Tag Archive for: Exxon Land Development

Chain Link Fencing at Laurel Springs RV Resort Would Not Meet Exxon Land Development Commercial Guidelines

Since my last post on the Laurel Springs RV Resort, contractors have erected approximately 2000 feet of chain link fence, much of it within feet of Laurel Springs Lane. Exxon Land Development Commercial Development Guidelines generally prohibited chain link fencing except in rare instances where the fence was “not visible from the street or adjacent property.” See Section II-9-3 Screen Walls and Fencing and the pictures below.

Chain link fence along Laurel Springs Lane. Looking north. Photo taken 2/26.
Chain link fence between Edgewater Park and RV Park.

Because Exxon never owned this property, it was not subject to the deed restrictions that apply to Kingwood. So I’m not alleging anything illegal. However, the developer has disregarded community norms. Those deed restrictions give the Kingwood Area its distinctive character. Disregarding them has not endeared the developer to neighbors.

Other “Improvements”

The developer also made several other “improvements” in the last few days. He has:

  • Removed more trees
  • Brought in more dirt to raise the property even higher above Lakewood Cove
  • Approximately doubled the area covered by concrete
  • Finally erected a silt fence on the west side by the utility corridor, five months into construction
  • Hydroseeded the south bank of the detention pond and northern part of Edgewater Park where they cut down trees…after severe erosion caused Harris County to threaten a lawsuit.

However, there still appears to be no effort to replant the trees they cut in Edgewater Park. Nor have they placed permanent pumps to drain the retention pond; they’re still attempting to do that with portable pumps.

Photos Taken 3/28/2022

Here’s how the site looked tonight.

The amount of concrete virtually doubled. They poured the dark gray area in the foreground last Saturday. A swimming pool will go between the concrete and the building under construction.
More downed trees litter the northern part of the property. Trucks have been bringing in more dirt to fill in low spots which became apparent after last week’s 2″ rain.
That blue/green material is called hydromulch, also referred to as hydro seeding. Looking SE toward Edgewater Park.
Looking E toward Lakewood Cove and Laurel Springs Lane as crews finish spraying for the day.
The hydroseeding crews were pulling silty water from the detention pond to mix with their material, even as portable pumps attempt to drain the pond before the next rain arrives tomorrow night.

More about Hydroseeding

Contractors use hydroseeding to stabilize slopes and accelerate the germination of grass which can reduce erosion. Water, seed, and nutrients are mixed into a gelatinous material and sprayed onto the ground. The gelatin adheres to slopes and retains just enough moisture to help the seed take root. We should see grass start to grow within 5-10 days. Crews add colored dye to the mix to make it easier to see. That helps them spray it evenly.

Should Have Hydroseeded Earlier

After the a five-inch rain in January, the south wall of the detention pond started slumping into Edgewater Park. Sediment several inches deep fanned out into the wetlands of Edgewater for approximately 150 yards, according to the TCEQ. And Harris County issued its cease-and-desist letter threatening the developer with a lawsuit. Since then, the developer has spent much of the last month trying to move the pond wall back onto his own property. I imagine the contractor now wishes he would have hydro seeded earlier.

Chain Link Fence Disregards Community Norms

Assuming surveyors were accurate, the chain link fence should now identify the southern boundary of the RV resort. However, given the history of this project, that could be a big assumption.

Thankfully, at least the chain link fence does not have razor wire on top of it. Regardless, it has all the charm of the prison in Huntsville.

While you review the Commercial Development Guidelines on fencing, scan the rest of the guidelines, too. Especially the ones that talk about setbacks, construction fencing, parking, tree preservation and more. They will give you a greater appreciation for the care taken by thousands who came before the Laurel Springs RV Resort.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 3/28/2022

1672 Days since Hurricane Harvey

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