Update on Multiple Flood Mitigation Projects Affecting Lake Houston Area

Giant sandbar virtually blocks the west fork of the San Jacinto River just downstream from River Grove Park.
(Kingwood, Texas, April 17, 2017) At a meeting of the Lake Houston Area Grass Roots Flood Prevention Initiative tonight, Kaaren Cambio and Dave Martin updated more than 150 people about the status of numerous post-Hurricane Harvey flood mitigation projects. Bill Fowler, co-chair of the Grass Roots Initiative, led off the event by discussing tax rebates and re-assessments for homeowners who flooded and who nearly flooded.
San Jacinto River Authority Flood Mitigation Projects
Cambio, one of Kingwood’s two new members on the San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) board, spoke about projects being spearheaded by the SJRA and its partners. They included the SJRA’s response to new flood mitigation orders issued by Governor Abbott, a watershed-wide flood study, potentially lowering the level of Lake Conroe, tougher regulations on upstream sand miners, buyouts, creation of additional reservoirs, and more.
City of Houston Flood Mitigation Projects
Martin, Houston District E City Council Member, spoke about additional projects being spearheaded by the City. They included a sedimentation survey of the Lake Houston and its tributaries, the addition of tainter gates to the Lake Houston Dam, dredging and more.
Martin also spoke at length about the City’s recent decision to lower the level of Lake Houston in anticipation of a storm at the end of March. The storm dumped an average of 5 inches of rain across the San Jacinto watershed. In a show of hands, virtually all attendees agreed that the decision to lower Lake Houston prevented widespread flooding and that the policy should be continued.
For details, view Cambio’s and Martin’s presentations via the hyperlinks above or on the Reports page.
Give Texas GLO Feedback on Its Flood Mitigation Action Plan
Cambio urged area residents to contact the Texas General Land Office prior to April 26 re: the state’s action plan. The state is seeking feedback on its action plan and how it will spend more than $5 billion. The nature and volume of feedback could affect the amount of funding that Lake Houston area projects receive from the state.
Posted April 17,2018, 231 days after Hurricane Harvey