By Key Word:
- Abandoned
- abandoned mine
- abandoned sand mines
- abandonment
- abbott
- ABC13
- Abel Vera
- abridged grant
- accomplishments
- accretion
- Accuweather
- Acevedo
- acoustic doppler velocity meter
- acre foot
- active
- active eagle nest
- Active projects
- Active Storm Management
- act of god
- act of man
- Adams Oaks
- adandonment
- Addicks
- Addicks-Barker
- Adlong Ditch
- Administrative Regulatory Recommendations
- adopt a drain
- Adrian Garcia
- adt
- Adventure Awaits
- affordable rental
- agenda
- aggregate processing
- aggregate production operations
- Aggregate production testimony
- Agreed Order
- agreed temporary injunction
- agricultural
- Agricultural Science Center
- Agriglife Extension
- Ag Barn
- Ag Science Center
- Aho
- Alan Black
- Alaska
- Alberson
- Alberta
- Alberto
- Alcorn
- Aldine
- Aldine ISD
- Aldine Westfield Basin
- Aldine-Westfield Basin
- Aldine-Westfield Detention Basin
- alert
- AlertHouston
- Alexander Hamilton
- Allgood
- Allison
- Allocation
- Alspaugh
- alternative water supply
- Al Green
- Amazon
- amendment
- Amendment 1
- Amendment 11
- American Society of Engineers
- Amy Slaughter
- Amy Stone
- analysis
- Anniversary
- answers
- Antoine
- Antoine Basin
- AP
- apartments
- APOs
- Appeal
- application
- applications
- application deadline
- appraisal
- appraisals
- appropriations
- Approved
- april meeting
- April 10th Storm
- Aquatic Resource of National Importance
- aqua vista
- aquifer
- aquifer depletion
- Arboretum
- Archie Savage
- Army Corp
- Army Corpm Great Lakes Dredge and Dock
- Army Corps
- Army Corps of Engineers
- Arnold
- Arnold Itkin
- Arrowwood
- Arrowwood Preserve
- arson
- artavia
- Arthur
- artificial lift
- Aspen
- Aspen Glade
- Aspen Utilities
- asset swap
- Associated Press
- Association of State Floodplain Managers
- assumptions
- Atascocita
- Atlantic
- Atlantic Basin
- Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation
- Atlas 14
- Atlas 15
- Atlas 16
- Atlas-14 regs
- Attorney General
- Attorney General;
- attraction to water
- attrition
- at-grade crossings
- Aubrey Spear
- audit exception
- Audubon
- Audubon Magnolia
- Austin
- Austin Meeting
- Austin Transit Plan
- autism
- average per square mile
- avoided damages
- avulsion
- Aylin Ulku
- A&M
- a/b
- background information
- backhoe
- Backland Gully
- backslope
- Backslope Interceptor Swale
- Backup generatord
- backup generators
- backward
- bad hangover
- Bailes
- Bailout
- bait and switch
- bait-and-switch
- Baker Institute
- balance
- balanced storm
- balcom
- bald eagle
- Barker
- Barker Addicks lawsuit
- Barker-Addicks Upstream Cases
- Barrens
- Barrett
- barrington
- Barry
- base flood elevation
- base flood elevation viewer
- Batch 1
- bathymetry
- Bayou City Initiative
- Bayou Land
- Bayou Land Conservancy
- bayou nature conservancy
- Bay of Campeche
- BCAeronautics
- BD Griffin
- Beach
- beach restoration
- Bear Branch
- bear branch elementary
- Bear Branch Trail Association
- Bear Creek
- beat the peak
- Beau Miller
- beaver dams
- Bedient
- beehive
- Beeney
- before after
- before/after
- beginning of end
- benefit-cost ratio
- benefit-cost ration
- Benefit/Cost Ratio
- Bennett Estates
- bens branch
- Bents
- Ben Masters
- Ben's Branch
- Ben's Branch
- Berg
- Bermuda High
- Berry Madden
- Beryl
- Beryl cleanup
- Beryl debris
- best management practices
- best practices
- Beta
- Beth Walters
- Beth White
- Bettencourt
- between a river and ruin
- Bevil Jarrell Bridge
- BFE viewer
- Biden
- Biedermann
- biggest stories
- big picture
- billboard
- billion dollars
- billion-dollar disasters
- Bill Callegari
- Bill King
- birch creek
- birds
- bird photographs
- bird strikes
- bitter cold
- bizcom
- Blackburn
- black hole
- black spots
- Black & Veatch
- blailock
- Blake Roberts
- Bloch
- blockage
- blockages
- Bloom
- blue grosbeak
- Blue Mind
- Blue-green
- BMPs
- boardwalk
- boat dock
- Boat Launch
- Bolivar
- Bombach
- bombshells
- bond
- bond fund
- bond meeting
- bond program
- Bond Update
- bond updates
- Book review
- boomerangs
- booster pumps
- bootleg
- boot camp
- born every minute
- Botanical Gardens
- Botanic Gardens
- botello
- Bottleneck
- bottle boy
- boulevard of broken dreams
- Bount
- Brade
- Brady
- brain drain
- brand
- Brandon Creighton
- brays
- Brays Bayou
- Brazos
- breach
- breaches
- breach of contract
- breather
- Breckenridge East
- Bretshire Stormwater Detention Basin
- Brian Garza
- bricks
- bridge
- bridges
- bridge damage
- bridge repair
- Bridge washout
- bright spot
- Briones
- Britton
- Brooke Jarvis
- Brookings
- Brooklyn trails
- Brownwood
- Brown & Root
- Broyles
- Bryan Flood Warning System
- Bryce Canyon
- Buckingham
- budget meeting
- Budget Town Hall
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Bayou
- Buffalo Bayou and Tributaries Resiliency Study
- Buffalo Bayou Partnership
- builders
- building codes
- building-code pushback
- bulldozer
- bullseye
- buried pipe
- burned
- buses
- Business
- business process re-engineering
- but not out
- Buyers Aware
- buyout
- Buyouts
- Buzbee
- buzz cut
- C
- Cagle
- cajun navy
- California
- Callan
- Callan Marine
- Calligari
- Cambio
- Camille Pagel
- Camillo
- campaign contribution
- Campbell
- candidate
- Caney Creek
- Canoe
- canoeist
- Canoe the Creek
- capacity doubling
- Capital construction
- capital improvement
- Capital Improvement Plan
- capital improvement projects
- carbon sinks
- Caribbean
- Carolyn Daniel
- Carriage Hills
- Carriage Hills sand mine
- Carter
- case studies
- cash
- Castlewood
- Castle Hill Partners
- Casualty of War
- category 4
- Category 5
- cattywumpus
- caution
- caveat emptor
- cease and desist
- cedar bayou
- Census Bureau
- census tracts
- Centerpoint
- Centex
- Central America
- Century Land Holdings of Texas
- Century Land Holdings of Texas LLC
- Century Land Holding of Texas
- chain link
- Chances to Equity Formula
- Chang
- changes
- changes in direction
- change of venue
- channels
- Channel IDs
- Channel Improvements
- channel widening
- Chapter 11.086 Texas Water Code
- Chapter 19
- charade
- charity
- Charles Cunningham
- Charles Irvine
- Charles Jones
- ChatGPT
- Chavez
- check dam
- chemical engineer
- Cherry Demolition
- Chicago Uptown
- chicks
- Chicot
- Chief Equity Officer
- Chief Resilience Officer
- child time
- chlorides
- choke points
- Chrinicle
- Christmas
- christmas eve
- Christmas video
- Christobal
- Chris Bloch
- Chris Kalman
- Chris Mueller
- Chronicle
- Chuck Gilman
- CH-B Kingland
- City Council
- City of
- City of Houston
- City of Houston Public Works
- City of Humble
- CivilTech
- Civis Analytics
- clarification
- Clark County
- clay
- cleanup
- clean out
- Clean Water Act
- Clean-out
- clearcut
- clearcutting
- Clearcut Compensation Fund
- clearing
- clearing land without normal safeguards
- clear creek
- Clear Lake
- Clear Lake City Water Authority
- Click2Houston
- Clifford Tatum
- climate
- Climate Abandonment Areas
- climate action
- climate change
- Climate Information
- climate migration
- climate pay
- Climate Prediction Center
- climate psychology
- Climate Psychology Alliance of North America
- Climate Psychology Assliance of North America
- climate psychotherapy
- climate risk
- Climatology
- Clinton Wong
- clock
- closed session
- Club
- Clubs of Kingwood
- Co
- Coastal Master Plan
- Coastal Prairie Conservancy
- Coastal Protection Study
- coastal water authority
- Coastal Water Study
- Coast Guard
- coefficient of correlation
- Coffee with Dan
- Cogdill
- CoH
- CoH Planning Commission
- Collin Creek Mall
- colonia
- colonies
- Colony Rdge
- Colony Ridge
- colony ridge chronicle
- Colony Ridge Impacts
- Colorado
- Colorado School of Mines
- Colorado State University
- Comcast
- command post
- comment
- commercial development guidelines
- Commissioners Court
- Commissioner Tom Ramsey
- commitments
- committee
- Commons on Lake Houston
- communication records
- Community Flood Resilience Task Force
- community health and resources management
- Community Input
- Community Official Flood Resource Guide
- Community Opposition
- Community Resilience Flood Task Force
- Community Resilience Task Force
- Community Services
- Community Services Department
- Community Watershed Partners
- complaints
- Completely dry
- comprise
- Concourse
- Concourse Development
- concrete
- concrete lining
- condo
- Condos
- cone map
- cone of uncertainty
- confidence
- confidence intervals
- Congressional Budget Office
- Congressional District 2
- connoisseur of edgework
- conroe
- Conroe Courier
- Conservation
- conservation easement
- construction
- construction best practices
- construction BMPs
- Construction documents
- construction practices
- construction progress
- Construction Resumes
- construction sequencing
- construction spending
- Construction Update
- Consulting Engineer
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- contaminated soil
- Continental
- continuing bond slowdown
- contractor
- contractors
- contradictions
- controller
- Convenient Care Center
- Convention Center
- converging
- conveyance
- coordination
- core competencies
- cormorant
- Corner of Chaos
- Cornyn
- Corona Virus
- corporate
- Corps
- Corpus
- corrugated metal pipe
- cost
- Costa
- Costello
- costliest type of weather-related disaster
- Coulter
- countersuits
- Country Colony
- County Administrator
- county attorney
- County engineer
- County Funding
- County Judge
- Court
- Covarrubias
- cova capital
- crawdads
- Crawfish
- crayfish
- Creek Manor
- Creighton
- Crenshaw
- Creosote
- crests
- Criminal
- Criminal complaints
- Criminal Dustice
- Criminal Justice
- criminal penalty
- Cristobal
- Crosby
- Crossing at the Commons of Lake Houston
- crossing the streams
- Crossroads
- Crosstex
- Cruz
- cumulative probabilities
- cunningham
- Curve Numbers
- Cutten Basin
- cutter basket
- cut bank
- Cuyahoga
- cyanobacteria
- cyanotoxins
- cyclone
- cypress creed flood tunnel
- cypress creek
- Cypress Creek Dam
- Cypress Point
- C-Span
- Daily Wire
- dain barrage
- damage
- damages
- dam repairs
- Dana Kennedy
- Danbury Tract
- danger
- dangers
- danger zone
- Daniel and Kathleen Moore
- Daniel Moore
- Daniel Ramos
- Dan Crenshaw
- Dan Huberty
- Dan Monks
- daredevil
- Darnah
- Daryl Palmer
- Dashboard
- Data Truncation
- Dave Martin
- David A. Lieb
- David Berry
- David Roth
- Dawn Buckingham
- Day 400
- deadline
- deadline extension
- dead on arrival
- Death toll
- Death Wish
- Debbie
- debris
- debris piles
- debris removal
- decade in review
- December Updates
- December 2022 Bond Update
- deceptive formula
- Dedra Davis
- deed restrictions
- Deep in the Heart
- deep-time digital earth
- deer
- Deerbrook Mall
- Deerwood
- Deer Ridge Park
- Dee Price
- deferred maintenance
- definition
- Deidra Davis
- delayed aid
- Dellapena
- delta
- Del Pino
- demobilization
- demolish
- demolition
- demolition dates
- demonstrations
- Denbury Tract
- denied aid
- Denise Faulkner
- Dennis Johnston
- density
- Department of Justice
- deposition
- depth of flooding
- Deputy County Administrator
- Derna
- Descartes Labs
- designed to fail
- desired future conditions
- Destroyed our lives
- destroy nature
- detention
- Detention Basin
- detention basins
- detention pond
- detention ponds
- Detention Pond N1
- detention rates
- detention-pond drain
- detour
- Devastation
- developer
- Developers
- developing problem
- development
- Development delays
- dewatering
- dewhirst
- De Leon
- de-litter
- de-silt
- DFCs
- difference map
- diffuser pipe
- diffusion of responsibility
- digest
- dig a little deeper
- dike
- dikes
- dike repairs
- direct contract
- dirt
- disadvantaged
- disaster
- disasters
- disaster assistance
- disaster creep
- Disaster Declaration
- disaster declation
- disaster funding
- disaster mitigation
- disaster preparedness
- Disaster Recover
- disaster recovery
- disaster recovery center
- Disaster Recovery Corporation
- Disaster Recover Reallocation Program
- disaster relief
- Disaster Relief Funds
- Disaster Resource Center
- discharge
- discharges
- disclaimer
- disclosure
- discoveries
- dismal
- dismiss
- disparity
- District E
- Disturbance
- ditch
- ditches
- Ditch One
- Ditch Rehabilitation
- ditch rehabilitiation
- ditch repairs
- diversion
- Diversion Ditch
- dividing
- Dockline
- docks
- document requests
- documerica
- dolcefino
- Dollars flow to damage
- dollars per square mile
- Don
- Dorian
- doublespeak
- doubles in size
- double crested cormorants
- Double Oak
- double oak construction
- double trouble
- Down
- downed trees
- downstream
- Downstream cases
- downstream consequences
- downstream gage
- downstream representation
- down but not out
- dps
- Drain
- drainage
- drainage analyses
- Drainage Criteria Manual
- drainage ditch
- drainage ditch repair
- drainage fee
- drainage impact
- drainage impact analysis
- drainage improvements
- drainage plan
- drainage plans
- drainage reports
- drainage standards
- Drainage study
- drainage swales
- drainage systems
- drains
- Draut
- dredge
- dredger
- dredge gone
- dredge pipe
- dredge #2
- dredging
- dredging district
- dredging productivity
- dredging project
- Dredging Update
- dredigng
- drone
- drone footage
- drone video
- drought
- drought index
- dry bottom
- DR Horton
- Dr. Arelia Johnson
- Dr. Katherine Persson
- Dr. Mark Wentzel
- Dr. Tina Petersen
- dt construction
- dual outflow channels
- Dubai floods
- dumping
- dune
- Dunes
- dune restoration
- dunlap-smith
- Dunnam Road
- duplication of benefits
- duplication of disasters
- Dupre
- Dupré
- dutch
- D&J
- D.O.A.
