The LHRA/TIRZ are now providing weekly updates of construction activity so you can see what’s coming next.

Come back soon for more updates. The Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority will hold a public board meeting Thursday at 8 a.m. at the Kingwood Community Center to discuss this and other business.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 8/9/2023

2171 Days since Hurricane Harvey

Sinkholes Often Sign of Damaged Storm Drains

Most of us have seen sinkholes. And most of us have probably given little thought to what causes them.

Retired engineer Chris Bloch, a local flood fighter, measured a 13-foot deep sinkhole near Taylor Gulley earlier this year that had become overgrown with vegetation. Working with the City of Houston and a local homeowner who first reported the problem, they found the sinkhole related to a nearby storm drain.

Bloch lowered this length of PVC pipe into the Taylor Gully sinkhole to measure the depth. Note how the hole had become overgrown with vegetation.

Other things can cause sinkholes, but in this area and in this part of the world, “storm drain gone bad” ranks high on the list of things to investigate.

Corrugated Pipe Commonly Used At Outfalls When Kingwood Built

According to Bloch, when Friendswood built Kingwood, they commonly used corrugated metal pipe (CMP) at storm sewer outfalls. CMP has an expected service life of approximately 35 years, says Bloch. And corrosion commonly causes failure at older outfalls constructed with such pipe.

For example, see the section of pipe below. This photo was taken on Ben’s Branch, not Taylor Gully, but it shows how the pipe rusted, bent, and crimped. Also look just to the right of the wooden posts, and you can even see a large hole in the pipe. It even tilts upward before it reaches the creek.

Corrugated metal pipe replaced earlier this year as part of a project to restore the conveyance of Bens Branch between Rocky Woods and Kingwood Drive. This area also developed a sinkhole near the manhole.

Taylor Gully Sinkhole One of Many In Area

Bloch frequently walks ditches looking for sinkholes to report to the City. He says he’s aware of at least five right now.

The 72-inch outfall to Taylor Gully serviced drainage area G03408-00-OUT which encompasses all of Greenriver Valley Drive and Mountain Bluff Lane as well as portions of Appalachian Trail, Natural Bridge and Echo Falls Drives. That area comprises 33.4 acres. See below.

Service area for damaged outfall encompasses 33.4 acres where several homes flooded.

The transition from a 72-inch concrete storm sewer to the 72-inch CMP outfall is at a manhole on the edge of the Taylor Gully right of way. See below.

Over the years, the CMP at the connection to the manhole failed. The earth above the failed pipe washed into the outfall and then downstream where it helped reduce the conveyance of Taylor Gully.

Repairs Started But Not Complete

The City of Houston has already repaired several storm sewers with failed corrugated metal outfalls. At least five additional storm sewer outfalls with sinkholes have been identified that have not yet been repaired.

Vegetation frequently hides the presence of these sinkholes. In addition to posing a danger to citizens walking along the banks of the drainage channels, the soil that falls into the sewer can be held up by the corrugations of the metal pipe reducing the flow capacity of the sewer, says Bloch.

Even without obstruction from soil falling into a sewer outfall, the rough surface of the corrugated metal pipe generates greater friction than smooth concrete. The friction slows the flow of storm water and reduces flow capacity which becomes critical during high intensity rains that cause street flooding.

Bloch somehow convinced the City of Houston Public Works Department to replace the damaged CMP at Taylor Gully with concrete pipe. See below.

“This upgrade in the outfall piping will significantly improve the flow capacity of the storm sewer system,” says Bloch.

Concrete pipe replaced CMP at the location of the 13-foot sinkhole on Taylor Gully. Installed by City of Houston Public Works Department after HCFCD repaired Gully.

Concrete Better for New Atlas-14 Rainfall Intensities

When Friendswood Development installed stormwater sewers in Kingwood, they met standards which applied at that time. With new Atlas-14 rainfall projections, we now understand that we should expect more rainfall. Several homes along Appalachian Trial suffered flood damage during Tropical Storm Imelda.

How to Report Sinkholes When You Find Them

As they say, it takes a village to reduce flooding. Now that you know the story behind sinkholes…

If you jog or walk along drainage ditches, exercise caution. Look out for developing sinkholes. And report them to 3-1-1 when you find them. They can pose dangers to children and even grown adults. To put that in perspective, Bloch (shown in the first photo) is more than 6 feet tall, but the sinkhole dwarfs him.

For More Information about Sinkholes

I highly recommend:

The US Geological Survey has an in-depth discussion of different types of sinkholes in different parts of the country and how each forms. This is geared toward students in science classes.

This NBC News story on YouTube has some spectacular examples of sinkholes in Florida along with easy to understand animations that show how they form.

Another 7 minute YouTube video from a series called Practical Engineering focuses on how sinkholes form. It contains both real world examples and table-top experiments that bring the processes to life.

