Crenshaw Coordinating Gift Card Drive for Flood Victims, May 11, 10-Noon, at Second Baptist Church

U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw is in a new fight now – to help provide flood relief.
Elm Grove had hundreds of flash flood victims this week; other villages had smaller numbers.
Gift Cards Needed
“Few of the victims had flood insurance,” said Crenshaw. “Let’s come together as a community to help our neighbors, just as we did after Hurricane Harvey. Please drop off gift cards that can help people recover. In the parking lot of Building B at Second Baptist on US59 this Saturday from 10 to 12.”
Always appreciated at times like these: gift cards for restaurants, hardware stores, and clothes. No amount is too large or small. Think about what you needed after Harvey. Thank you for helping.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 5/10/19
619 Days after Hurricane Harvey