- eagle
- eagle nest
- Eagle Point Trail
- Eagle Sorters Mine
- Eagle-Sorters
- early voting
- Earmarks
- Earnestine Henry
- earnest money
- Earthea Nance
- easement
- East
- Eastex Environmental Labs
- East Aldine
- east end park
- east fork
- East Fork Flooding
- East Fork Homes Flooding
- East Fork Mouth Bar
- East Fork San Jacinto
- East Montgomery County Improvement District
- Eberle
- Economic Development Program
- economic revitalization
- eco-anxiety
- edgewater
- edgewater park
- editorial
- education
- Educational Resources
- egineers
- egret
- egrets
- Eighth Amended Petition
- Elaine Phillips
- election
- Election Administrator
- election concerns
- election irregulatities
- electrical engineer
- Electric reliability
- Electric Reliability Council of Texas
- Elevate Strategies
- elevation
- elevations
- elevation profile
- Elevation profiling
- Elizabeth Rush
- Ellington
- Ellington Field
- Ellis
- Ellisor
- Ellis Equity Plan Fails
- Ellis Plan
- Ellis-3
- elm grove
- Elm Grove lawsuits
- elsa
- El Franco Lee
- El Nino
- El Niño
- emergency
- emergency dredging
- Emergency Dredging Project
- Emergency Habitability repairs
- emergency kits
- emergency preparation supplies
- emergency repairs
- emergency supplies
- Emergency West Fork Dredging Project
- emily murphy
- Emmett
- Enclave
- endorsement
- enemy
- Energy Resources
- enforcement
- Enforcement Action
- engineering laws and regulations
- engineering plans
- Engineers
- Entergy
- entergy dela
- entergy delay
- Entergy power poles
- Entergy. delay
- environmental destruction
- environmental regulation
- environmental solutions
- Equal to
- equitably
- equity
- Equity prioritization index
- equity survey
- Equivalent
- Erica Vilay
- Ernesto
- erosion
- Erosion control
- erosion hazard zones
- Estates
- Estimated Base Flood Elevation Viewer
- estimate of volume
- evacuation
- evacuation route
- Evangeline
- Evan Herrnstadt
- Events
- Everest
- Evergreen
- evidence
- evolution of inundation mapping
- excavation
- excavation and removal
- Excavation and Removal Contract
- excessive rainfall
- Executive Director Flood Control
- Executive Session
- exemplary damages
- Exploration Green
- expose
- exposed HVL pipelines
- exposed pipeline
- exposed soil
- extension
- Extra Territorial Jurisdiction
- Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction
- extreme heat
- extreme weather
- Exxon Land Development
- E&R
- E&R contract
- Fact Sheet
- fact-filled
- Fagen
- Fahrmei
- Fahrmeier
- Fain
- fallen trees
- Family Time
- FAQs
- Farewell Town Hall
- fault movement
- favero
- fecal
- fecal contamination
- federal aid
- Federal Briefing
- federal disaster area
- feedback
- feeder band
- feet above flood stage
- Feet above flood state
- FEMA disaster assistance
- Fema Flood Hazard Layer Viewer
- Fieldtree
- Fifth Ward
- Figure Four
- Figure Four Development
- Figure Four Partners
- fill
- filter bags
- Final Harvey Flood Report
- Final Report
- Final Report on Hurricane Beryl
- Final Stabilization Report
- financing
- fines
- fire
- fire codes
- Fire danger
- fire hydrant
- fire hydrants
- fire-hydrant spacing
- First Amendment
- First Baptist
- first dredge
- First named storm
- first responder
- First State Flood Plan
- First Street Foundation
- Fisk
- Five Day Tropical Weather Outlook
- Fix Flooding First
- flash flood
- flash flooding
- flash flood victims
- flash flood warning
- flash flood watch
- Fletcher
- Flickinger
- flood
- flooded homes
- floodgate
- floodgates
- flooding
- flooding and corona virus
- Flooding and Floodplains
- flooding in Texas
- flooding neighborhood
- flooding of the fifth kind
- Floodplain
- floodplains
- floodplain development
- Floodplain management regulations
- floodplain maps
- floodplain regulations
- FloodRiskReduction
- FloodWarn Workshop
- FloodWarn Workshop Presentations
- floodwater
- floodwaters receding
- floodwater detention basin
- floodway
- floodways
- flood activist
- flood assistance
- flood bond
- flood bond meeting
- flood bond project list priority
- flood bond referendum
- flood bond update
- flood claims
- flood control
- flood damage
- flood damage stats
- flood debris
- Flood Decision-Support
- flood digest
- flood disclosure
- Flood Early Warning System
- Flood Education Mapping Tool
- flood facts
- flood fortress
- flood frequency
- flood gates
- Flood History
- flood infrastructure fund
- Flood Infrastructure Funding
- flood insurance
- flood insurance premiums
- flood insurance rate map
- flood insurance3
- flood loss calculator
- flood management division
- Flood Map
- flood maps
- flood map accuracy
- flood mitigation
- Flood Mitigation Assistance Program
- flood mitigation benefit index
- flood mitigation digest
- flood mitigation funding
- flood mitigation funds
- flood mitigation ideas
- flood mitigation legislation
- flood mitigation money
- flood mitigation plan
- flood mitigation projects
- flood mitigation strategies
- flood news
- flood notes
- flood of complaints
- flood of emotions
- flood of memories
- flood plain
- flood plains
- flood plain development
- flood plain disclosure
- flood plain map
- flood plain maps
- flood plain mining
- flood plain regulations
- flood planning
- flood planning group
- flood platform
- flood prevention
- flood prone areas
- flood regs
- flood regulations
- flood resilience
- Flood Resilience Trust
- flood risk
- Flood Risk Below Dams
- flood risk calculator
- flood routing
- Flood Routing loophole
- flood threat
- flood tunnels
- flood virgins
- Flood Waring System for San Jacinto County
- flood warning
- Flood Warning Maps
- Flood Warning System
- Flood watch
- Flood Watches
- flood zone
- flood zones
- flood-bond
- flood-bond projects
- flood-bond purchasing power
- Flood-bond spending
- flood-bond update
- flood-control dam
- flood-exposure mapping
- flood-gate
- flood-gates
- flood-m
- flood-map timetable
- Flood-mitigation funding
- flood-mitigation priorities
- flood-mitigation report card
- flood-mitigation spending
- flood-prone area
- flood-risk information
- Florida
- flow area
- fm 1010
- FM1010
- FM1314
- FM1485
- FM1488
- FM1960 Bridge
- FM2090
- Focus Group
- Food Control
- Ford Road
- forecast
- forecasting
- forecasting tool
- foreclosure
- foreclosures
- Forestaer USA
- Forestar
- forests
- Forest Cove
- Forest Cove townhomes
- Formation
- formula
- ForsMarsh
- Fortune off of Harvey
- fort bend counjty
- fort bend county
- for sale
- for the record
- Fosters Mill
- foster elementary
- Fowler
- Fox 26
- Framed Out
- Francine
- franz willette
- fraud
- Fred Flickinger
- freeboard
- Freese and Nichols
- Freese & Nichols
- freeze
- freeze watch
- freezing precipitation
- Friends
- Friendswood
- Friendswood clearing
- Friends of Dry Comal Creek
- Frontier Program
- fuel storage
- Fujiwhara Effect
- fully fund flood bond projects
- full cost accounting
- funding
- funding equity
- funding gap
- funds
- future flood risk
- gages
- gage heights
- Gala
- Galveston Bay
- Galveston Bay Foundation
- Gamma
- Garcia
- Garcia Bond
- Gardiner
- Garfield
- Garske
- Gary Faye
- gas pipeline
- gate
- gates
- gate operations policy
- gate update
- Geis
- General Land Office
- General Pershing
- General Services Administraton
- Gene Green
- geologists
- George P. Bush
- gerrymandering
- getting over it
- Ghandi
- Ghostbusters
- Gibbs
- gift card
- Giles
- gilman
- Ginsler
- GIS Data
- GIS map
- Givler
- glacial lakes
- Glacier
- Glen Forest
- Glen Forest Basin
- glo
- Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Forecasting System
- GLO Review
- GMA 14
- GMA-14
- GMA14
- goals
- gonzalo
- Google Earth pro
- Goose Creek
- Gosney
- got 'er done
- government neglect
- government shutdown
- governor
- Governor-appointed board
- graben
- Grace
- graduation
- Graham Martin
- Grand Harbor
- grand opening
- Grand Parkway
- Grand Parkway Extension
- grants
- Grant application
- Grant Applications
- Grant Martin
- Grant Martin Campaigns
- grass
- grassroots
- Grass Roots Flood Prevention Initiative
- grates
- Gray
- Gray Reed
- Greater Houston Flood Mitigation Consortium
- Great Lakes
- Great Lakes Dredge & Dock
- greek restaurant
- green
- greenland
- Greens
- Greenseams
- Greens Bayou
- green infrastructure
- Green Roofs
- Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- green to gone
- greg abbott
- Greg Groogan
- gretchen
- Grid Pavers
- gross negligence
- groundwater
- Groundwater Management Area 14
- Groundwater Reduction Plan
- ground water
- Ground Zero
- group flood insurance
- growing pains
- growth
- growth rates
- Guatemala
- Guefen
- Guerra-Gamble
- Guess where the wetlands were?
- guidelines
- Guide for Local Communities
- Gulf
- Gulf Coast Raceway
- Gulf Coast Resiliency District
- gulf disturbance
- Gully Branch
- guniganti
- Guniganti Children's 1999 Trust
- Guniganti Family Property Holdings
- Gunnels
- G-103-36-03
- H
- habitat
- Haddad
- Haddock
- hail
- Haipeng Li
- Halff & Associates
- half a billion
- half the rain
- Hallett
- hallett mine
- Halloween
- Halls
- Halls Bayou
- Hall Park Basin
- hamblen
- Hamlet
- Hand of Sand Miners
- Hannah
- Hannover Estates
- Hanson Aggregates
- Happ
- Happy Holidays from the Lake Houston Area
- harborless
- hard freeze warning
- Harm's way
- Harper Brothers
- Harper Brothers Construction
- harris
- HarrisCountyFWS
- Harris Country Commissioners Court
- Harris County
- Harris County Appraisal District
- Harris County Attorney
- Harris County Budget Management
- Harris County Commissioners Court
- Harris County Community Resilience Task Force
- Harris County District Attorney
- Harris County Edgewater Park
- Harris County Engineering
- Harris County Flood Bond
- Harris County Flood Control
- Harris County Flood Control District
- Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) has released its final report on Hurricane Beryl. The amazingly detailed
- Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) pitched the Army Corps (actually the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works
- Harris County Flood Warning System
- Harris County FWS
- Harris County Precinct 3
- Harris County Precinct 4
- Harris County Precinct 4 Parks
- Harris County Purchadsing
- Harris County Purchasing
- Harris County 2024 Budget
- Harris Galveston Subsidence District
- Harris-Galveston Subsidence District
- Harta
- Hartwell
- Harvard
- Harvey
- Harvey Action Plan
- Harvey aid
- Harvey Cruise Line
- Harvey damage
- Harvey Damages
- Harvey destruction
- Harvey fifth anniversary
- Harvey flood's sixth anniversary
- Harvey Mitigation Funds
- Harvey Recovery Map
- Harvey relief
- Harvey Satellite Photo
- Harvey video
- Harwell
- hasling
- Hazard Mitigation Funds
- Hazard Mitigation Plan
- HB 1
- HB 1093
- HB 1540
- HB 1671
- HB 1824
- HB 2525
- HB 5341
- HB 906
- HB 907
- HB 908
- HB 909
- HB1093
- hb13
- HB1544
- HB1671
- HB1824
- HB1912
- HB2144
- HB2422
- HB2431
- HB2525
- hb2871
- HB291
- HB3116
- HB4341
- HB4478
- HB4575
- HB509
- HB531
- HB5338
- HB5341
- HB727
- HB767
- HB907
- HB909
- HCFCD appraisal
- HCFCD Construction
- HCFCD District
- HCFCD Spending
- headquarters
- headward erosion
- Headwaters to Baywaters
- Headway estates
- health
- HEAL Initiative
- heater tower
- heat map
- heat pumps
- heat records
- Heaviest rainfall threat
- heavy rainfall
- heavy rainfall threat
- heavy rains
- heavy weekend rains
- Hector Olmos
- hedonic
- Helene
- Helicopter
- helicopter tour
- helms street basins
- henk ovink
- Henslow's Sparrow
- herd immunity
- herons
- Hibgie Ventures
- Hidalgo
- hidden costs
- Hidden Pines
- Higbie Ventures of Texas
- Highlands
- highly volatile liquids
- highway money
- high rise
- high rises
- high rise developer
- high rise development
- High School
- High Street Residential
- High walls
- high water marks
- high winds
- high-income
- High-rises
- high-rise developer
- high-rise development
- high-rise meeting
- high-rise resort
- high-water marks
- Historical Flood Loss
- historical racism
- historic disinvestment
- History of heartbreak
- Hjulström curve
- Holding Back the River
- hold your fire
- holidays
- Holiday in the Gardens
- Holley
- Hollywood
- homebuyers beware
- homebuyer program
- homelet
- homelets
- homeowner assistance
- Homeowner Assistance program
- homeowner reimbursement
- Home Damage Report Survey
- home sales
- home value
- home values
- Honduras
- hoodoos
- Hopper Basin
- hottest year in Texas
- House
- House Interim Committee
- House Research Organization
- housing
- Housing and Community Affairs
- Housing and Community Development
- housing density
- houston
- Houston Advanced Research Center
- Houston After Harvey
- Houston Audubon
- Houston a Year After Harvey
- Houston Business Journal
- Houston Chronicle
- Houston City Council
- Houston Community College
- Houston Geological Society
- Houston History
- Houston Housing and Community Development
- Houston Housing Authority
- Houston Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin
- Houston MSA
- Houston Office of Emergency Management
- Houston Parks Board
- Houston Planning and Development
- Houston Planning Commission
- Houston Public Works
- Houston Stronger
- Houston 1990
- Houston's Resilience and Climate Action Report Card
- Howard Hughes Corporation
- Howard Kunreuther
- How bad was that rain?
