According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, wetlands provide free floodwater storage that helps retain runoff and reduce flooding. Wetlands also reduce erosion and improve water quality. Last, but not least, they also provide habitat for hundreds of species.
One of my hobbies has long been bird photography. Few other cities in America offer the possibilities that Houston does, thanks in large part to the abundant wetlands found here.
For instance, since 2010, 198 species of birds have been spotted in or near the wetlands of Kingwood’s East End Park. Many of those species are rare, threatened, or even endangered.
Many of the shots below were taken there. Friendswood donated the land to the Kingwood Service Association to manage for the benefit of all Kingwood residents. And I am sure that proximity to such beauty has enhanced home values.
Local Color
For those willing to explore, the visual rewards can be priceless. These colorful creatures enrich our community and our lives.
As we head into the peak of the Spring nesting season, I offer these shots as a visual testament to the wonders of wetlands. And with grateful thanks to all our predecessors who saw the beauty in conservation and preservation.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 3/27/24
2402 Days since Hurricane Harvey 14:44:232024-03-29 16:23:09A Visual Testament to the Wonders of Wetlands
How much value do you place on beauty? Serenity? Clean water where eagles fish? The experience of walking through the woods with your children and sitting on a quiet riverbank together? For many people, that means more than the risk of flooding. Until they flood.
Another study of 50 other studies systematically quantified the value of pathways between blue spaces and health benefits.
It’s no secret that people like to live near water. It’s soothing. And it has both physical- and mental-health benefits. Until nature unleashes its fury. That’s when nature’s balance sheet gets confusing.
The Minus Side of the Ledger
Living near water comes with high risks…especially along the Gulf coast. Just watch the news these days. Witness the destruction and loss of life that Hurricane Ian brought to Florida last week.
Harken back to Hurricane Harvey. The storm flooded 16,000 homes and damaged 3,300 businesses in the Lake Houston Area. It also killed 13 people in Kingwood alone!
At the peak, we got 6.8″ of rainfall in ONE HOUR! The water on the West Fork reached more than 20 feet above flood stage!
Upstream development constantly heightens flood peaks which aren’t updated regularly.
Risky land is cheap, so demand is high.
Political lobbying makes Swiss cheese out of development and engineering standards to sustain profits and sales.
Buyers assume government regs protect them.
As a species, humans are notoriously poor predictors of risk. Just ask any casino owner.
But we have flood insurance, right? Wrong. Across Harris County during Harvey, 154,170 homes flooded, but only 36% of those had active flood insurance policies.
The Most Sensible Solution
As a society, we seem to have settled on a solution to such problems. Whether we realize it or not, we:
Let people build what they want where they want most of the time.
Expect buyers to understand the risks and live with a level of risk they can afford.
Ask government to make things right after things go wrong.
But there’s a much simpler, more humane and cost-effective solution. It’s called conservation. And it’s based on an ancient wisdom – “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Preserving that risky land near water keeps people out of harm’s way. It also reduces both damage and mitigation costs.
Turning that land into parks, nature preserves and recreational space lets everyone continue to enjoy it. And if we do need to build mitigation projects in the future, we will have the land. We won’t have to buy out whole neighborhoods and displace people to build a detention pond or expand a channel. And we’ll have a much healthier, happier society.
Most people think of Kingwood’s East End Park as a place to commune with nature. But it began as a natural, low-cost form of flood mitigation.
When Friendswood was building Kingwood, it toyed with the idea of building homes where the park now stands. Instead, it bequeathed the land to the Kingwood Service Association (KSA). KSA now maintains the property as a nature park for the benefit of all Kingwood residents. Leaving it natural also helps protect people from flooding.
Sometimes the best way to deal with the side effects of development is simply to preserve nature where flooding occurs most frequently. And it certainly occurs frequently along the East Fork of the San Jacinto River. In areas like these, parks provide a buffer. And that creates positive value while avoiding negative costs.
How Parks Create Positive Value
The main features offered in the 158-acre East End Park are tranquil, yet breathtaking views provided free of charge by Mother Nature. The park includes forests, wetlands, and natural meadows that provide food and habitat for wildlife. People often see families of deer munching on grass at the edge of the forests. Occasionally, visitors sight eagles, alligators, river otters, foxes, coyotes and bobcats.
