Wetlands Once Covered Area Where 138 Nesting Birds Were Slaughtered, Maimed
Last weekend, a contractor killed or maimed 138 nesting egrets and herons in the Cypress Towne Lake Area while clearing land. Little surprise the birds were nesting there. That area was once pockmarked with wetlands that are rapidly being developed.
Wetlands provide free stormwater retention. They also provide valuable habitat that supports a remarkable level of biodiversity. In terms of the number and variety of species supported, wetlands rival rainforests and coral reefs. Trouble is, they also provide cheap land for developers. That brings people into direct conflict with wildlife.

Nesting waterfowl make a pretty good biologic indicator of wetlands.
Property Rights vs. Right to Life and Right to Information
By law, it’s illegal to disturb migratory birds such as herons and egrets while they are nesting. But the contractors in question did not respect that law even though they could have waited a month or two.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for property rights. And I support responsible development. But that means finding balance. Balance sustains life. It also provides beauty that supports property values. Would you rather raise your kids in biological barrens? Or in close to nature in a place teeming with life?
Finally I believe in the right to information that helps people make informed decisions and markets self-regulate. For instance, if people fully knew the flood risk on a piece of property before buying it, that knowledge could reduce demand, perhaps moderate prices, and discourage future development of wetlands.
But sadly, flood potential is often the last thing buyers look at. At closing, they’re probably provided with a survey that shows they’re above the base-flood elevation (aka the 100-year or 1%-annual-chance floodplain). Then it’s “Where do I sign?” And, “When can I move in?”
That the home might have been built on wetlands is the farthest thing from their minds…until the foundation settles, the walls crack, and doors and windows start to stick.
Where to Learn about Property Built on Wetlands
But a little investigation with free apps or on public websites, might help buyers drive harder bargains that would pay for the foundation leveling they will probably need eventually.

Cypress Towne Lakes is a miracle of engineering that created livable space out of areas that once were wetlands. But the developer’s website shows only impressive homes and amenities, including a chain of lakes. It mentions none of the area’s natural history.
“You Can’t Outsmart Nature”
A wise banker once told me, “You can’t outsmart nature. Nature always wins. We need to give Mother Nature her room.” Perhaps that’s why his bank has almost a billion dollars in assets.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 5/19/22
1724 Days since Hurricane Harvey
The thoughts expressed in this post represent opinions on matters of public concern and safety. They are protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Anti-SLAPP Statute of the Great State of Texas.