- How bad was that storm?
- how fire increases flood risk
- how soon we forget
- huberty
- Hueni
- Huffman
- Huffman open house
- Huffman-Cleveland Road
- Hulon
- human health
- Humble
- Humble Area Retired Teachers Association
- Humble ISD
- Humble Sign
- Hundred million
- Hungry water
- Hunting
- hunting bayou
- Huntsville
- hurdle
- Hurricane
- hurricanes
- Hurricane Basics
- Hurricane Beryl
- Hurricane Delta
- Hurricane Dennis
- Hurricane Don
- Hurricane facts
- Hurricane Harvey
- Hurricane Harvey registry
- Hurricane Hunter
- Hurricane Ian
- Hurricane Ida
- Hurricane Ike
- Hurricane Info
- Hurricane Laura
- Hurricane Lee
- Hurricane Naming
- Hurricane Nicholas
- hurricane outlook
- hurricane points of origin
- hurricane prediction
- Hurricane Preparation
- Hurricane preparation tips
- Hurricane Records
- hurricane season
- hurricane strength
- hurricane strikes
- hurricane tracks
- hurricane watch
- hvl
- hydraulic
- hydraulic jump
- hydrograph
- hydrologic design standards
- hydrologic impact
- hydrologic modeling system
- hydrologic timing
- hydrology
- hydromulch
- H&H study
- H-E-B
- H.B. 1540
- Ian
- ice
- Ida
- Idcus
- ideal
- IH-69
- Ike
- illegal dumping
- Imelda
- Imelda Damages
- impact
- impacts
- Impact corridor
- Imperviousness
- impervious cover
- implementation
- inconsistencies
- index
- index page
- India
- Indianola
- Individual assistance
- industry day
- inflation
- Inflation's impact on flood bond
- Inframark
- infrared
- infrastructure
- Infrastructure Design Manual
- Ingredients for a Tropical Cyclone
- injunction
- inlets
- inline detention
- Input sessions
- insensitive
- inspection
- insurance
- Intended Use Plan
- intensity
- Interagency Agreement
- Interceptor
- interceptor swale
- Interim agreement
- intermediate
- Interview
- Intro to flooding
- inundation map
- inundation mapping
- inventorying channel blockages
- inverted siphon
- invest
- investigation
- Investigations Launched into Colony Ridge
- investment
- Invest 92L
- Invest 99L
- In June 2022
- In Too Deep
- in-line detention
- Iota
- Irigoyen
- Iris Gonzales
- ironies
- irs
- Isabelle Fleenor
- It ain't over till it's over
- Ivory Hecker
- Ivy
- Izzy
- I'm sorry
- I-45
- I-45 Southbound Feeder
- I-69
- I045
- Jace Houston
- Jackson
- Jacksopn
- Jack Cagle
- Jacqueline Havelka
- jaffe
- James and Argelis Sapio
- James cameron
- Janet Wilson
- January Flooding
- January 2023 Biannual Bond Update
- January 2024 flood
- January 2024 Weather Summary
- Jasper
- Jay Kleberg
- Jay Knight
- Jeff Hodges
- Jeff Linder
- Jeff Lindner
- Jeff Miller
- Jeff mMiller
- Jennifer Parks
- Jennifer Trimble
- Jersey Village
- Jesal Shah PE
- Jesse Jones Park
- jetboat
- jetting
- Jiangbo Yu
- Jill Bullard Almaguer
- Jim Blackburn
- Jim McIngvale
- JNC Development
- Job Application
- Job Search
- joe
- john
- Johnston
- John Blount
- John Graves
- John Graves Scenic Riverway
- Joint operations plan
- Joint Reservoir Operations Study
- Jones & Carter
- Josh Alberson
- Judge's Office
- Judy Cox
- July 4
- junenile
- June 5th
- jurisdiction
- jurisdictional determination
- Justin Lurie
- J. Carey Gray
- Kalman
- Karma
- Kashmere Gardens
- Kathleen Moore
- Kathy Perry Britton
- Katie Prairie
- Katie Prairie Conservancy
- Katie Prairie Land Conservancy
- Katrina
- Katy
- Katy Baldock
- Katy Prairie Conservancy
- Kayden
- KDBI values
- Keith Stewart
- Keith Weiss Park
- Kelchner
- Kendall Taft
- Ken Paxton
- Kepner-Tregoe
- Kevin Perkins
- Kevin Rehak
- Khan
- KHS Open House
- kidd
- Kids in Action
- Kimbro
- Kinder Foundation
- Kinder Institute
- Kinder Morgan
- King
- Kingland
- Kingland West
- Kings Cove
- Kings Crossing
- Kings Forest
- kings forest pool
- kings harbor
- Kings Manor
- Kings Mill
- Kings Park Way
- Kings Point
- Kings River
- Kings River drainage analysis
- kingwood
- kingwood area drainage analysis
- Kingwood Area Drainage Study
- Kingwood Association Management
- Kingwood Central Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Kingwood College
- Kingwood Country Club
- Kingwood Cove
- Kingwood Diversion Channel
- Kingwood Diversion Ditch
- Kingwood Docks
- Kingwood drainage assessment
- Kingwood Drainage Improvements
- Kingwood Drive
- Kingwood Executive Group
- Kingwood Greens
- Kingwood High School
- kingwood lakes
- kingwood marina
- Kingwood Middle School
- Kingwood open house
- Kingwood Park High School
- Kingwood Pointe
- Kingwood Residences
- Kingwood RV Park
- kingwood service association
- Kingwood shopping center
- kingwood tornado
- Kingwood Town Center
- Kingwood Village Estates
- Kingwood 575
- Kirbyville
- Kissling
- KM
- KMS Demolition
- Knoerzer
- krahn
- Krohn
- KSA boat launch
- Kurre
- Kuykendahl
- Kuykendahl Basin
- lagoon
- Lakeside Plumbing
- Lakeview plumbing
- Lakewood Cove
- Lake Charles
- Lake Conroe
- Lake Conroe Association
- Lake Conroe Contract
- Lake Conroe discharge
- Lake Conroe level
- Lake Conroe lowering
- Lake Conroe lowing
- Lake Conroe permit restrictions
- Lake Conroe release
- Lake Creek
- Lake Houston
- Lake Houston Area
- Lake Houston Area Flood Prevention Initiative
- Lake Houston Area Grants
- Lake Houston Area Grassroots Flood Prevention Initiative
- Lake Houston Area Grass Roots Flood Prevention Initiative
- Lake Houston Area Task Force
- Lake Houston capacity
- Lake Houston Chamber
- Lake Houston Dam
- Lake Houston Dam Spillway Improvement Project
- Lake Houston Dredging and Maintenance District
- Lake Houston Economic Development Partnership
- Lake Houston Floodgates
- Lake Houston Flood gates
- Lake Houston Gates Project
- Lake Houston Grassroots Flood Prevention Initiative
- Lake Houston Level
- Lake Houston Park
- Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority
- Lake Houston Safety Plan
- Lake Houston Spillway Improvement Project
- Lake Houston Wilderness Park
- lake level
- lake levels
- Lake Livingston
- lake lowering
- lake lowering policy
- lake report
- Lake update
- Lake Woodlands
- Landgraf & Feiler
- Landplan Engineering
- land use
- Lane
- Langham Creek
- Lanson
- lapsed permit
- lasting legacy of loss
- Last chance
- Las Vegas
- Lauder Basin
- Lauder Basin Phase II
- Laura
- Laurel Springs
- Laurel Springs RV
- Laurel Springs RV Park
- Laurel Springs RV Resort
- Lauren Blackburn
- Lauren Springs RV Park
- law
- lawnmower
- lawn watering
- lawsuit
- lawsuits
- laws and regulations
- law lowering
- law suit
- la nina
- La Niña
- LA Times
- LCA lawsuit
- Leah Manlove Howard
- leaking
- learning
- Least fortunate residents
- Lee Danner
- legal action
- legal personhood
- legislation
- legislative goals
- legislative recommendation
- Legislative Recommendations
- legislative scorecard
- legislature scorecard
- Leilich
- Leillich
- Lennar
- Leslie Briones
- Lessons not learned
- letter
- Lettow
- level of service
- LHRA/Tirz 10
- LH Ranch
- liability
- Liberty
- Liberty County
- Liberty County strategic plan
- Liberty Materials
- liberty mine
- Library
- Libya
- Libyan Flood
- Life returned to normal
- LiftFund
- light industrial
- Lina Hidalgo
- Lindner
- Linear Detention
- linear park
- Lipschitz
- litigation exception
- Little Cypress
- Little Cypress Creek
- little league
- Little League fields
- Little York Basin
- Litton
- Liu
- Livable Places
- living landscape
- living near water
- Living with Flooding
- Living with Water
- LJA engineering
- LJA Surveying
- LMI funding
- LMI Moorehead Mine
- LMI River Road Mine
- loan
- lobbying
- Lockbox
- lockdown
- logs
- Lonestar Groundwater Conservation District
- Lone Star College
- Lone Star College - Tomball
- lone star groundwater conservation district
- Long Branch Creek
- long-range dredging plan
- looking back at 2023
- loophole
- Loop 494
- Lori Saunders
- loss of habitat
- lost funding
- Los Cucos
- Los Pinos
- Los Piños
- lot sizes
- Louboutin
- Louisiana
- Louis Bergman
- Lovett
- lowering
- lowering lake level
- lower lake houston
- lower lake levels
- lower level
- low water crossings
- low-cost form of flood mitigation
- low-income
- low-to-moderate income
- Luce
- Luces Bayou
- Luce Bayou
- Luce Bayou Bypass Channel
- Luce Bayou Interbasin Transfer Project
- Lumbley
- MaapNext
- Madden
- Madera
- Magnolia
- Magnolia Estates
- maintenance
- maintenance areas
- maintenance dollars
- Maintenance Dollars Per Stream Mile
- maintenance dredging
- maintenance tax
- major
- major hurricane
- Major Maintenance
- Malaysia
- Manhattan
- manlove
- manning's
- manning's coefficient
- Manor House
- maori
- Marco
- Marco Laura
- marina
- Marina District
- Marina Drive
- Mariner's Guide
- market need
- Mark Dent
- Mark Havens
- Marrtin
- Martin
- martinez
- Maryland
- Master Drainage Plan
- matching funds
- matching grants
- Matthew Berg
- Matt Barrett
- Matt Gray
- Matt Newsome
- matt zeve
- Mavera
- Max Baer Jr.
