Education Going Higher; Construction Updates on Two New Schools

Two new schools in the Kingwood area are building up, not out. Hopefully, this trend will, in a small way, reduce the percentage of impervious cover and create room for detention ponds to capture stormwater runoff.

Earlier this week, I photographed Kingwood Middle School and West Fork High School construction. As of mid-August, the structural steel work for both is almost complete.

Kingwood Middle School Replacement

The site looks crowded now, but when the new three story facility is complete, athletic fields and a giant detention pond will replace the old facility.

Looking west toward Woodland Hills Drive. KMS Construction as of mid-August 2021
Looking east from over Woodland Hills
This view looking north makes it easy to compare the height of the old and new buildings.
The structural steel work has reached its eastern limit.

To see the progress, compare the pictures above to those in previous posts.

Humble ISD has set the target opening date of the new KMS for 2022.

New Caney ISD West Fork High School

Several weeks ago, New Caney ISD named its third high school the West Fork High School. It too will be a three story structure, and is going up between Sorters-McClellan Road and US59 south of Kingwood Drive.

Looking NNE over the new campus toward Kingwood Medical Center. Insperity, and Kingwood Drive. US59 in upper right.
Wider shot looking NNW toward the West Fork shows a large detention pond in the foreground is now grassed in. However, note sediment entering the pond through storm sewers that drain the site.
Looking SW toward Sorters-McClellan Road and West Fork. River is mostly hidden behind trees. For reference, note Costco in upper left.

Note the football field and track taking shape in the left middle of the frame and the field house still going up next to it.

To see the progress, compare the pictures in these posts:

New Caney ISD expects to complete construction by the summer of 2022.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 8/20/2021

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