Rosie Takes Ride on Harvey Cruise Line

Denise Faulkner sent this picture in via’s Submissions page. It gets my vote for the funniest Harvey photo ever. I call it “Rosie Takes a Ride on the Harvey Cruise Line.”

Rosie the Dog on the Harvey Cruise Line during Harvey

Here’s the backstory. The dog, Rosie, belong’s to Denise’s mother. She parked the dog on this floating foam cushion while collecting her “essentials” before evacuation. How ingenious! A short while later, they were rescued on the jet ski you see in the background in the doorway.

According to Denise, Rosie did great during and after Harvey. She survived the storm and bounced back without any trauma or drama. Dogs are great in that respect. All they need is a little food, a lot of love, and a warm place to sleep.

It’s hard to find comedy in the middle of tragedy. But now that the hurt of Harvey is 952 days in the past, this photo gave me a belly laugh. I hope the Harvey Cruise Line and Rosie at least make you smile.

If you have flood pictures that you would like to share with the world, please send them in via the Submissions page.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 4/7/2020 with thanks to Denise Faulkner

952 Days after Hurricane Harvey