Posted by Bob Rehak based on information and photos provided by Chris Bloch

1492 Days since Hurricane Harvey

City Repairing Storm Sewer Outfalls

One of the most often overlooked points of failure in drainage systems is the lowly storm sewer outfall. When rain flows into the storm sewer on your street, it travels through pipes underground until it reaches the “outfall” at a stream or drainage ditch. If the outfall becomes blocked or damaged, it can back water up and contribute to street flooding.

Often, the damage to the outfall is so remote and difficult to find, that unless someone makes it his or her specific mission, it can go undetected.

Chris Bloch Takes on the Mission

Luckily for Kingwood residents, retired engineer Chris Bloch has made it his mission to identify damaged outfalls and bring them to the attention of the City of Houston. In his quest to help the Kingwood community, Bloch has trudged through mud, muck, brambles and underbrush for years. But his persistence has finally started paying dividends.

Recently the City repaired four outfalls that empty into Bens Branch. The repairs coincided with Harris County Flood Control District’s project to restore conveyance of the channel between Rocky Woods and Kingwood Drive. The result: reduced flood risk to surrounding neighborhoods.

Locations of four outfalls recently repaired by City of Houston in conjunction with HCFCD restoration of Bens Branch

Below: pictures before and after the repairs.

Outfall #1: Cedar Knolls At Woods Estates

Outfall #1 before repairs. Severe erosion exposed then partially severed pipe. The erosion resulted from churning water behind a logjam in the natural section of Bens Branch.
The logjam that created the erosion has since been removed by HCFCD.
Outfall #1 drained approximately 10.7 acres.
The outfall repaired by the City was upstream of HCFCD’s Ben’s Branch restoration project. Of the two other outfalls in this photo, HCFCD repaired the one in the foreground and the City repaired the one in the middle. See Outfall #4 for more info on that one.

Outfall #2: Laurel Garden and Bens Branch

At point #2, drain pipe had cracked and was pushed upward, causing water to back up.
How the same outfall looks today.

A sinkhole also developed along this line. That usually results from part of the pipe collapsing in on itself. Dirt above the hole then erodes into the pipe. The City plans to address the sinkhole now that Flood Control has finished its work.

Outfall #3: Wildwood Ridge Near Deerbrook

According to Bloch, this area originally had 22 feet of corrugated metal pipe and another 50 feet of concrete pipe sections that failed. Erosion undercut the pipe and washed it away.

Outfall #3 before repairs.
Outfall #3 before repairs.

As erosion widened and deepened the area around the destroyed pipe and a manhole, trees fell into the widening “ditch.” The blockages caused the water to churn, creating even more erosion.

Below is the “after” shot. Instead of replacing all the pipe, the City created a wider ditch that will greatly improve street drainage in this watershed.

The area eroded by the damage to outfall #3 has been replaced by a side ditch. It will provide more than enough conveyance to handle water exiting the 36″ pipe.

In the picture above, the rocks surrounding the outfall are called riprap. Riprap is a permanent layer of large, angular stone, cobbles, or boulders typically. Riprap armors, stabilizes, and protects the soil surface against erosion and scour in areas of concentrated flow, such as at outfalls.

The storm sewer outfall #3 services a drainage area of 28.6 acres.

Outfall #4: East Side of Bens Branch at Rocky Woods and Wildwood Ridge

During a storm, the cover on this manhole blew off. Later, young people threw wood into the open manhole and started fires while they drank beer.

Before repairs. The manhole acted as a chimney that made it easy to have a roaring fire.
People also threw beer cans and other debris into the manhole.

Eventually the sewer line became completely blocked according to the City. As a result, storm water backed further up the line. Increased pressure lifted covers off of all upstream manholes. In addition, the pressure forced storm water out between the concrete pipe joints and created a number of sinkholes.

Due to all of this damage approximately 580 feet of 24-inch sewer line and three manholes had to be replaced by the City. This is probably one of the most expensive cases of vandalism Kingwood has experienced.

Chris Bloch

With the line completely blocked, it was of no use and storm water runoff from this area would flow further down Wildwood Ridge where several homes suffered flood damage.

The old outfall.
Outfall #4 after repairs. Note also replacement of the manhole. Not shown: the 580 feet of other repairs including more manholes.
The drainage area serviced by this sewer is only 5.6 acres, the 24-inch line was more than adequate for this acreage.

Kudos to the City and Bloch

These are just four of several repairs underway. More news to follow.

Thanks to the City of Houston, Mayor Pro Tem and District E Council Member Dave Martin, and his staff for coordinating these repairs with the Public Works Department. Residents will sleep much better in the next big storm.

Thanks also to Chris Bloch for his tireless efforts in reporting these issues. If you find similar problems near your home or business, please report them through the contact page on this web site. I’ll make sure they get to Chris who will make sure they get to the people who can help.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 4/18/2021 based on information and photos collected by Chris Bloch

1328 Days since Hurricane Harvey

City Quietly Cleaning Out Culverts Under Kingwood Drive Thanks to Local Activist

Chris Bloch, an engineer and Kingwood resident, has become a flood-control activist in his retirement. I often run into Chris inspecting ditches, streams and culverts for blockages and collapsed outfalls. Chris also works with the Bear Branch Trail Association which owns property along many of the channels and streams cutting through Kings Forest, Bear Branch, and Hunters Ridge.