- mayor
- mayoral election
- Mayor John Whitmire
- Mayor Pro Tem
- Mayor Sylvester Turner
- Mayor Turner
- May Storm
- May storms
- May 2021 rainfall
- May 2024 Flood
- May 2024 floods
- May 2024 Storm
- May 7
- May 7th
- maze
- MBM Sand
- McCabe
- McGehee
- McGhee
- McGhee Chang Landgraf & Feiler
- McIngvale
- McMahon
- Mealer
- Measure
- mechanical
- mechanical dredging
- media guide
- Medical District
- Medina
- meeting
- meetings
- Meet and Greet
- Megasand
- Megatel
- Melanie Bankston
- memorial day
- Memorial Hermann
- Mercer
- Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
- Mercer Stormwater Detention Basin
- meritage
- Merit Professional Services
- Metcalf
- Meteorology 101
- methinks
- Method of Distribution
- metro
- Michael Bloom
- Micheletti
- Mid-reach
- Mike Combat Willcox
- Mike Eberle
- Mike Meador
- Mike's hobby shop
- Milan Saunders
- Mile-long pit
- Miller
- million cubic yards
- Mills Branch
- Mills Branch Creek
- Milton
- Milton Rahman
- Milwaukee
- mines
- Mine Safety and Health Administration
- minimal
- minimum detention requirement
- Minimum detention requirements
- minimum drainage recommendations
- minimum drainage standards
- mining
- Mining Technology
- Miracle
- misdirection
- misinformation
- misleaders
- misleading
- misperceptions
- missing
- missing records
- missing reports
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- mistakes
- Mitchell Island
- mitigation
- mitigation bank
- mitigation banks
- mitigation for clearcutting
- mitigation ideas
- mitigation spending
- Mize
- Mobile Recovery Center
- mobility
- mobilization
- mobil app
- MoCo
- MoCo Bridges
- MoCo Commissioners
- MoCo Development
- MoCo Drainage Criteria Manual
- MoCo Precinct 4
- MoCo standards
- MoCo Subdivision Rules
- model local laws
- Molly Lempriere
- monitor
- Montgomery County
- Montgomery County Appraisal District
- Montgomery County attorney
- Montgomery County drainage criteria manual
- Montgomery County Flood Plain Regulations
- Montgomery County Water Control and Improvement District #1
- Mooney
- mothers
- Mother Nature
- Mother's Day
- motion to dismiss
- mouth bar
- mouth bar dredging
- mpemba effect
- mudbugs
- MudTruck
- mud bath
- mulch
- multiple mouth bars
- Multisource Sand and Gravel
- multi-district litigation
- multi-juridictional morass
- Murder Plot
- mystery tax
- mythbuster
- myth buster
- Nationals Centers for Environmental Information
- National Flood Insurance
- National Flood Insurance Program
- National Geographic
- National Helicopter Service
- National Hurricane Center
- National Land Cover Database
- National Map Viewer
- National Public Lands Day
- National Weather Service
- native grasses
- Natural disasters
- natural gas
- natural resources
- Natural Resources Committee
- nature
- nature images from Lake Houston Area
- Nature never forgets
- Nature Sustainability
- nature's confusing balance sheet
- nature's flood protection
- nature-based
- nature-based flood-mitigation solutions
- nature-based solutions
- Navajo Nation
- NBG Constructors
- Neel-Schaffer
- negligence
- negligence per se
- neighborhood
- Nelson
- neon water
- Nephew Izzy
- nest
- netflix
- Netherlands
- new
- New Caney
- New Caney High School
- New Caney ISD
- New Caney ISD High School #3
- New Day
- new flood gates
- new flood maps
- new legislation
- new MoCo drainage criteria manual
- New Normal
- new page
- New York Post
- New York Times
- New Zealand
- Next phase mouth bar dredging
- next steps
- NE Houston
- NE Water Purification Plant
- NGP Van
- Nicaragua
- Nicholas
- Nichols
- NOAA Atlas 14
- NOAA Atlas-14
- noise
- Non-LMI
- noriega
- norris
- Northeast Action Coalition
- Northeast Action Collective
- Northeast Water Purification Plant
- Northeast Water Purification Plant Expansion
- Northeast Water Treatment Plant
- northpark
- Northpark Bridges
- Northpark closure
- Northpark Crews Begin Pouring Concrete
- Northpark crossover at Russell Palmer
- Northpark Culvert Installation
- Northpark Demolition
- Northpark detention basins
- Northpark Ditch
- Northpark drainage
- Northpark Drive
- Northpark Drive expansion
- Northpark entries
- Northpark expansion
- Northpark Expansion Phase II
- Northpark Expansion Project
- Northpark expo
- northpark phase II
- Northpark Phase II Meeting
- Northpark power lines
- Northpark Progress
- Northpark Project
- Northpark Public Input Session
- Northpark South
- Northpark tree moving
- Northpark woods
- Northshire
- North Harris County Regional Water Authority
- North Houston Association
- North Kingwood Forest
- North Park Woods
- North Transportation Center
- North Woodland Hills
- nothing happened
- Nothing wrong
- Notice of Enforcement
- notice of violation
- Noxxe
- Noxxe Cleanup
- Noxxe Oil and Gas
- Noxxe Oil & Gas
- No adverse impact
- no net fill
- No one in charge
- no problems
- No Rules
- nuisance
- Nurture Nature Center
- NWS Climate
- NY To
- N1
- N2
- N3
- Oakhurst
- Obama
- Oberg
- Odom Lake
- Odom lake Swamp
- Odom Swamp
- Odum
- Office of Emergency Management
- Ogg
- Ohio
- oil field
- Old Northpark Drive
- one is the loneliest number
- one to go
- one-click submittal
- On 3/7/24
- openness
- Opportunities for improvement
- optimal
- Orchard Seeded Ranches
- Otter Point
- Otum
- ounce of prevention
- outdated
- Outdoor classroom
- outfalls
- outflow channels
- outlying neighborhoods
- OutreachCircle
- out of banks
- overflow
- overflow spillways
- overlapping responsibilities
- Overlook Trail
- overview
- Over 65
- owners
- o'connor
- pace of recovery
- pachyderm
- Pacific Indio
- pack your patience
- page views
- Palmer
- panel replacement
- paradoxes
- parks
- Parks and Natural Areas Award Program
- partnership dollars
- Partner Funding
- Partner Funds
- partner gap
- part 3
- Past Catching Up
- Paul
- Paxton
- Paxton investigation
- Paxton Letter
- payback
- Pay report
- pay to pollute
- peace corps
- Peach Creek
- Peak Flows
- peak of hurricane season
- peak streamflows
- pearland
- Pearl Harbor
- Pecan Drive
- penalties
- Peppervine
- performance bond
- performance bonds
- perjury
- Perkins
- permit
- permit application
- permit evaluation
- Permit fees
- permit violations
- Perry
- Perry homes
- Perry letter
- Personal
- personhood
- petaflops
- peta-flops
- Petersen
- petition
- Pew
- Phase 1
- Phase 2
- phase 3 cypress creek flood tunnel study
- phasing development
- Philippe
- Phillips
- Phil Pollman
- phosphorus
- photography
- photo documentary
- photo essay
- photo of day
- physical and mental effects of Harvey
- Phytoremediation
- pick up
- Pier
- pincushion sand mine
- Pinehurst of Atascocita
- Pinehurst Trail Drive
- Pinehurst Trail Holdings
- Pineless
- pink flamingo
- pipe
- pipeliners
- pipelines
- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
- pipeline repairs
- pipes
- pit capture
- placement
- placement area
- placement areas
- placement area #1
- placing fill
- Plains State Bank
- Planning and Development
- Planning Commission
- plateau
- Platting requirements
- PlatTracker
- Plat Tracker
- Plea for DDG
- Plea for Help
- Plea to Jurisdiction
- plea to the jurisdiction
- plug
- plummets
- Plum Grove
- Plum Grove Volunteer Fire Department
- Poarch
- pocket park
- policy
- political
- political boundaries
- political contributions
- pollution
- pollution rules
- Ponding
- Poor-Farm Ditch
- population
- Population Density
- population estimates
- Population growth
- Porous Pave
- Porter
- Porter Dam
- Porter Strong RV Resort
- Porter Trench
- poseidon
- position
- posting
- post-dredging survey
- potential for erosion
- Potential Tropical Cyclone 4
- Potential tropical cyclone 6
- Potential Tropical Cyclone 9
- Potts
- poverty
- power failure
- power outages
- Prabhakar R. Guniganti
- Practical Engineering
- practices
- prairie
- pray
- precinct one
- Precinct 1
- Precinct 3
- precipitation
- precipitation-frequency estimates
- prediction
- prediction inundation mapping
- Preliminary engineering
- Preliminary Recommendations for Kingwood Diversion Ditch
- Premium Changes
- prepare
- preparedness
- preservation
- Preserve at Woodridge
- Preserve at Woodridge Forest
- Presswoods
- Preston Hydrologic
- prettiest places in texas
- prevent flooding
- pre-bid
- pre-mining
- pre-release
- pre-storm
- Price
- price of progress
- principle of indemnity
- priorities
- prioritization
- Prioritization Framework
- privacy fence
- private nuisance
- probability
- procedures
- process re-engineering
- process water
- production-consumption cycle
- productivity
- progress
- progressive degradation
- Projects
- Project Brays
- Project Hunting
- project list
- project management
- project status
- project update
- project updates
- property damage
- property rights
- proposals
- Proposed Agreed Order
- Proposition A
- ProPublica
- Prop A
- protection guidelines
- protect the public
- protest
- protesters
- protest letter
- proximity
- proximity to parks
- PTC 5
- PTC1
- PTC4
- Public Assistance
- public comment
- public comments
- Public Comment letter
- public input
- public meeting
- public notice
- public safety
- Public Works
- Public Works.
- Pulte
- pumper truck
- pumpjack
- punitive damages
- purchase
- purchase deal
- purchase offer
- purchase of Woodridge Village
- Pursuit of Loneliness
- P-518-11-00
- rabbit
- Rabbit Holes
- Rachel Taylor
- racial discrimination
- Radack
- RadarScope
- radical English experiment
- Rafael
- railroad
- railroad bridge
- Railroad Commission
- rail bridge
- rain
- rainfall
- rainfall intensity map
- rainfall map
- Rains in Spain
- Rain by the Cubit
- rain forecast
- rain train
- Raley
- Ralph De Leon
- Ramsey
- Randall's
- Randy Reagan
- ranking flood projects
- rants
- Rape of the West Fork
- rapid intensification
- Raveneaux
- reach
- Readiness Resources
- Ready for Emergencies
- Ready Harris
- Ready.Gov
- Reality Check
- real estate
- real estate tax
- real estate values
- real-estate sales
- real-time inundation mappiing
- reappraisal
- Reap what you sow
- Rebel
- Rebel Contractors
- rebirth
- Rebuilding
- rebuttal
- reclamation
- reclamation.
- record
- records
- record cold
- recovery
- Recovery checklists
- Recovery Efforts
- Recover Lake Houston
- recreation
- recreational vehicles
- Reddy Parntership/Kingwood
- Redistricting
- redistricting plan
- redlining
- reduced conveyance
- Reduce flood risk
- reducing flooding
- Red Cross
- Reed
- Reeder
- Reese
- regional detention basin
- regional flood control
- regional flood plan
- regional flood planning groups
- regional flood-planning group
- regional map
- regional mitigation projects
- Regional Mitigation-Project Approvals
- Regional Sedimentation study
- regional stormwater detention basin
- Region H
- Region 6
- Region 6 Draft Flood Planning Report
- Region 6 Flood Planning Group
- regulation
- regulations
- rehabilitation assistance
- Rehak
- reimbursement
- Reimbursements
- Reiter
- relationship between wildfires and floods
- Release Rate
- release rates
- reliable climate data
- relic channel
- remediation
- rentals
- renters
- reorganize
- reorganized
- repair
- repairs
- repaving
- repetitive flood damage
- report
- Reporting channel blockages
- reports
- report card
- report cards
- report on sand mining
- Representative Will Metcalf
- Republican Congressional Delegation
- Republican runoff
- Republic precincts
- requirements
- Reservoirs
- Reservoir Forecasting Tool
- resignation
- Resilience
- Resilience Center
- resilience zones
- Resiliency Operations Center
- resilient Houston
- resort
- Resources
- Resource Navigators
- respond
- restoration
- restored
- restraining order
- resumed construction
- retention vs. detention
- retirees
- Reuben Garcia
- reverse discrimination
- review
- re-traumatization
- RG Miller
- ribbon cutting
- rice
- Rice University
- Right of way
- right-of-way acquisition
- Rina
- rio de todo
- riparian
- riparian vegetation
- Risk Rating 2.0
- Rita
- riverchase
- rivers
- rivers of mud
- River Aggregates
- River bank collapses
- River basin study
- river bed
- river capture
- river currents
- river flooding
- River Forecast
- river gages
- River Grove
- River Grove Boat Launch
- river grove damage
- River Grove dredging
- River Grove Park
- River Levels Falling
- river migration
- river mining
- River of Mud Part Dos
- River Plantation
- river report
- River Rose
- rive gage
- Riviera
- riving mining
- Road and Parks Bond
- road closures
- road repair
- Roberts
- Robert Louis Stephenson
- Robert Meyer
- Robert Scarfo
- Robin Leach
- rocco
- rocks
- Rocky Branch
- Rocky Lai
- Rocky Woods
- rock flour
- Rodney Ellis
- rogers gully
- Rogers Gully Mouth Bar
- roman arrow
- Romerica
- Romerica Group
- Romerica Investments
- Ron Holley
- root causes of flood damage
- root systems
- roseate spoonbill
- Rosemary Fain
- Rosie
- roundup
- Royals Pines
- royalties
- Royal Pines
- Royal Pines Construction
- Royal Shores
- Rulemaking
- rule-making
- runoff
- runoff election
- rupture
- Rush
- Russell Palmer
- Russ Poppe
- Rustling Elms Bridge
- RV Park
- RV Resort
- Ryan Long
- Ryko
- R.G. Miller
- R.I.P.
