RV Resort Still Leaking Stormwater into County Park
The detention basin at the Laurel Springs RV Resort was supposed to have been a dry-bottom pond. Despite one of the driest springs on record, it’s still holding water. And it’s still leaking into Harris County Precinct 3’s Edgewater Park. Despite:
- The threat of a lawsuit by the County Attorney.
- A notice of enforcement from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
- A permit from the City of Houston that prohibits stormwater runoff from crossing property lines.
History of Discharges
The leak in question is in the exact place where contractors dug a trench through the south wall of the detention pond. They discharged silt that spread out for hundreds of feet into the wetlands of the park. Then they laid pipes in the trench and covered them up.
But somehow silty, oily stormwater still seems to be escaping into the wetlands from where the pipes were.
One wonders why the pumps in the approved drains are still not working. See bottom center in photo below.
Obviously, from all the standing water, they still have a little work left to do on drainage.
Still No Replacement Trees Planted
The developer also has a lot of work to do replanting trees. Note the wide swath outside the fence in the photo above that stretches for approximately 750 feet. That’s where the contractor destroyed trees in the county park.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 5/22/2022
1727 Days since Hurricane Harvey
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