Birders also find the park an urban wonderland. Forty-plus acres of tall grass meadows draw approximately 140 species of birds during the spring and fall migrations. Many of those are threatened or endangered. The Lake Houston Area Nature Club hosts birding tours here from September to May. They start at 7:30 AM from the parking lot at the east end of Kingwood Drive and usually last till about 10am.
Another major attraction of the park: spectacular sunrises most mornings.
Dr. Charles Campbell hikes several miles in the park each morning. He took the picture above not far from the main entrance at the east end of Kingwood Drive. He also took the one below at Otter Point.
The park draws an estimated 100,000 visitors per year, but it rarely seems crowded because the visitors disperse among dense forests along 5+ miles of trails throughout the day.
East End Park is an exceptional amenity for Kingwood residents, gifted to all by a visionary developer. Was it totally selfless? Of course not. Nationally, research shows that proximity to parks can increase home values up to 20%. In short, people like parks.
Also Consider Cost Avoidance of Preservation
During Harvey, the entire park went underwater. Most of it also went underwater during the Tax Day, Memorial Day, and Imelda storms. Can you imagine what would have happened had Friendswood built homes here?
There would have been tens of millions of dollars in damages, losses to taxpayer-subsidized flood insurance, disaster relief funds, and the overhead of a bureaucracy to administer aid. Buyouts and demolition would have been required. Flood mitigation in the form of channels and detention basins would have cost tens of millions more. And all the positive values would have been lost.
But by just leaving it natural, we collectively saved all those personal and public expenses. We also created a beautiful “people magnet” that sustains home values instead of undermining them. Trail repair costs after Harvey totaled only $60,000.
That’s less than the cost to repair one average home flooded to a depth of a foot or more. And that’s the value of preservation – the natural, low-cost form of flood mitigation.
Sometimes we need to learn to just let nature be.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 8/18/22 with thanks to Dr. Charles Campbell
1815 Days since Hurricane Harvey 12:02:092022-08-18 14:41:05Preservation: A Natural, Low-Cost Form of Flood Mitigation
Texas has a dubious distinction that not many people realize. We lead the nation in flood events and their impacts. Not one of Texas’ 254 counties has escaped flooding. Despite our prowess in engineering, engineering alone has not prevented flooding. As a growing number of leaders are now starting to recognize, success will require the marriage of engineering and conservation.
In 2019, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the Texas Legislature set the stage for future flood-mitigation efforts. A diverse collection of stakeholders worked with legislators to include language for conservation-based projects in both the flood planning process and project funding framework overseen by the Texas Water Development Board.
Recently, Dr. Matthew Berg published a paper describing the roles that conservation projects are starting to play in flood planning.
Dr. Berg is the CEO & Principal Scientist or Simfero Consultants. He has given the right to review and reproduce his copyrighted paper which first appeared in the Texas Water Journal.
Wide Spectrum of Conservation Solutions
Berg begins by describing the wide spectrum of conservation projects related to flood mitigation. They include:
Preservation and restoration toward one end
Smaller-scale features like bioswales, green roofs, and rain gardens somewhere in the middle
Revegetating with native plant species after construction of otherwise traditional structural projects on the other end.
Programs Aligning to Promote Use of Natural Solutions
Berg also cites research that has found these strategies can return $7 in benefits for every $1 in project costs.
Benefits range from flood reduction and improved water quality to erosion control, heat moderation, wildlife habitat, property value increases, recreation, reduced maintenance costs, topping up groundwater storage and more.
As a result, Berg is able to cite dozens of nature-based solutions from all around Texas. The sheer volume, diversity and practicality of these examples is a real eye opener.
Even the Army Corps of Engineers is embracing the effort with its “Engineering with Nature Program.” The Corps designed it to bring conservationists and engineers together.
In addition, FEMA introduced a program last year called BRIC (Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities). It emphasizes boosting resilience before a disaster strikes rather than reacting after the damage has already been done.
The Water Resources Development Act of 2020 ensures a meaningful evaluation of nature-based solutions and clarifies the eligibility of natural infrastructure for cost-sharing.
President Biden has joined the bandwagon, too. On his first day in office, he signed an executive order requiring federally funded buildings and facilities to be located away from flood corridors.
These are just a tiny sampling of the dozens of conservation efforts reviewed by Berg.