- Sabine pass
- safety
- safety moment
- safety plan
- safety warning
- saffir Simpson wind speed scale
- Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale
- Sage LLC
- Saint Tropez
- sales tax holiday
- sale conditions
- Sally
- Sally Geiss
- salt marshes
- Samuel Brody
- Sam Cleveland
- Sam Harless
- Sam's
- sand
- sandbags
- sandminers
- Sandra Edwards
- Sandscape
- sand bar
- sand bars
- sand deposits
- sand for sale
- sand island
- sand mine
- sand miners
- sand mines
- sand mine dikes
- sand mine leaks
- sand mining
- sand mining legislation
- sand pits
- sand pits captured
- sand trap
- sand traps
- Sand Trap Study
- santa
- san jacinto
- San Jacinto Bayou Greenway
- San Jacinto County
- San Jacinto East Fork
- San Jacinto Greenway
- San Jacinto Master Drainage Plan
- San Jacinto Regional Flood Planning Group
- San Jacinto River Authority
- San Jacinto River Basin
- San Jacinto River Basin Master Drainage Study
- San Jacinto Upper Watershed
- San Jacinto Watershed
- San Jacinto Watershed Map
- San Jacinto Watershed Master Drainage Plan
- San Jacinto West Fork
- San Jacinto West Fork Greenway
- Saratoga homes
- sarman
- Satellite
- Saunders
- Savage
- save the date
- SB 1039
- SB 1750
- SB 1933
- SB 1993
- SB 2123
- SB 2126
- sb 500
- SB 695
- SB 7
- SB1209
- SB1892
- SB2123
- SB2126
- SB2431
- SB3116
- sb500
- SB7
- scavengers
- Schwartz
- science experiment
- Scientific American
- sconzo
- Scope of work
- scorecard
- scoring future flood projects
- Scott Elmer
- scour
- Scuba
- search
- search function
- seasonal
- seasonal averages
- seasonal lake lowering policy
- seasonal lowering
- seasonal release
- sea surface temperatures
- sea surface temperature anomalies
- sea-level rise
- Sea-Surface Temperatures
- secondary crisis
- Second Baptist Church
- second dredge
- second winter storm warning
- section 301
- Section 401
- Section 404
- security camera
- Sec. 11.086
- sediment
- sedimentation
- Sedimentation Survey
- sediment control
- sediment management planning
- sediment plume
- sediment pollution
- sediment removal
- sediment trap
- seeds
- seitzinger
- selling
- semantic rubber room
- September
- September 19th
- Sequeira
- sequiera
- service
- setbacks
- Seth Borenstein
- settlement
- Settling pond
- severe storms
- severe weather
- sewage
- sewage plant
- Shady Gardens Drive
- Shady Maple
- Shady Run
- shaker
- sheet flow
- Shelbelbon
- Sherwood-Elm Grove Trail Association
- shifting target
- ship channel
- shoaling
- shooting
- shortchange
- Shortfall
- short memory
- Shrader
- SH 87
- SH99
- Sierra Club
- Signorelli
- Sila
- silence
- silt
- siltier
- silty stormwater
- silt fence
- silt fences
- Simfero Consulting
- sims
- sims bayou
- single-family residential
- sinkholes
- situational awareness
- SJRA board
- SJRA board meeting
- SJRA director
- SJRA Grant Applications
- SJRA policy
- SJRA Press Release
- SJRA Takings Case
- SJR basin
- SJR Master Drainage Plan
- Skilled International
- Skymark
- slab elevation
- slope
- slowdown
- Sludge Fest
- small businesses
- Small Business nominee
- snack sized
- snow
- soccer
- socially vulnerable
- societal and environmental benefits of sand mining
- Society of American Engineers
- soil
- soil classification
- soil composition
- soil groups
- soil reports
- soil stabilization
- soil test
- soil types
- soil value exchange
- solastalgia
- Solid Waste
- Sorters-McClellan Road
- sounds of silence
- Southcoast Production
- Southeast Texas
- Southeast Texas Drainage District
- Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program
- Southside Place
- Sowing the seeds
- Space City Weather
- special flood hazard area
- Special Meetings
- Special Session
- specifications
- spending
- Spending by project phase
- spending by quarter
- spending by watershed
- spending by watersheds
- spending by year
- spending drought
- Spending trends
- spillway
- spillways
- splashing
- Splendora
- Splendora Crossing
- spoils
- spoonbill
- Sprague
- Spring
- Spring Creek
- spring creek dams
- Spring Creek Detention
- Spring Creek Flood Control Dams
- Spring Creek Greenway
- Spring Sand and Clay
- Spring Sand & Clay
- Spring Wet Sand and Gravel
- Sprint Sand and Clay
- Sprint Sand and Gravel
- Sprint Sand & Clay
- Spurloch
- spurlock
- sspeed
- SSPEED Center
- standard flood insurance
- standing water
- stantec
- Stan Sarman
- Start Point
- statewide flood assessment
- statewide flood plan
- State Action Plan
- State Action Plan Amendments
- state budget
- State Flood Plan
- State Highway 87
- State Highway 99
- State of Texas
- State Representative Charles Cunningham
- State Senator Robert Nichols
- stationarity
- statistics
- status report
- status reports
- Stephanie Johnson
- Stephen Costello
- Steve Raddick
- Stewart Consulting
- stilts
- stockpile
- Stockton Protocol
- stonewall
- stonewalled
- Stop the Drop
- Stop 3009 Vulcan Quarry
- storage capacity
- storm
- Stormwater Action Team
- Stormwater Action Team program
- Stormwater Design
- stormwater detention
- Stormwater Detention Basins
- stormwater discharge
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- Stormwater regulations
- stormwater runoff
- stormwater violations
- storm debris
- storm debris tracker
- storm drains
- storm line
- Storm Prediction Center
- storm sewer inlets
- storm surge
- Storm Water Solutions
- storm-water line inspections
- Strategic Conservation Plan
- Strategies for Success
- strategy
- streamflows
- street drainage
- street drains
- street flooding
- street flooding on steroids
- stripper wells
- strong thunderstorms
- structural controls
- study
- Stuebe
- sturgis
- St. Croix
- St. Martha
- St. Martha's
- Subdivision Rules and Regulations
- submissions
- subpeona
- subsidence
- subsidence damages
- subsidize
- substantial completion
- sunday discharge
- sunset
- sunset commission
- sunset review
- supercomputers
- supercomputing capacity
- Supreme Court
- surface water
- surprising flood risks
- survey
- Surveys
- survey results
- Susanne Kite
- susquehanna
- sustainability
- sustainable urban drainage design
- Suzanne Simpson
- SVI index
- swamped
- SWAT Program
- Swift Current
- swimming pools
- Swinbank
- swint
- Sylvester Turner
- Sylvia Garcia
- Sylvia Matthews
- system capacity
- S.B. 2586
- S2
- table top
- TACA Day
- taking
- takings cases
- Tamina Economic Development
- Tarkington Bayou
- task force
- Taste of Greek
- Tatum
- tax
- taxes
- tax assessment
- tax bill inequity
- tax day
- Tax Day Flood
- Tax Day Storm
- tax dollars
- tax free
- tax impact
- tax increase
- tax meeting
- tax rates
- tax refund
- tax relief
- Taylor Gulley
- Taylor Gully
- Taylor Gully Meeting
- Taylor Gully Preliminary Engineering Study
- Taylor Gully Repairs
- Taylor Gully Woodridge Village meeting
- Taylor Gully-Woodridge Village Meeting
- Taylor Gully7
- Taylor Lake Village
- tcep
- TCEQ investigation
- TC Jester
- TD 14
- TD 19
- TD 3
- TD 8
- TD13
- TD14
- TD2
- TD5
- TD9
- teague
- Ted Cruz
- teeth
- temperature
- temperature records
- temporary lowering
- Temporary restraining order
- terajoule
- Terracon
- testimony
- Tetra Tech
- Texans for Responsible Aggregate Mining
- Texas
- Texasite
- Texas Aggregate and Concrete Association
- Texas Attorney General
- Texas A&M
- Texas Coastal Resiliency Master Plan
- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
- Texas Commission on Evironmental Quality
- Texas Concrete
- Texas Concrete Sand and Gravel
- Texas floodplain population
- Texas Flood Plan
- Texas Frac Sand
- Texas General Land Office
- Texas Housers
- Texas Hurricane History
- Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund
- Texas Monthly
- Texas Parks and Wildlife
- Texas Power Agents
- Texas Power sources
- Texas property code
- Texas Railroad Commission
- Texas Supreme Court
- Texas Watershed Viewer
- Texas Water Code
- Texas Water Conservation Association
- Texas Water Development Board
- Texas Water Journal
- Texas Water Newsroom
- thanks
- Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving Storms
- thanks a million
- Thank You Lord
- Thao Costis
- They're Baa-aaack
- They're baa-aaack!
- They're baa-aback!
- The Enclave
- The Herons
- The Hill
- The Nature Conservancy
- the next big flood
- The Ostrich Paradox
- The Woodlands Land Development Company
- The Woodlands MUD elections
- threats
- threat to public safety
- three dog night
- Thunderstorms
- timberline
- timberline drive
- timber exemption
- timber land Guniganti
- Timber turned into toothpicks
- time
- time lapse
- Time of Accumulation
- time running out
- Tina Petersen
- TIRZ 10
- Toby Baker
- Tomball
- Tomlinson
- Tom McCasland
- Tom Ramsey
- Tony Buzbee
- toole
- topo
- top four watersheds
- top of bank
- top priorities
- Top ten
- Torchy's
- tornado
- tornados
- Tornado watch
- townhall
- Townhome
- townhomes
- Townsend
- Townsend Landing
- Townsend Reserce
- Townsend Reserve
- Townsen Boulevard West
- Townsen Landing
- TownshipFuture
- Town Center
- town hall
- Town Hall Meeting
- toxic legacy
- toxic waste
- toxins
- to build or not to build
- trade winds
- traffic
- trail
- trailblazing
- Trailwood
- Trammell Crow
- Trammell Crow Phase II
- Tranquility Ranch
- transparency
- transportation
- TranStar
- trash
- trash pickup
- Trash removal
- Trauma
- travel conditions
- Travel Guides
- trees
- Trees for Kingwood
- tree debris
- Tree Huggers
- tree lane
- Tree Lane Bridge
- Tree Lane Bridge Rehabilitation
- Tree Lane Bridge repairs
- Tree Muggers
- tree transplantation
- trespass
- Trey Harris
- Trial
- triangular dune
- Trick or Treat
- tricolor heron
- Triple
- Triple P
- Triple PG
- Triple PG Mine
- Triple PG sand mine
- Triple PG sand mine trial
- Triple-P
- tropical
- Tropical Activity
- tropical conditions
- tropical cyclones
- tropical depression
- Tropical Depression Beta
- Tropical Depression 2
- tropical development
- tropical disturbance
- tropical forecast
- tropical formation
- tropical outlook
- tropical storm
- tropical storms
- Tropical Storm Allison
- Tropical Storm Beta
- Tropical Storm Reports
- Tropical Storm Sally
- Tropical Storm Sara
- Tropical storm warning
- Tropical Storm Watch
- tropical system
- tropical systems
- tropical threat
- tropical threats
- tropical vs. non-tropical
- Tropical Wave
- Tropical Weather Outlooks
- tropics
- Trump
- Trust in government
- Truth in Lending
- tsunamis
- TS Imelda
- TS Laura
- tunnel
- tunneling
- tunnels
- turbulence
- Turner
- turnout
- turnover
- turn around; don't drown
- tutorial
- Twila Carter
- twin spin
- two inch rain
- Tyler J. Kelley
- T.C. Jester
- T.C. Jester Detention Basin Complex
- UH
- Ulku
- Ulrich
- ultimate
- UN
- unauthorized discharge
- underwater cutting
- undisturbed buffer zones
- uneven recovery
- unintended consequences
- UnionPacific
- UnionPacific Railroad
- Union Pacific
- Union Pacific Railroad
- Universal Services
- University of Bristol
- University of Houston
- University of Iowa
- University of Wisconsin
- unregistered
- unstabilized
- unusual
- UP
- update
- upgrade
- upgraded
- upstream
- upstream detention
- upstream development
- Upstream Interests Et Al
- Uptown
- Up the down escalator
- urban and small stream advisory
- urban development
- Urban Flood Risk Handbook
- Useful flood links
- USGS National Map
- USGS Water on the Go
- US Air Force
- US Army
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US Fish & Wildlife Service
- US242
- US59
- US59 Bridge
- Utah
- U.S. Army Corps
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- U.S. Drought Monitor
- U.S. Supreme
- wakes up from flood
- Walden
- Walden Country Club
- walden on lake houston
- walk in beauty
- Wallace Nichols
- Walmart
- walnut creek
- Walnut Lane
- Walnut Lane Bridge
- Wanbridge
- Wan Bridge
- warrant
- war games
- Washington Post
- Washington state
- washout
- wastewater
- watchlist
- watch list
- watering costs
- WaterMyYard
- watersheds
- Watersheds' relative contributions to Lake Houston Area Flooding
- watershed map
- watershed spending
- watershed study
- water cannon
- water clarity
- water code
- water color
- Water Conservation Association
- water crisis
- Water Flood Hazards
- water flowing uphill
- Water has a memory
- Water on The Go
- water plan
- water quality
- Water regulations
- Water Resource Act
- water supply
- water turn color
- water war
- Water Wars
- Water & Rural Affairs
- water-supply dam
- water-use restrictions
- wattle
- Wayne Dolcefino
- Wayne Smith and Associates
- wealth of flood data
- webinar
- webster
- web app
- web site
- weir
- welding
- Wentzel
- Westador Stormwater Detention Basin
- West Fork
- West Forkm
- West Fork dredging
- West Fork Greenway
- West Fork High School
- West Fork Mouth Bar
- West Fork Pit Captures
- West fork san jacinto
- West Fork Watersheds Partnership
- West Harris County Regional Water Authority
- West Lake Houston Parkway
- West Lake Houston Parkway Bridge
- West Montgomery Wetland Mitigation Bank
- West University Place
- wetlands
- Wetlands Mitigation
- Wetland Mitigation Bank
- Wettest May
- wet spring
- Whanganui River
- Wharton County
- What some utilities don't understand
- what takes so long
- What went wrong
- when leaders become misleaders
- where the money goes
- Whistleblower Law
- white
- white bass
- White House
- white oak
- White Oak Bayou
- White Oak Creek
- white pelicans
- white supremacy
- white water
- Whitmeyer
- Whitmire
- why buyouts take so long
- Why Rivers Move
- willette
- willful blindness
- Williams
- William S. Higbie
- Willow Creek
- Willow Water Hole
- Will Metcalf
- Windward Islands
- wind chill
- wind chill warning
- Wind fingerprint
- wind power
- wind speeds
- winter storm
- winter storm warning
- winter version of Harvey
- wish list
- withdrawal
- withdrawn
- with prejudice
- Woodbridge
- Woodbridge Forest
- Woodbridge Village
- Woodbridge 268
- Woodlands
- Woodlands Joint Powers Agency
- Woodland Hills
- Woodridge
- Woodridge Forest
- Woodridge MUD
- Woodridge Village
- Woodridge Village Detention
- Woodridge Village Detention Ponds
- Woodridge Village Excavation
- Woodridge Village excavation activity
- Woodridge Village Excavation and Removal Contract
- Woodridge Village purchase
- Woodridge Vllage
- woodstream
- Woodstream Forest
- workshop
- Worlds Largest Trailer Park
- World Bank
- World Meteorological Association
- World Meteorological Organization
- world resources institute
- World War II
- World's Largest Trailer Park
- worry
- Worst First
- worth fighting for
- writ of mandamus
- wrong way flood
- $1.2 billion bond
- $220 million
- $2500
- $30 million grant
- $322 million
- $488 million
- $60
- $60 million
- $750 million
- "I'm sorry"
- 1% solutions
- 1/8000th of a second
- 100
- 100-year rain
- 1000th rebuild
- 14 months
- 1949
- 1968 Planning Study
- 1985
- 199
- 1994 Flood
- 200 year rain
- 2000th home
- 2011
- 2019
- 2019 floods
- 2019 Texas Legislature
- 2020
- 2020 hurricane season
- 2020 Weather Summary
- 2021 hurricane season prediction
- 2022 election
- 2022 Harris County Road and Parks Bond
- 2022 hurricane season
- 2022 Road and Parks Bonds
- 2022 road bond
- 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season
- 2023 Hurricane Season
- 2023 legislature
- 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook Update
- 2024 Earmark Requests
- 2024 flood bond update
- 2024 Hurricane Season
- 2024 Hurricane Season forecast
- 2024 hurricane season roundup
- 2024 Tree Lane Bridge Repairs
- 30 acres
- 30-page report covers the storm's origins
- 33X
- 40%
- 401
- 494
- 5-year rain
- 50% bigger than Manhattan
- 500
- 500-year
- 56 million gallons
- 59 gage
- 60% solution
- 65
- 7001
- 8%
- 83 acres
- 87th legislature
- 9-month anniversary
- 9.2
- 91L
- 92L
- 94L
- 95L
- 97L
- 99L
- 99% solutions
By Post Title:
- Abandoned Sand Mines Leave Lasting Legacy of Loss in Southeast Texas
- Abandoned Texas Concrete Mine in Plum Grove Still Hasn’t Stabilized Soil or Removed Equipment
- ABC13 Reports Only One Home Rebuilt Since Harvey with $1.2 Billion in Federal Aid
- Above-Water Portion of Mouth Bar Could Be Gone by Christmas
- Action Alert: Aggregate Production Testimony Needed
- Action Needed re: $750 Million for Flood-Control Funding
- Activity at Army Corps Dredge Command Site Kicking into High Gear
- Act Now to Reduce Sediment Due to Sand Mining
- Addicks-Barker Litigation Update
- Addicks-Barker Upstream Trial Case Entering Final Phase
- Additional Dredging on the Horizon in 2019
- Additional Rain Puts Lake Conroe Within 1 inch of April Average
- Adventure Awaits: Laurel Springs RV Resort Opens
- Aerial Photos of Lake Houston Dam Dramatize Need for More Gates
- After Eighth Flood in Five Years, Forest Cove Townhome Renter Forced Out and Burned Out
- After Quitting Time, Contractor Pumps Silty Stormwater into Street
- After Town Hall Meeting, Confusion Still Swirls Around Status of Mouth Bar
- After Year of Isolation, The Gift of Nature
- After 4 Years, No Recommendations from River Basin Master Drainage Plan in Design Yet
- Alberto, First Named Storm of Season, Lashes Mexico, South TX
- Aldine-Westfield Detention Basin Phase 2 Construction Starting Along Greens Bayou
- AlertHouston Urges Public to Report Suspicious Piles of Bricks, Rocks
- All Active HCFCD Construction Projects Now in Democratic Precincts
- All Clear: New Development in Humble Near Floodplain
- All Floodwaters Receding, But Flood Warnings Remain in Effect
- All Parties Still Focused on Finding Solution for Adding Flood Gates to Lake Houston Dam
- All River Levels Falling, Flood Danger Over, But…
- All You Need to Know About Flooding Before You Vote
- Amazing NOAA Coastal Flood Exposure Tools Have Inland Applications, Too
- Amazon Expands the Concrete Jungle
- Amazon Transportation Center at Valley Ranch Nears Completion
- Amendment to H.B. 1540 Could Force Changes in SJRA Management
- Amy Slaughter’s Hurricane Harvey Experience
- Announcements Expected at October 9 Town Hall on Additional Dredging, Detention and Floodgates
- Another Above-Average Hurricane Season Predicted
- Another Disturbance Following Path of Tropical Storm Alberto
- Another Massive Detention Pond Going In Next to Halls Bayou
- Another RV Resort Coming Near North End of Woodland Hills Drive
- Another Sand Pit Captured, More Breached by San Jacinto West Fork
- Another Storm Brewing: The Groundwater Debate and How It Relates to Flood Risk
- Another Treeless MoCo Development: 83 Acres of Idyllic Floodplains, Floodway and Wetlands Sandwiched between Railroad Tracks and a Sewage Treatment Plant
- Another Tropical Wave Headed Toward Gulf
- Another Way to Look at Prop A: Maintenance Dollars Per Stream Mile
- Another 600 Acres of Forest Cleared in Splendora
- Answer Day for High-Rise Developer
- Appeals Court Revives Addicks-Barker Downstream Takings Cases
- Appellate Court Dismisses Homeowners’ Claims in SJRA Takings Case
- Approximately 1,000 Plaintiffs File Suit Against Sand Mines in Harvey Flooding
- Approximately 1,700 Plaintiffs in Three Lawsuits Against Sand Mines Now Joined in Multi-District Litigation
- April 10th Storm Dumps 12-17 Inches in 12 Hours East of Houston
- April 7 Meeting on Spring Creek Flood Control Dams
- AP Article Cites Texas A&M Study Showing Pollution Surged 62% Since EPA Enforcement Rollback
- AP Reports Shine Light on Secrecy of Flood Risk Below Dams
- AP Story Highlights Efforts to Streamline Buyout Process
- Area Leaders Meet with GLO Commissioner Buckingham
- Are Sand Mine Dikes Designed to Fail?
