Clearing for Splendora Crossing

More Than 1,000 Acres Being Cleared South of Splendora High School

Forestar Real Estate Group, Inc., one of the nation’s leading developers, is clearing land south of FM2090 opposite Splendora High School for a new residential development called Splendora Crossing. Forestar solicited bids for clearing Phase 1 in June 2021 and Phase 2 in September 2021. Aerial photos indicate clearing activity beyond Phase 2 is likely related. However, I can find no plans and can’t verify that. Montgomery County has not yet responded to my Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request.

Together, the cleared areas will comprise approximately 1160 acres and stretch approximately 1.5 miles along FM2090.

Estimate based on Aerial Photos, Plans and Google Earth
Plans for Phases I, 2 and beyond. Note: more clearing is already underway to the left/west of the western property boundary. See pictures below.

The Way It Was

The area in question was heavily forested.

Approximate location of new development.

Gully Branch runs through the middle of it and joins Peach Creek farther east near US59.

FEMA’s National Flood Hazard Layer Viewer shows a substantial 100-year flood plain along Gully Branch running through the middle of the property based on a pre-Atlas 14 study in 2014.
From the Montgomery County Harvey Story. FM2090 was cut off and impassable during Harvey. Gully Branch is the unmarked stream that parallels FM2090 in the map.

Peach Creek runs down the western side of Lake Houston Park and joins Caney Creek and the East Fork San Jacinto at East End Park in Kingwood.

The Way It Is

Contractors already have constructed two large detention ponds and a drainage/detention ditch on the property that fronts FM2090. The ditch parallels Gully Branch and will likely shrink the floodplain. Contractors used dirt from the ditches and ponds to elevate areas where homes will go.

Looking east along FM2090 at eastern portion of new development. Note Splendora High School in upper left.

On the western section, clearing extends about a half mile south of the road. See the picture below.

Looking SW at western portion. FM2090 snakes out of view in the upper right. It’s not clear how big the area in the distance is. I could not find plans.
Closer shot of western section. Note large detention pond in western section and Gully Branch cutting across drainage channels.
Looking south at Phase 2 Burn Pit and area still being cleared.
Close up of detention pond on eastern section. Looking east. Splendora High School is in upper left.
Looking SE. Construction roads are already snaking into forest.
Looking west along FM2090.
TCEQ permit sign on eastern portion of site. I did not see one posted on western portion.

Unlike Woodridge Village, this developer seems to be building detention during clearing rather than afterwards. That’s a good sign. More news to follow as it becomes available.

Update: A FOIA Request to Montgomery County revealed that there are actually two developers working on this land. For more on this story and to learn about the drainage impact of the development, see this post.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 1/8/2022 and updated on 1/15/2022

1593 Days since Hurricane Harvey

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