28 Watersheds, 11 Counties, $12 Billion in NFIP Claims, No One in Charge

The San Jacinto River Basin includes 28 watersheds and all or parts of 11 counties. We’ve experienced more than $12 billion in flood damages since 1975. And yet, incredibly, no one is in charge of drainage.

Map of San Jacinto River Basin and its watersheds, courtesy of SJRA.

According to the San Jacinto Regional Flood Planning Group, we also have 92 municipalities and 6.4 million people in the river basin.

We also have 1092 political subdivisions with flood-related authority. Yet no one is in charge of drainage.

We Work in Silos to Solve a Common Problem

That’s right. No one person is in charge of drainage. Instead, thousands of individuals working in their own little silos are scattered across more than 5,000 square miles. Unfortunately, stormwater doesn’t respect all those jurisdictional boundaries.

The San Jacinto Regional Flood Planning Group (reporting to the Texas Water Development Board) highlighted a “critical need for interagency coordination.” But there is none.

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When No One is in Charge of Drainage, We All Suffer

Ironically, Texans won independence at the battle of San Jacinto. And we’ve been fighting to maintain it ever since.

We are so fiercely independent, we deny our interdependence. Even when it means destroying our own property and lives. It’s time to take a look in the mirror, folks.

Many ways exist to rank flood-prone areas and Texas ranks high on most of them.

And still, NO ONE is in charge of flood control.

Flood control is one area where Texans have room for improvement. But to improve we’ll need to work together.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 5/30/2024

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