Tag Archive for: Eberle

Porter Dam Rapidly Becoming Porter Trench

Two days ago, I posted about the “Porter Dam.” The dam was actually an undersized culvert under a road to nowhere that backed water up for blocks. After the December 7th rain, dozens of properties flooded. Yesterday, demolition of the offending culvert started. The demo gave residents an early Christmas present. I went by there again this morning to check the progress. I saw this.

As of Saturday, Dec. 22, 2018, at 10:15 a.m., the Porter Dam had turned into the Porter Trench. Excavation of the undersized culvert continued.

Hopefully, their removal, will eliminate flooding like you see below after the 4.5 inch rain we had on Dec. 7.

Flooding on East Knox in Porter near Loop 494 after a 4.5″ rain on December 7th. Caused by an undersized culvert that backed water up for blocks. Photo courtesy of Mike Eberle.

Mike Eberle of Mike’s Hobby Shop on East Knox sent me these pics at the end of Saturday. They show the progress that the crew made during the day.

Downstream trench at end of Saturday. Photo courtesy of Mike Eberle.
Mid-trench at end of Saturday.  Photo courtesy of Mike Eberle.
Upstream end of trench at end of day on Saturday. Photo courtesy of Mike Eberle.

It’s unclear at this time whether workers will install a larger culvert or just eliminate the Road to Nowhere altogether. I will continue to follow the story.

Street flooding, such as this blockage caused, can devastate homes and businesses every bit as much as river flooding. It only takes an inch of water to cause months worth of repair work.

This morning I learned of several more instances of tragic street flooding in Porter near Sorters Road. Apparently a broken or collapsed storm drain flooded the homes below repeatedly. Montgomery County has not fixed the drain despite repeated pleas from homeowners.

One home owner, a retired Marine, flooded five times in five years. His neighbors, a middle aged couple, flooded ten times in ten years.

Street flooding caused by another bad culvert. Photo courtesy of Tammy Gunnels.

The couple invested more than a quarter million dollars trying to flood-proof their home and virtually wiped out their life savings.

Let’s hope Montgomery County fixes that drain soon…as fast as TexDoT jumped on the Porter Dam problem.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 12/22, 2018

480 Days since Hurricane Harvey

The Porter Dam: Road to Nowhere (Except Flooding)

Mike Eberle, a local entrepreneur owns Lakeside Plumbing, Gulf Coast Raceway and Mike’s Hobby Shop in Porter just off 494 on Knox. He arrived at work on December 8th to find his plumbing business flooded and his other two businesses surrounded by water.

Ditch Backing Up

This time, the culprit wasn’t Harvey or the San Jacinto River; Eberle’s businesses lie more than 3.5 miles from the river. It was someone who built a needless road over a drainage ditch. Because the capacity of the culvert under the road did not match the capacity of culverts farther up the ditch, water backed up for blocks. It flooded surrounding properties including homes, businesses and a church.

Properties flooded by constriction of drainage ditch. Photo by Mike Eberle.
Flooded lot at Gulf Coast Raceway. Mike’s Hobby Shop and Lakeview Plumbing are on same property in background. Photo by Mike Eberle.
Nearly submerged mailboxes show depth of flooding. Photo by Mike Eberle.

The Ditch Constriction

According to Eberle’s son, TexDoT permitted the Road to Nowhere (see below), which Eberle dubbed “The Porter Dam.” Eberle’s son says TexDoT told him that the permit should never have been issued. Supposedly, TexDoT will rip the road out on Friday, December 21. This should make an early and welcome Christmas gift to the neighbors up-ditch who flooded.

The Road to Nowhere crosses a ditch only to end at a detention pond. Photo taken after flood.

On the Road to Nowhere, Eberle looked up the ditch toward his property during the flood. Below is what he saw – water everywhere.

Above the ditch, water backed up for blocks.

Below the ditch…he saw a much different story.

Below the ditch, looking south, the water level was much lower, proving that construction constricted the flow.

Several days after the floodwater receded, you could see why, Note the size of the culverts above the road. In contrast, here’s what the culvert under the Road to Nowhere looks like.

The new culvert has much less capacity.

Property Owner

According to the Montgomery County Appraisal District, the Road to Nowhere is on property owned by Randal A Tr Hendricks, 400 Randal Way in Spring. Hendricks Interests, LLC, also at that address, promotes itself as a developer of residential and commercial properties and has been doing business since 1978. Hendricks currently lists eleven pad sites for sale in the Kroger Center at North Park and 59, slightly south of the Road to Nowhere.

One can only speculate why someone would build a useless road that backed water up onto neighbor’s property.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 12/20/2018

478 Days since Hurricane Harvey