- Are Sand Mine Dikes Designed to Fail? State Sets No Standards
- Are We Winning or Losing the Battle to Reduce Flooding?
- Army Corps Completes Value Engineering Phase of West Fork Dredging Project
- Army Corps Extends Bid Deadline Again; Opening Now Expected June 22
- Army Corps Finds Wetlands on Perry Homes Woodridge Village Property Did Not Fall Under Corps’ Jurisdiction; What Next?
- Army Corps Finishes Sedimentation Survey Field Work on First Leg of West Fork
- Army Corps Moving Forward with Partial Mouth Bar Dredging to Reduce Flood Risk
- Army Corps Now 70% Complete with Its Portion of Mouth Bar Dredging
- Army Corps of Engineers Awards Dredging Bid on West Fork Emergency Project
- Army Corps Permit Evaluation Process
- Army Corps Proposes Solutions for Buffalo Bayou Flooding; One Could Affect Lake Houston Area
- Army Corps Releases New Video of West Fork Dredging Highlights
- Army Corps to Hold Virtual Public Meetings on Coastal Protection Study
- Army Corps to Investigate Potential Wetland Violations on Perry Homes’ Woodridge Village Site
- Army Corps Updates Dredging Status
- Army Corps Updates West Fork Dredging Progress
- ASFPM Catalogs, Explains Flood-Mitigation Strategies: A Review
- As Heavy Rains Approach, Triple PG Wastewater Higher on Neighboring Properties Than In Its Settling Pond
- As of 1 p.m., Laura Now Category 4 Hurricane, Moving at 16 mph
- As of 7 a.m., Laura Predicted to Make Landfall at Sabine Pass as Cat 4 Hurricane
- As Wildfire Weather Sets In, Fastest Growing Area in Liberty County Fails to Meet Fire-Code Requirements
- Atlantic Basin Heating Up with Potential Tropical Activity
- Attention Homes Still Under Repair: Freeze Watch Tuesday Night into Wednesday
- At Least Seven Investigations Launched into Colony Ridge
- August Flood Digest: Brief Summaries of Nine Items in the News
- Austin Bait-and-Switch Lawsuit Could Set Precedent for Harris County
- A better future
- A Breather: Rain Mainly South of I-10 For Most of Day
- A Brief History of Lake Houston, the West Fork Mouth Bar and Attempts to Mobilize Dredging of It
- A Closer Look at Sand Issues on the East Fork of the San Jacinto
- A Dirty Job, But Someone Has To Do It: Life of a Dredger on the West Fork
- A Fast, Easy Way to Research Flood Hazards (And Your Neighbors)
- A First: Houston, Harris County Both Meet HUD/GLO Disaster-Relief Benchmarks in Same Time Period
- A Flood of Emotions
- A Flood of Memories: The Uptown Story
- A Little Bit of Utah’s Bryce Canyon Comes to Conroe
- A Model for the Future of the San Jacinto
- A Moment of Tranquil Splendor at Otter Point
- A Personal Flood-Control Wish List For the Lake Houston Area
- A Quick Way to Assess Flood Risk In Your Neighborhood During Storms
- A River Ran Through It: Dr. Katherine Persson’s Harvey Experience
- A Simple Proposal to Fix NFIP, Reduce Elm Grove’s Flood Risk, Save Taxpayer Dollars, and Force Perry Homes to Follow Rules
- A Townsen Bridge Across Spring Creek?
- A Visual Testament to the Wonders of Wetlands
- Background on Houston Proposition A: Drainage Fee Re-vote
- Backward, Bait-And-Switch Bond Meeting a Bust
- Bad Name? “Docks” Center Still Mostly Empty
- Bald Eagle Joins Protest of New Woodlands Development
- Bald Eagle Sighted Over Romerica Property
- Barrington Is BACK and BETTER!
- Baseless Claims of Historic Racism, White Supremacy in Allocation of Flood Funds
- Batches 1 and 2 of Cypress Creek Major-Maintenance Projects Completed, More to Come
- Batch 3 of Cypress Creek Major Maintenance Projects Ramping Up
- Bayou City Initiative Presents “Houston Flooding: A Vision for 2020 and Beyond
- Bayou Land Conservancy Protects Another 966 Acres in Lake Creek Watershed
- Bayou Land Conservancy Protests High-Rise Development in Kingwood
- Bayou Land Conservancy Raises Concerns About SJRA Sand Trap Proposal
- Bayou Land Conservancy Ribbon Cutting on Spring Creek
- Bayou Land Conservancy Supports HB 909, Publishing Best Practices for Sand Mining
- Bayou Land Conservancy Volunteers Protect Nature’s Flood Protection
- Before and After Harvey Images Show Impact of Sediment on West Fork Flooding
- Before You Vote, Know Where HCFCD Maintenance Dollars Go
- Before-After Pics of 2024 Tree Lane Bridge Repairs
- Before-After Shots of Clean-Out: HCFCD Restoring Conveyance of Taylor Gully In Elm Grove
- Beginning of End for Last of Forest Cove Townhomes
- Benefits of Flood Insurance vs. Disaster Assistance
- Bens Branch Clean-out North of Kingwood Drive Already 40% Complete
- Ben’s Branch Clean Out to Begin August 19
- Ben’s Branch Update: Channel Wide Open, HCFCD Hydromulching Banks
- Beryl Becomes Earliest Cat 5 Hurricane Ever
- Beryl Expected to Become Category 4 Hurricane
- Beryl Goes from Tropical Storm to Cat 4 in One Day
- Beryl Update, Saturday AM
- Best Hope to Fully Fund Flood-Bond Projects Just Vanished into a Political Black Hole
- Best Management Practices that Could Reduce Sedimentation of the San Jacinto If Sand Mines Always Followed Them
- Beta Downgraded to Tropical Depression
- Beta Feeder Band Could Dump 1-2″ Per Hour; Street Flooding Possible
- Beta Moving Ashore Today Then Likely Tracking Slightly South of Houston
- Beta Rainfall Estimates Increasing; 6-10 Inches Now Predicted for Lake Houston Area
- Beta Stalling Onshore Around Victoria; Will Start Moving Toward Houston Tonight
- Better Late Than Never: Large Detention Pond Taking Shape North of Area that Flooded
- Between a River and Ruin
- Bewildering Size of Areas under Diversion-Ditch Bridges
- Biden Changes Trump’s Changes to Water Regulations
- Biden Orders Simplification of Disaster Relief
- Big Picture
- Big Stories to Watch in 2020
- Billboard on FM105 Implies Lake Conroe Is Threatened and Near Death
- Bill King Has Best Plan to Address Flooding By Far
- Bill King to Discuss Kingwood Flooding Issues, High-Rise Development and More at Townhall this Sunday
- Bill that Could Open Door to River Mining Modified and Heading to Full Senate
- Blowup Between Mayor and Housing Director Triggers Fraud Investigation over Harvey Funds
- BMPs for Final Stabilization Report Omit Crucial Elements
- BMPs for Pre-Mining Phase of Sand Mining Can Help Prevent Erosion that Contributes to Flooding
- Boating Safety around Dredges
- Bombshells in Council Meeting Raise More and Bigger Questions about Housing and Community Development
- Book Review: Houston After Harvey: Stories from Inside the Hurricane by Jacqueline Havelka and Jill Bullard Almaguer
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Debris Piles are Ba-aack
- Brays Bayou Received Approximately Half Billion in Flood Mitigation Funding In Last 23 Years
- Breach at Hallett Mine Expanding
- Brewing in Bay of Campeche
- Bridge over Tracks, Upstream Detention on Friday’s Commissioners Court Agenda
- Broken Promise: Garcia Trying to Divert $191 Million in Cedar Bayou Flood-Bond Funds
- Bruce Sprague’s Hurricane Harvey Story, Part VI
- Builders Battle Basic Rule Changes After Harvey
- Building-Code Pushback that Makes Disasters Worse
- But by the Grace of God…
- Buyouts of Forest Cove Townhomes Progressing, But Slowly
- Buy Emergency Supplies Tax Free From April 22 – 24, 2023
- Buzbee Has a Chance to Succeed with Flood Mitigation; Turner Blew His
- Buzbee Video Puts Mouth Bar, Sand Mining at Center Stage In Mayoral Election
- Buzzing The Mouth Bar: Low Altitude Flyover at 30 MPH Takes 1 Minute 9 Seconds
- By Itself, Lake Conroe Discharge During Harvey Among Top Ten West Fork Floods of All Time
- Cambio, Zeve and Gilman Update Pachyderm Club on Lake Houston Area Flood Mitigation Efforts
- Camille Pagel’s Hurricane Harvey Experience and Plea to Continue Lowering Lake Conroe
- Can Cream City Teach Bayou City about Flood Mitigation?
- Can Cypress Creek Stormwater Detention Offset SJRA Releases from Lake Conroe?
- Carriage Hills Sand Mine Still Has Equipment in West Fork Floodway
- Case Finally Closed on Lake Conroe Association Lawsuit against City, SJRA
- Case for Lowering Lake Conroe up to Two Feet During Peak of Hurricane Season
- Cat-4 Ida Hits Louisiana with 150 MPH Winds and 12-Foot Storm Surge
- Caught on Camera: Moment Forest Cove Townhome Toppled
- Caught On Camera: Woodridge Contractor Dumping on Neighbor’s Property
- Causes of Power Outages – Minus the Politics
- Caution: SB 2126 Opens Door to Sand Mining in Rivers
- Celebrating Completion of new KMS Without Flooding
- CenterPoint Delays Force Change in Plans on Northpark Drive Expansion
- Centerpoint Utility Corridor Flooding Below RV Resort
- Center of Imelda Drifting Over SW Montgomery County as of Late Morning Wednesday
- Chain Link Fencing at Laurel Springs RV Resort Would Not Meet Exxon Land Development Commercial Guidelines
- Chances of Formation Increase to 60% for Invest 94L
- Chances of Tropical Formation for 99L Increase to 80%
- Chances of Tropical Formation in Gulf Increasing for Next Week
- Changes Coming to ReduceFlooding.Com
- Changes to ReduceFlooding: New “Funding” Page
- ChatGPT Advice on Most Effective Techniques for Flood Control
- ChatGPT Misses on Some Aspects of Flood-Control
- ChatGPT Recommends Construction BMPs that Reduce Flooding
- Check This Website Before Heading to the Beach
- Childhood Terror From Harvey: Ulrich Family’s Experience and Letter to SJRA Board
- China’s “Sponge Cities”
- Christmas Comes Early to Porter Dam Flood Victims
- Christmas in July for Elaine Phillips
- Chronicle, ABC13 Report Harris County District Attorney Opens Investigation into Mayor
- Chronicle, ReduceFlooding endorse Mealer over Hidalgo
- City Analyzing Samples from Mouth Bar In Hopes of Determining Volume Due to Harvey
- City and MoCo Offer NFIP Flood Claims Workshop with FEMA
- City Announces Trash Pickup Schedule for Memorial Day Week
- City Applies for TWDB Grants to Turn Woodridge Village Into Detention Basin and More
- City Begins Cleanup of Marina Drive Townhomes in Forest Cove
- City Begins Tree Lane Bridge Repairs
- City Completes Repairs on Tree Lane Bridge, But Concerns Remain
- City Council Approves Northpark Expansion Agreement with Union Pacific
- City Decides Not to Participate in Elm Grove Rescue; Says County Should Pay 100%
- City Defends RV Park Permit Despite Deficiencies
- City De-Silting Channel Under Kingwood Drive Near High School
- City Gets Favorable Ruling on BCR for Lake Houston Gates Project
- City Inspector Finds No Problems At RV Park. 311 Says “Case Closed.” Martin’s Office Says “Not So Fast.”
