doubling detention basin capacity at Woodridge village

Woodridge Village Detention Basin Capacity Doubling

Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) contractor Sprint Sand & Clay has started laying out, clearing and excavating a large, new detention pond that will more than double capacity on Woodridge Village. Woodridge contributed to flooding hundreds of homes along Taylor Gully twice in 2019.

When the developer clearcut approximately 270 acres, the loss of forests and wetlands decreased natural detention capacity on the land. This should help restore it.

Project Outline Becoming Visible

Last week, Sprint started building a construction road into the site. This week it appears that they also dug a shallow trench outlining the perimeter of the pond and started clearing brush within it.

Photograph taken looking NE from SW corner of Woodridge Village. New detention pond will go in foreground. The shallow trench may be the outline of the new basin. Contractor appears to be staying “inside the lines.”
Earth-moving equipment worked Saturday and was back at it Monday morning, 1/31/2022.

How the Math Works Out

Sprint will ultimately excavate approximately 500,000 cubic yards of fill which translates to 310 acre feet. When Perry left the site, it had constructed 271 acre feet of detention. The site needed another 108.4 acre feet of detention pond capacity to meet Atlas-14 requirements, but will get 310 (the number of acre feet in 500,000 cubic yards). That almost triples the required additional volume and more than doubles the current capacity…all for $1000.

The $1000 is the out of pocket cost to taxpayers. Under the terms of it’s E&R contract, Sprint will make its profit by selling the dirt it excavates to third parties out of the floodplain. Their contract obligates them to excavate at least 5000 cubic yards per month. There is no monthly max.

In case you have kids or grandkids who like playing with dump trucks, 500,000 cubic yards works out to 50,000 loads. That equals the number of fingers and toes on 2,500 kids. And that’s way more than all the students in Kingwood Park High School!

Turn this into a learning exercise!

About E&R Agreements

E&R agreements provide an opportunity for making progress in advance of future basin construction. These agreements essentially provide a head start in the excavation process before the detention basin is fully designed and constructed.

Residents should beware of heavy equipment entering and leaving the site. The site will remain fenced through the completion of construction.

HCFCD expects to hold public meetings beginning in April to discuss other possible uses, i.e, recreation, restoration, etc., on the site. More news to follow.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 2/2/22, repeating digit day.

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