New Sand Mining BMPs needed to offset sediment pollution.

Better Sand-Mining BMPs Needed to Control Sediment Pollution

1/13/25 – The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has proposed new Best Management Practices (BMPs) for mining in response to a mandate from the 2023 session of the Texas Legislature. However, in my opinion, the recommended BMPs will do little to nothing to help control sediment pollution from mines in the Lake Houston Area.

The BMPs feel like little more than a half-hearted attempt on the part of a reluctant regulator to create the illusion of environmental protection.

You can find the proposed BMPs at this page on the TCEQ website. You may submit comments on them electronically. To be considered, TCEQ must receive your input by 11:59 p.m. on January 24, 2025. Your email should reference “APO BMP List Proposal.”

Please let the TCEQ know what you think even if you disagree with me.

Notable Omissions

The TCEQ’s recommended BMPs do not really address the biggest mining issues we have in the upper San Jacinto watershed.

I urge you to urge TCEQ to develop BMPs that address:

  • Discharge of sediment-laden water
  • Pit capture (when a river starts flowing through a mine)
  • Periodic flooding.

The proposed BMPs do not cover these issues at all.

The final report of a TCEQ investigation into a West Fork pit capture last year didn’t even mention the phrase. Do they not consider it a problem? I sure wish the TCEQ could enlighten us on this issue. I documented seven instances of pit capture in the Lake Houston watershed last year alone. There may have been more; many mines are in remote, difficult-to-access locations.

Sediment Pollution Reduces Water Quality, Increases Flood Risk

All three of the bullet points above add up to a big problem called “sediment pollution.” Dredging costs for the City of Houston and Army Corps approached $200 million dollars as of October 2023. Better BMPs would likely have reduced or delayed that expenditure of public funds.

dredging cost summary
At an October 2023 town hall meeting in Kingwood, Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin presented this summary showing dredging costs totaling $186 million.

But those costs paled in comparison to the damages to 13,000 homes and businesses that flooded in the Lake Houston Area behind giant sand bars that formed sediment dams at the mouths of the East and West Forks of the San Jacinto.

Nor do the costs reflect extra water filtration at the City’s Northeast Water Purification plant.

To be fair, nature causes some erosion. The question is whether local mining practices accelerate it.

Photos of Sediment Pollution Related to Discharges, Pit Capture and Flooding

See the pictures below. I will submit these as part of my comments on the draft BMPs. Feel free to submit them as part of yours, too.

Confluence West Fork and Spring Creek near US59 Bridge. This is a frequent sight. Twenty square miles of mines are upstream on the right in a 20-mile reach of the river.
San Jacinto East Fork capturing a mine in Plum Grove.
Effluent from the Hallett Mine settling pond (white in upper right) on San Jacinto West Fork escaping into adjacent property owned by others.
Close up of same effluent from same pond
Dike of abandoned Williams Brothers Mine (upper right) eroded by the San Jacinto West Fork (lower left) about to give way…
…was taken out by flooding from Hurricane Beryl shortly after I took the photo above this one.

Hallett sold the San Jacinto West Fork sand pit below to a real estate developer. Within months, the river captured the pit.

West Fork flows into the pit at the north end
…and flows out at the south end.
The pit in question is to the right of the S-turn in the river (middle). Here you can see both the entry (lower right) and exit (upper right) breaches in the dikes.

River Speed During Floods High Enough to Stir Up and Carry Even Largest Particles of Sand

Now, let’s discuss the speed of floodwaters and whether it’s sufficient to entrain sand in pits and carry it downstream.

Flood inundated both sides of the West Fork during May 2024. My drone measured logs floating through the captured pit at 5 MPH, more than fast enough to scoop up and carry off the largest grains of sand and other sediment. See below.
Industry-standard graph shows the speed necessary to erode, transport and deposit sand/sediment of different particle sizes. Blue line indicates measured speed of water. Red indicates range of typical sand sizes.
Another West Fork pit capture at the Hallett Mine after floodwaters receded. Notice how natural channel of the river has been virtually cut off.
Effluent from the Hallett Mine (upstream in upper right) polluting the West Fork at the Northpark/Oakhurst Ditch (middle foreground). Water flows right to left.
Reverse angle shows proximity of pollution to homes.
Same ditch blocked by sand increases flood risk for those homeowners.
Farther downstream, the Kingwood Diversion Ditch (top middle) also became blocked by sediment. A Harris County Flood Control District study found that the Diversion Ditch was one of the two most dangerous flooding problems in Kingwood.
Broken dike at the Triple PG sand mine in Porter. Industrial waste water is flowing out of the mine into White Oak Creek which joins Caney Creek and the San Jacinto East Fork before flowing into Lake Houston.

Horrifying! Aren’t they? The truly horrifying part is that I have thousands of similar shots. These are not isolated instances.

This is THE biggest environmental problem in the Lake Houston Area. We have industrial waste polluting the drinking water supply for 2 million people and the TCEQ BMPs don’t even address the problem.

Please register your opinion with the TCEQ at: Help improve the quality of life for your family and community.

Don’t forget to reference “APO BMP List Proposal” when you submit the web form. Greater setbacks of mines from rivers could solve all the problems discussed above.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 1/13/25

2694 Days since Hurricane Harvey

The thoughts expressed in this post represent opinions on matters of public concern and safety. They are protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Anti-SLAPP Statute of the Great State of Texas.