Tag Archive for: Drainage study

Harris County Commissioners Approve Atascocita Drainage Study

Harris County Commissioners today approved a drainage study for Atascocita. The agenda item read, “Recommendation to initiate and proceed with planning, right-of-way acquisition, design and construction of general drainage improvements in the Atascocita area. (San Jacinto River Watershed, Bond ID F-15, HCFCD Unit G103-00-00, Precincts 2 and 4). The bond allocates $10 million for all of that.

Project Area and Scope

Atascocita project area. Roughly half is in Precinct 2 and half in Precinct 4.

Sources at HCFCD say that the project will follow the model of the Kingwood Drainage Assessment. It will identify where the worst flooding occurs and where to attack first.

People in Atascocita have waited a long time for this project to kick off. We’re now about two weeks from the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Harvey.

When complete, this project will identify streams, channel types, ownership, current level of service, improvements, rights of way needed, cost estimates and detention estimates for all the projects considered in the Atascocita area.

One of Last Projects in Flood Bond to Start

The project had been deferred until now because it fell into the fourth quartile of the equity prioritization framework. Accordingly, the Atascocita study will be one of the last projects to be initiated in the bond program. Sources at HCFCD say that soon, all projects will have started – a major milestone.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 8/10/2021

1442 Days since Hurricane Harvey