- City Making Good Progress on Forest Cove Ditch Rehabilitation Project
- City Mobilizing for More West Fork Dredging
- City of Houston Contractors to Begin East Fork Debris Removal
- City of Houston Couldn’t Even Give Away Harvey Aid Due to Bureaucratic Bungling
- City of Houston Files Cease-and-Desist Order Against Perry Homes, Double Oak, and Figure Four Partners
- City of Houston Intends to Waive Permit Fees for Homes Affected by Flooding May 7-9
- City of Houston Map Shows Extent of Water Flood Hazards for Many Smaller Ditches, Streams
- City of Houston Officially Launches Harvey Economic Development Program
- City of Houston Posts Request for Qualifications to Develop Long-Range Dredging Plan
- City of Houston Receives $3.3 Million FEMA Grant for Design and Permitting of Additional Gates For Lake Houston Dam
- City of Houston Releases “Living With Water™” Report
- City of Houston Re-evaluating Benefit-Cost Ratio on Lake Houston Gates Project Alternatives
- City of Houston Seeks Proposals for Planning Lily Pads
- City of Houston Updates Infrastructure Design Manual
- City of Houston Will Now Require Developers to Identify Flood-Prone Areas on Their General Plans
- City of Houston’s Stormwater Action Team Begins Ditch Rehabilitation in Forest Cove
- City Quietly Cleaning Out Culverts Under Kingwood Drive Thanks to Local Activist
- City Repairing Storm Sewer Outfalls
- City Seeks Your Feedback on Equity Indicators Survey
- City Serves Search Warrant at Kingwood Central Wastewater Treatment Plant
- City Starting to Excavate Bottlenecks Under Kingwood Drive
- City Starts Tornado Debris Pickup, How to Help
- City To Host Meeting Tuesday, 6:30, At Kingwood Community Center for Homeowners Who Suffered Repetitive Flood Damage
- City to Lower Lake Houston for Dam Repairs
- City Will Lower Lake Houston Sunday in Advance of Heavy Rainfall
- City’s Beryl Storm-Debris Tracker Shows Cleanup Status by Neighborhood
- City’s Harvey Recovery Map Shows Lake Houston Area Has Received Little Assistance
- Clarification and $2.8 Billion Worth of Good News Regarding Senate Bill 500 and Harvey Funding
- Clarification from District E on Lake Level Adjustment
- Cleanup of Forest Cove Oil Wells, Tanks Scheduled for Fall
- Cleanup of Leaking Oil Tanks on Noxxe Lease by Forest Cove Little League Fields Complete
- Clean Sweep for Royal Pines
- Clean Sweep for RV “Resort” Owners
- Clean Water Act, R.I.P.
- Clearing of Beryl Debris from Creeks and Channels Continues
- Clear Debris from Drains Before Next Wave of Rain Hits
- Clock Starts Ticking on Army Corps Dredging Project
- Close Call for St. Martha School, Kids in Action Yesterday; More Heavy Storms Possible Tonight, Tomorrow
- Close-Up Photos of Noxxe’s Devastation
- Coastal Prairie Conservancy Plan Shows How Preservation Can Help Reduce Flooding
- Cogdill Video Shows Overland Sheet Flow From Clear-Cut Area Pouring into Elm Grove; HCFCD Issues Report on Flood
- CoH Excavating Silt from Diversion Ditch at Kingwood Drive
- CoH Public Works Asking for More Details on Kingwood Cove Golf Course Conversion
- CoH Public Works Kicks Off Tree Lane Bridge Rehab Project
- CoH Removing Sediment under Northpark Bridges, More Good News on Northpark Expansion
- Colony Ridge Buying Up Floodplain Land in Huffman
- Colony Ridge Declares War on Investigative Journalist, Too
- Colony Ridge Developer Sues Critics For More Than Million Dollars Based on Questionable Allegations
- Colony Ridge Ditches Violate Liberty County Drainage Standards
- Colony Ridge Drainage Reports Misrepresent Soil Types, Underestimate Runoff; Many Reports Missing
- Colony Ridge Expanding North Into More Wetlands
- Colony Ridge Karma: Area Floods While Developer Hosts Lawmakers
- Colony Ridge Now 50 Percent Bigger than Manhattan
- Colony Ridge Stormwater Detention Basins, Ditches Fail to Meet Liberty County Standards
- Colorado State Experts Predict Another Hurricane Season Like 2001, 2008 and 2017
- Colorado State Predicts “Extremely Active” 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season
- Combined Harris County Tax Increases 4-5x Greater than Inflation
- Comcast Contractors Force Traffic Across Residents’ Lawns
- Comments Due to TCEQ on Sand-Mining BMPs by August 19
- Commercial Development Guidelines for Kingwood Limit Building Height to 60 Feet
- Commissioners Approve Excavation Contract for Regional Detention Pond on Taylor Gully
- Commissioners Approve New Formula for Scoring Future Flood Projects
- Commissioners Court Agenda Raises HCFCD Questions
- Commissioners Discuss Colony Ridge, But Take No Position Yet
- Commissioners Vote Tuesday on Contract for Woodridge Village Detention Pond Excavation
- Commissioners Will Vote Tuesday On Measure That Could Improve Drain/Ditch Maintenance
- Commissioner Ellis Tries to Add New Conditions to Woodridge Deal – Yet Again
- Concerns About Fill Height in New Atascocita Development
- Concerns Over Proposed Cypress Creek Flood Tunnel Outfall Location
- Concern over High-Rise Development Triggers Biggest Turnout for Impromptu Meeting since Annexation
- Conditions in Atlantic Becoming More Favorable for Tropical Development
- Cone of Nicholas Shifts East, Now Includes Houston, Hurricane Watch Expanded
- Congressional Budget Office Provides Wealth of Flood Data
- Congressional District 2 Candidates Discuss Flooding
- Conservation Flood Planning in Texas
- Construction Beginning Soon on Mercer Stormwater Detention Basin
- Construction Begins on Mercer Stormwater Detention Basin
- Construction of HCFCD Greens Bayou Flood Mitigation Projects in High Gear
- Construction of Long-Awaited Edgewater Park to Begin in 2021
- Construction of New Kingwood Middle School Starts With Temporary Detention Pond
- Construction of Northeast Water Purification Plant Past Halfway Mark
- Construction of Northeast Water Purification Plant in High Gear
- Construction Starting Soon on Lauder Basin Phase 2
- Construction Update: KMS and West Fork High School
- Construction Update: New Caney High School #3 Site Going Green and Gray
- Construction Update: Perry Homes Adding Storm Sewers, Berm to Woodridge Village
- Construction Update: Steel Going up for New Kingwood Middle School
- Contractors Almost Finished with Framing New KMS, Starting on Roof
- Contractors Begin Excavation of N1 Detention Pond at Perry Homes’ Woodridge Village
- Contractors Clearing South Side of Northpark Entry at US59
- Contractors Now Working Seven Days Per Week, Dawn to Dusk, on Woodridge Village Detention Ponds
- Contractor Behind Kingwood’s First RV Park Has Six Tax Forfeitures In His Past
- Contractor Kills, Maims 138 Egrets, Herons While Clearing Land
- Contractor Not Executing All Requirements in Approved Woodridge Plans
- Controversial Colony Ridge Development Doubles in Size
- Controversial Laurel Springs RV Resort Apparently Under New Management
- Conveyance of Lower Ben’s Branch Nearly Restored
- Corona Virus Lockdown Expansion Will Not Affect Flood Mitigation
- Corps Finishing Touch-Up Dredging at River Grove, Moving Downriver
- Corps, Contractors Vacate Old Dredging Command Post, Demobilize
- Correction on Post about Ben’s Branch and Taylor Gulley
- Costly Brain Drain Continues in Harris County
- Costs of NOT Preserving Floodplains
- Could This Be the Start of Hurricane Season?
- County Approves Another $15 Million for Flood Mitigation in Precincts 1, 2
- County Approves Elm Grove Deal with Two Conditions
- County Attorney Claims Producing Election Records “Will Harm” Harris County in Litigation
- County Commissioners Add New Condition to Purchase of Perry Homes’ Woodridge Village
- County COVID Money Buys Democratic Campaign Software Instead
- County Demolishes First of Buyouts In Forest Cove
- County Discussing Another Billion-Dollar-Plus Bond
- County Outlines Plan for $750 Million in Flood-Mitigation Funds
- County Position on More Detention, Dredging and Gates for Flood Bond
- County Posts Video of Meeting in Which Conditions Were Added to Purchase of Perry Property
- County Suggesting New Way to Prioritize Flood-Bond Projects
- Create Land Bank for Future Flood-Mitigation Projects
- Creighton’s SB7 Passed Unanimously by Senate, Bill Goes to House Today
- Crenshaw Coordinating Gift Card Drive for Flood Victims, May 11, 10-Noon, at Second Baptist Church
- Crenshaw Donates Perry Homes’ Campaign Contribution to First Baptist Flood Relief Fund
- Crenshaw Secures Funding for Local Flood Mitigation Projects
- Crenshaw Secures Funding for 10 Lake Houston Area Projects
- Crenshaw Secures $3.2 Million for Final Engineering of Two Kingwood Flood-Mitigation Projects
- Crenshaw, Brady, Cruz and Cornyn Ask FEMA to Dredge More of West Fork Mouth Bar
- Cristobal Likely to Reach U.S. Gulf Coast Sunday into Monday
- Critical Pieces of Union Pacific Bridge over West Fork Now in Place
- Critical Woodridge S2 Detention Pond Approaching Final Dimensions
- Cross Your Fingers: Porter Dam Replaced by Two Large Culverts Under Road to Nowhere
- Crucial Meeting Thursday in Austin on Mouth Bar
- Crucial Week for Future of Subsidence, Flooding
- Cunningham Sponsors Bill to Ensure Restoration of Abandoned Sand Mines
- CWA Exploring Alternate Plan for Adding Lake Houston Dam Gates
- Damage Map: Neighborhoods in Lake Houston Area Hardest Hit by Harvey
- Damn the Downstream Consequences, Colony Ridge Expansion Continues Relentlessly
- Dangerous Storm Bringing Quarter Inch of Ice, Two Inches of Snow, Single-Digit Temps To Houston
- Dangers of Erosion when Developing Floodplains
- Dangers of Street Flooding
- Daredevils at Triple PG Mine Continue to Push Safety Envelope
- David Seitzinger Letter to SJRA Focuses on Lake Levels and Drought
- Dawn of a New Day for the Lake Houston Area
- Day of Terror Relived: Sally Geis’ Harvey Evacuation Story
- Day 400: Why We Still Care
- Deadlines Converging on Woodridge Deal; Option If Purchase Falls Through
- Deadline Approaching for Hurricane Harvey Tax Relief
- Debris Removal from Lake Houston Begins
- December Update: Kingwood Middle School Being “Glassed In”
- Decline in Readers and Ads Leads Hundreds of Newspapers to Fold. So What’s the Connection to Flooding?
- Deed Restrictions on Northern Parcels of Romerica Land
- Deeper Dive into Northpark Expansion, Drainage Plans
- Deep in The Heart: A Texas Wildlife Story
- Deep-Time Digital Earth Program Could Revolutionize Sustainable Development
- Defendants, Plaintiffs Latest Legal Wrangling in Elm Grove Lawsuits
- Delta Blows Up into Cat 4 Sooner than Expected; High Island Now in Forecast Cone
- Delta Explodes into Hurricane; Should Become Major Hurricane by Wednesday; Track Shifts Slightly West
- Delta Will Reach 155 MPH By Tonight; Cone Now Includes Galveston Bay
- Democrats Approve Modified Ellis Redistricting Plan Along Party Lines
- Demolition Dates Set for Forest Cove Townhomes
- Demolition of Home-Buyout Properties in Forest Cove Scheduled to Begin March 11
- Demolition of Old Kingwood Middle School Beginning
- Demolition of Old Kingwood Middle School Begins
- Demolition of Old KMS Building About 75% Complete
- Demolition of old KMS Complete
- Dems Deprive Republican Precincts of Services
- Dems Shortchange Precinct 3 by Almost $50 Million in 2022 Bond Allocation
- Design Finally Starting on New Lake Houston Floodgates
- Despite Heavy Rains, KMS Reconstruction Progressing Nicely
- Despite Heavy Weekend Rains, Most Area Channels and Streams Stayed Within Banks
- Despite new Chief Resiliency Officer, Costello Still Heading Up Flood Recovery Efforts
- Details of Four SJRA Grant Applications for TWDB Flood Infrastructure Funds
- Details of HCFCD Spending in San Jacinto Watershed Since Harvey
- Details of Lake Conroe Contract between SJRA, City
- Details of Proposed Lake Houston-Lake Conroe Reservoir Joint Operations Grant
- Details of SJRA Application to TWDB for Grant to Develop Sand Traps
- Details of SJRA Grant Application for Flood Early Warning System in San Jacinto county
- Details of SJRA Grant Application for Upper River Basin Sedimentation Study
- Detention Pond Comprises Vast Majority of Kingwood Docks Property
- Detention Pond Construction: Montgomery vs. Harris County
- Detention Pond Work Continues at Woodridge Village Despite Change in County Purchase Offer
- Devastation in New Caney
- Developer Clearing Land Without Normal Safeguards
- Developer on WLHP Cited for Stormwater Violations
- Developer Plans to Build High-Rise Resort in Old Riverbed
- Developer Seeks City Approval to Expand Commons of Lake Houston into Floodplain – Without Detention Ponds
- Developing Problem
- Development Update on 3 Areas in NW Humble
- Development Watchlist: New Caney ISD Prepping Land for High School #3 in Kingwood
- Development Watchlist: Perry, Romerica, Colony Ridge and More
- Development Watch List: Orchard Seeded Ranches From the Air
- Development Watch: Detention Pond for New Caney ISD High School Number 3 Finally Started
- Differences in Ways County, State Propose Ranking Flood Projects
- Different Factors Affect Hurricane Strength, Rainfall
- Digest: Updates on Six Lake Houston Area Flood-Related Stories
- Dirt Excavated from Woodridge Being Used to Build Up Laurel Springs RV Resort
- Disaster Creep: How Bad Decisions Can Turn Extreme Events Into Bigger Catastrophes
- Disaster Recovery Disaster: Part 1
- Diversion Ditch Meeting Tonight; Northpark Phase II Tomorrow
- Does Wet Spring Portend Intense Hurricane Season?
