Tag Archive for: Christmas

Merry Christmas from Colony Ridge

In my lifetime, I’ve taken more than half a million pictures. I spent four years photographing in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood, which was the poorest neighborhood in that city at the time. I’ve also photographed in Appalachia and the poorest parts of Central America. But in the heartbreak department, nothing compares to a photo I took this afternoon while flying over Colony Ridge in Liberty County. The developer there has reportedly foreclosed on 1900 properties so far this year.

Colony Ridge home, December 7, 2020.

Plastic Sheeting for a Roof in 40 Degree Weather

The photo in question: a mobile home with plastic sheeting for a roof. Duct tape held down the sheeting. The temperature last night fell into the low forties. It’s hard to believe that this is probably someone’s dream home. But everything is relative. And I have no idea where the owner came from. This could be a step up.

Capturing this photo took 1/8,000th of a second. But I’ve stared at it for hours since downloading it. I can’t take my eye off the crib and the children’s toys strewn around it. Nor the breakfast table with a cup of coffee and a half eaten meal.

It’s hard to believe that people live in conditions like this. To be fair, most homes in Colony Ridge don’t approach this level of poverty. But it’s not unusual for the development.

A Reminder at Christmas

I hope this image serves as a reminder this Christmas that despite our wealth, tremendous need exists in our midst. Please support the charity of your choice this year if you can.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 12/7/2020

1196 Days since Hurricane Harvey

The thoughts expressed in this post represent opinions on matters of public concern and safety. They are protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Anti-SLAPP Statute of the Great State of Texas.

Elm Grove Says Merry Christmas to Perry Homes and Kathy Perry Britton in Strange and Wonderful Ways

Numerous people have sent ReduceFlooding.com stories about how Perry Homes and Kathy Perry Britton changed their Christmas. Some are real and some are just expressions of anger.

Adaptations Reported by Residents This Christmas

Stringing Christmas tree lights three feet up from the floor for safety.

Converting Christmas yard decorations to blow up plastic types that float.

Monitoring radar screens for storms instead of Santa.

Instead of toys, kids get interior doors, Home Depot gift cards, wallboard and wet vacs.

Ornamental reindeer on the roof equipped with scuba gear.

Decorating the dumpster in the front yard.

Isabelle Fleernor’s Vision of a Merry Perry Christmas

Letters to Santa Express Christmas Wishes

Several folks have also shared their letters to Santa:

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is for you to get Perry Homes to finish the job they started so we can be safe.

Dear Santa,

Our elderly neighbors and the children are suffering. So please make Kathy Perry Britton admit her mistakes, apologize and go away.

Dear Santa,

Perry Homes has done nothing to stop flooding since May. Imelda proved that. We need someone who knows what they’re doing to step in and fix things.

CEO Deprived Thousands of Christmas

Yep. You get the idea. The Grinch has nothing on Kathy Perry Britton. The new “Queen of Mean” has already taken homes, Thanksgiving and Christmas from thousands of kids. Ms. Britton could soon take Easter, too. She:

And yet her highly paid PR staff positions her as a business leader. Only in Houston!

This is the stuff of legend. Or delusion. Perhaps we buy her a one-way Greyhound ticket to Guatemala.

No. On second thought, Guatemala is too nice. Other ideas gratefully accepted.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 12/25/2019 with input from Jeff Miller, Isabelle Fleenor and the community

848 Days after Hurricane Harvey and 95 since Imelda