Tag Archive for: flood debris

Special City of Houston Procedures for Flood Debris Pickup and Drainage Concerns

Dave Martin, City Council Member, asks residents to follow these special procedures to help ensure prompt pickup of Imelda-related flood debris.

Step 1

Please encourage friends, neighbors and community associations to report structural flooding, drainage concerns, and debris removal requests to Houston 3-1-1 by calling (713) 837-0311.

For the second time in four months, residents are piling storm debris at their curbs.

To bypass the beginning message, press 1 for English, then press 0 to speak with an operator.

The operators job is to simply log the request and provide a service request number.

Step 2

Once the operator provides the service request number, contact Martin’s office by emailing districte@houstontx.gov. In that email, provide any supplemental information (pictures, descriptions, etc.) relevant to your situation.

If you have specific questions, please email Martin’s office at districte@gmail.com. They don’t want anyone to get overlooked. Following these procedures will help them track your request, so his staff can help ensure prompt followup.

Starts Monday, 9/23

Solid Waste Department will begin storm debris pickup on Monday, September 23.

Residents may begin placing storm debris at the curb. Make sure it is not blocked by any vehicles or nearby mailboxes.

Keep Streets Clear for Heavy Trash Vehicles

Keep roadways clear to ensure trash vehicles can pass through. Please avoid street parking if possible.

Starting Monday 9/23, park off street if possible to allow heavy trash vehicles to help you.



  • Report all Houston storm debris by calling (713-837-0311).
  • Following the report, please email districte@houstontx.gov with the service request number and your address.

Martin’s staff will compile this information to provide to Solid Waste to expedite debris cleanup as much as possible.

Please let them know if there is anything they can do to help.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 9/20/2019

752 Days since Hurricane Harvey