Activist Extraordinaire

For the last several months, Chris has focused intensely on blocked channels that contributed to the flooding of 110 homes in Kings Forest during Harvey. Where the channels cross under Kingwood Drive, three had become almost totally blocked by vegetation and silt. That contributed to backing water up into homes. See below.

Ditch at Shady Run and Kingwood Drive before clean-out. Photo courtesy of Chris Bloch.

Chris meticulously photographed the problems, began researching which entities were responsible for which portions of the channels, and in the case above, contacted the City of Houston. The City has responsibility for the medians and sides of Kingwood Drive and other streets. His persistence paid off.

In October, the City began cleaning out the ditch near Shady Run and Kingwood Drive.

Vacuum truck photographed at same location on 10/3/2020

Here’s what that part of the channel looks like today.

Same ditch after clean-out. Photo courtesy of Chris Bloch.

End-to-End Inspections

Chris is tenacious, tireless, and wide ranging. He looks at ditches from end to end. In this case, he’s also trying to get the Flood Control District to escalate clean-out of the ditch south of Kingwood Drive. Reduced conveyance through that reach could also have contributed to flooding in Kingwood Lakes.

Bloch says he has also identified twenty storm-drain outfalls that need repair. “It doesn’t make any difference if the storm sewers are clear if the water in them can’t get to ditches and streams,” he says.

You Be an Activist, Too

Activists like Chris make Kingwood the great place it is. They help identify local problems for government and make the case for addressing them.

As you hike through our greenbelts and along channels, keep your eyes open for developing problems:

  • Collapsed outfalls into ditches
  • Eroded banks
  • Vegetation and silt blocking culverts
  • Developing sinkholes
  • Fallen trees damming streams

Be an activist like Chris. Take pictures and report them to the appropriate authorities. That will usually be the City or Flood Control.

You, too, can make a difference.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 11/15/2020

1174 Days since Hurricane Harvey

Save the Date: Kingwood Area Drainage Analysis

Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) will hold a Virtual Community-Engagement Meeting for the Kingwood Area Drainage Analysis project: 10/20 at 6:30 PM.

Study Purpose

The purpose: to inform residents about the status of the project and share findings to date.

The Kingwood Area Drainage Analysis focuses on “evaluating the existing drainage level of service for the 32.3-mile open channel network within the greater Kingwood area and identifying the drainage infrastructure which will improve the network’s level of service.” 

What That Means

The San Jacinto River Master Drainage Study examined the major streams around Kingwood. But this study examined every stream and ditch within Kingwood. From Taylor Gully, Ben’s Branch and the Diversion Ditch on down to the smallest ones.

When originally constructed, engineers designed ditches to convey a 100-year rain without flooding homes or businesses. However, over time, many have filled in with sediment – often so gradually, the process is invisible. Such ditches may need cleaning out. See below.

Ditch between Valley Manor and Twin Grove where it goes under Kingwood Drive. Capacity dramatically reduced by sedimentation and vegetation. Photo courtesy of Chris Bloch.

Also, new upstream development, such as Woodridge Forest and Woodridge Village, may be contributing additional stormwater to ditches during heavy rains. So those ditches may need expansion.

Instead of being able to safely convey a 100-year rain, ditches now might only be able to convey, for example, a 25- or 50-year rain because of such factors.

“Identifying drainage infrastructure which will improve the network’s level of service” means “figuring out what it will take to make them safely convey a 100-year rain again.”

Partially Funded by Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority

The Flood Control District has entered an interlocal agreement with the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority (TIRZ 10) to partially fund this drainage study. Bonds approved by Harris County voters on August 25, 2018, have funded the rest.

Public Participation Important

Community engagement is an important component of the Bond Program. You live here. You know where the problems are and how high water gets. Your participation is necessary to ensure your safety. Speak up now BEFORE HCFCD begins implementing the program.

If you know of a problem HCFCD is not addressing, you need to tell them.

The virtual Community-Engagement Meeting will be held on: 

  • Tuesday, October 20, 2020 
  • 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Join online at PublicInput.com/Kingwood
  • Or by phone at 855-925-2801 with Meeting Code: 9541

Meeting Format and Other Details

The meeting will begin with a brief presentation to share project updates, followed by a moderated Q&A session with Flood Control District team members. 

You can submit questions and comments throughout the presentation. Any comments not addressed during the Q&A session will receive a response after the event.

A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the Flood Control District’s website and YouTube channel after the event. 

Meeting accommodations can be made for those with disabilities. If needed, please contact 346-286-4152 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

The Kingwood Area Drainage Analysis Technical Report Executive Summary will be available online prior to the October 20, 2020, Community Engagement Meeting at www.hcfcd.org/F14.

For questions, please contact the Flood Control District at 346-286-4000, or fill out the comment form online at www.hcfcd.org/F14.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 10/7/2020

1135 Days after Hurricane Harvey