- DOJ, CFPB Sue Colony Ridge for Bait-and-Switch, Predatory Lending, More
- Donna Dewhirst’s Harvey Experience
- Don Becomes First Hurricane of 2023 Atlantic Season
- Don’t Dig Near Pipelines: A TACA Safety Moment
- Don’t Let Your Guard Down Yet: “Winter Version of Hurricane Harvey”
- Don’t Miss Town Hall Meeting Thursday Evening
- Don’t Miss “Floods and Phytoremediation” This Saturday At Jesse Jones Park
- Doublespeak Continues to Cloud MoCo Subsidence Debate
- Double Oak Construction Causes Yet Another Delay in Elm Grove Lawsuits
- Downstream Addicks Barker Case Moves Another Step Closer to Trial
- Do Local Sand Mines Follow Best Management Practices?
- Do You Know Your Home’s True Flood Risk?
- Dredgers Move to Rogers Gully from East Fork
- Dredgers Reach Rogers Gully Mouth Bar
- Dredgers Still Nibbling Away at East Fork Mouth Bar
- Dredge Finally Reaches Mouth Bar
- Dredge Still in Starting Blocks
- Dredging Almost Ready to Begin
- Dredging Now Closer to East Fork Than West
- Dredging Starts, But Not Where Planned
- Dredging Status: End of September
- Dredging Update: First Dredge Being Assembled, Miles of Pipe Being Welded
- Dredging, Tropic, Lake, Ditch, and Retail Updates: Sometimes Progress is Measured in Inches
- Drone Footage of River Grove Park Shows Scope of Last Flood
- Drone Video Underscores Dangers of Development without Remediation
- Drought Comparison – 2011 to 2023
- Dust to Dust: Another Forest Cove Townhome Complex Coming Down
- Dwindling Lot Sizes and Their Impact on Flooding
- Earth Grows Eyeballs
- Earth Week Part 2: Clearing Land for Sand Mining
- Earth Week Part 3: Sand Mine Setbacks from Rivers
- Earth Week Part 4: Slope of Sand Mine Dikes, Riparian Vegetation and Cost Offsets
- East and West Forks Out of Banks Already, Flash Flood Watch Extended to 2 a.m. Wednesday
- East End Park from the Air: A Wetlands Success Story
- East Fork Flooding Migrates Downstream
- East Fork Homes Flooding, Another Flood Watch Issued
- East Fork Mouth Bar Grows 4000 Feet During Harvey and Imelda
- East Fork Mouth Bar Rapidly Developing
- East Fork Predicted to Rise 15 Feet in Next 24 Hours
- East Fork Rose 11 Feet Today; Almost Out of Banks at FM1485
- East Fork Sand Mine in Montgomery County Appraised as Ag/Timber Land
- East Fork Water Shockingly Clear with Mines Closed
- Easy Way to Assess Your Flood Potential in Near Real Time
- Easy Way to Find the Elevation of a Home and the Slopes Around It
- Easy Way to Reduce Water Usage, Costs, Subsidence and Flood Risk
- Easy Way to Track New Developments Near You
- Editorial: Are Engineering Laws and Regulations Routinely Ignored in Montgomery County?
- Editorial: Brain Drain in Harris County Government Compromises Service, Productivity
- Editorial: Contrived Ignorance in Flood Mitigation
- Editorial: Endorsing Turner Compromise on Lake Lowering, Adding One Thing
- Editorial: Last Day for Runoff Voting Tuesday
- Editorial: Need More Disclosure, Education About Flood Risk
- Editorial: What Happens When Leaders Become Misleaders
- Editorial: “Chaos” in Harris County Government
- Educating People About a Healthy Floodplain Environment
- Education Going Higher; Construction Updates on Two New Schools
- Effects of Harvey on Seniors and Real-Estate: The Enclave Case Study
- Effort Begins to Form Cypress Creek Drainage Improvement District
- Eight Bills Introduced in Texas Legislature This Year Affect Sand Mines
- Eight TCEQ Investigations Reprimand Colony Ridge Construction Practices
- Elaine Phillips’ May 7th Flood Story: One is the Loneliest Number
- Ellis Trying to Change How All Flood-Control Projects Prioritized
- Ellis Wants You To Address Commissioner’s Court on Redistricting
- Ellis-Backed Judge Set to Hear Case on Constitutionality of Ellis Redistricting Plan
- Elm Grove Has 2-3X More Damage Than After May 7th, Much of It Foreseeable and Preventable
- Elm Grove Lawsuits Settled!
- Elm Grove Lawsuits: New Defendant, New Charges, Amended Petition and More
- Elm Grove Lawsuit Names Perry, Concourse Development As New Defendants; Trial Delayed
- Elm Grove Looks for Answers and Doesn’t Have to Look Far
- Elm Grove Says Merry Christmas to Perry Homes and Kathy Perry Britton in Strange and Wonderful Ways
- Elm Grove Update: Montgomery County Hired Company that Designed Woodridge to Investigate Woodridge Permit Violations
- Elsa Upgraded to Hurricane
- El Niño Implications for Gulf Coast
- Emergency Petition Filed with Texas Supreme Court to Stop Ellis-3 Redistricting Plan
- Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday April 28 – 30, 2018
- Emily Murphy Photographs Active Eagle Nest Next to Romerica Property
- Emily Murphy Photographs Inactive Bald Eagle Nest on Romerica Property from River; Active Nests Likely in Vicinity
- Endangered Species Spotted in Kingwood’s East End Park
- Endorsement of Harris County Flood Bond: I’m voting “For!”
- Energy Resources Committee Hearing Testimony Monday on Bill To Regulate Quarry Reclamation
- Engineering Diagrams for Woodridge Development Reveal Crucial Detention Not Installed Before Elm Grove Flood
- Engineering Plans for Figure Four Development Near Elm Grove
- Engineering Urban Forests for Stormwater Management
- Engineers Testifying for LCA are Electrical and Chemical, Not Civil
- Entergy Delay Forces Change to Northpark Expansion Plan…Again
- Entergy Escalates Battle with COH over Northpark
- Entergy Ignores City Deadline to Move Northpark Power Lines
- Entergy in City’s Crosshairs, Northpark Lane Closures Announced
- Entergy Makes Some Northpark Progress, but Significant Issues Remain
- Entire Texas Republican Congressional Delegation Urges Abbott, Paxton to Investigate Colony Ridge
- Environmental Regulation Committee Taking Public Comments on Three APO Bills
- EPA Suspends Enforcement of Pollution Rules During Virus Epidemic
- Equity Myth Buster: “Rich Neighborhoods Get All the Flood-Mitigation Funding”
- Erosion: Sometimes Sudden
- Eta Kills At Least 57 in Central America
- Eta Slimes Florida With Foot of Rain So Far, Sets New Record, More Storms May Follow
- Even More Discoveries Demand Independent Investigation into Causes of Flooding Around Woodridge Village
- Exact Text of Lake Lowering Policy Adopted by SJRA
- Excavation Continues along Upper Ben’s Branch while HCFCD Gets Ready to Begin on Lower Portion
- Excavation of Additional Woodridge Village Detention Pond to Begin Soon
- Excavation of Lower Portion of Ben’s Branch Kicking into High Gear
- Excavation of Northpark Detention Basins Starts
- Excavation of Second Northpark Detention Basin Well Underway
- Excavation of Taylor Gully Began Monday
- Excessive Rainfall Likely Next Week
- Excessive Rainfall Threat from Beta Spreads Inland
- Expert Witnesses Model Surprising Flood Risks in Sand Mine Lawsuit
- Exploration Green: Old Golf Course Turned into Innovative Flooding Solution
- Extreme 2024 Hurricane Season Predicted
- Eye of Nicholas Reforms, Timetable Moved Up
- Factors that Affect Flood Risk and How to Assess Them
- Family Trapped For Three Days As Floodwaters Ripped Through Sand Mine, Then Under Their Home
- FAQs About Lowering Lake Conroe to Reduce Downstream Flood Risk
- Fault Movement and Property Damage Linked to Aquifer Depletion in Montgomery County
- February East Fork Mouth Bar Dredging Update
- February Update on Northpark Drive Expansion
- February ’24 Northpark Expansion Update Including Lane Closures
- Feedback on Comcast Post Shows Public-Safety Threat Widespread
- FEMA Adopts New Formula for Disaster Funding
- FEMA Awards Nearly $250 Million to HCFCD for Sediment Removal
- FEMA Case Studies Dramatize Value of Detention Ponds in Flood Reduction
- FEMA Concludes Partial Mouth-Bar Dredging
- FEMA Disaster Assistance Available
- FEMA Emergency Aid Available for Texas
- FEMA Group Flood Insurance from Harvey Expiring October 24
- FEMA Individual Assistance Now Available For People, Businesses Flooded by Imelda
- FEMA Launches New Online Flood-Insurance Quote Tool
- FEMA Publishes Nature-Based Solution Guides, Advice
- FEMA Reforming Flood Insurance Risk, Rate Structure
- FEMA Simplifying Procedures for Small Public Assistance Grants
- FEMA Study Shows Better Building Codes Provide 11-to-1 Return
- FEMA Taking Applications for Youth Preparedness Council
- FEMA to Fund Additional Million Cubic Yards of Dredging from West Fork Mouth Bar Area
- FEMA’s Swift Current Program Attempts to Speed Up Disaster Recovery Assistance
- FEMA/Corps To Stop Dredging Mouth Bar Before Finishing Job; What You Can Do
- Figure Four Partners Denies All Responsibility for Elm Grove Flooding; Blames God
- Final Harvey Report Puts Flood in Perspective
- Final HCFCD Report on Tropical Storm Beta Finds Only 25-30 Homes Flooded
- Final Report on Imelda Says 62% of Flooding Outside of 100-Year Floodplain
- Final San Jacinto River Basin Master Drainage Study Released Today, Recommendations Revealed
- Find It Faster: Search Function Added to
- Fine Print: Montgomery County Engineer Disclaimed Responsibility for Impact of Woodridge on Upstream and Downstream Drainage
- First Concrete Poured for Northpark Drive Expansion
- First Dredge Moves Down River
- First Dredge Moving Into Starting Position Sunday
- First Members of Harris County Community Flood Resilience Task Force Appointed, Rehak Among Them
- First Northpark Entry Pond Taking Shape
- First Phase of West Fork Dredging Completed
- First Proposal to Improve Sand-Mine Regulation in House
- First Quarter 2022 Flood-Mitigation Spending Update, New Equity Formula
- First Tree Transplanted in Northpark Expansion Project
- Five Exposed HVL Pipelines Go Undercover; More Wetlands Drained
- Five inches of rain helped create the third largest flood in 16 years and sand downstream made it worse
- Five Pieces of Legislation That Could Reduce Flooding
- Five Watersheds Lose Population While Harris County Gains Slightly
- Flash Flooding Chances Increase for Tuesday, Wednesday
- Flash Flood Warning Extended Again! Up to 10 Inches Already Today with More on Way
- Flash Flood Watch
- Flash Flood Watch In Effect from Midnight Tonight Through Thursday Morning: Simple Ways to Reduce Flood Risk
- Flash Flood Watch in Effect Until 7 a.m. Monday; Luckily, Woodridge Detention Pond Nearing Completion
- Flash Flood Watch Issued from Friday Noon to Saturday Noon For All SE Texas
- Flash Flood Watch Issued from 6 a.m. Wednesday to Noon Thursday
- Flash Flood Watch, Flood Warning Extended
- Flash Flood Watch: Training Bands of Heavy Storms Could Quickly Drop 4-6 Inches Or More
- Flickinger Provides Updates On Gates, Dredging, Northpark, More
- Flooded 15-Year-Old With Autism Fights for Lowering Lake Conroe
- Flooded 3 Times in 7 Years in 500-Year Floodplain, But No Buyout
- Floodgate, Dredging Plans Unveiled
- Flooding and Floodplains in the Houston Area: Past, Present and Future
- Flooding and Floodplains in the Houston Area: Past, Present, and Future
- Flooding of the Fifth Kind: By Government Neglect
- FloodWarn Workshop Presentations Now Online
- Floodwaters Converging Downstream on Lake Houston
- Floodwater Rising and More Rain On the Way
- Flood Bond Meeting Changes Location; Make Sure You Submit Your Recommendations
- Flood Bond Progress: 35% Time Elapsed, 19.4% Money Spent
- Flood Bond Projects Approved to Date by Harris County Commissioners Court
- Flood Bond, MAAPnext Updates Show Projects Slowing
- Flood Control District Enhances Flood Warning System with Customizable Alerts
- Flood Control Lists Budget Priorities for Fiscal ’23
- Flood Control Tax Meeting Tonight at Kingwood Community Center, 6 PM
- Flood Control, Other Harris County Departments Reorganized…Again
- Flood Crests Closer to Lake Houston
- Flood Damage Revealed as Waters Recede, Please Report It
- Flood Damage To Tree Lane Bridge Over Ben’s Branch Ac