Tag Archive for: flood claims

City and MoCo Offer NFIP Flood Claims Workshop with FEMA

Houston Council Member Dave Martin announced that the City of Houston and Montgomery County will host a flood claims workshop from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19, 2019.

  • Kingwood Community Center
  • 4102 Rustic Woods
  • Kingwood, Texas 77345

This event is for anyone (resident or business owner) who has: a) suffered flood damages, b) has flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and c) has questions about the policy claims process. FEMA representatives will be available to provide resources and answer questions. It does not matter what event caused the flood damage. Although the time has passed for submitting a Harvey claim, some people may still be struggling with the process. If they are protesting a settlement, they might benefit from this event.

Melissa Sturgis #4. Treasured antiques 3 generations back from New England are on this curb. Furniture and collectibles from 8 years overseas in Malaysia, London and Russia.
Melissa Sturgis’ home after Harvey
Flooded home in Elm Grove after May 7th rain.

For more information please contact the District E Office at DistrictE@houstontx.gov or Diane Cooper, Montgomery County Floodplain Administrator at Diane.Cooper@mctx.org.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 6/7/19

647 Days since Hurricane Harvey and One Month since May 7th