Don’t Miss “Floods and Phytoremediation” This Saturday At Jesse Jones Park

Want to learn how to create healthy, resilient, natural spaces in your community that can mitigate the effects of flooding? Harris County Precinct 4 will sponsor a free event this weekend at Jesse Jones Park called “Floods and Phytoremediation.”

It starts at 1PM, 20634 Kenswick Drive, Humble, TX 77338 near Spring Creek. For directions, click here.

The event will be held indoors in the park’s Nature Center. People can also participate virtually via Zoom. To register for the virtual alternative, click here. Drop-ins are welcome for the in-person option; no registration is necessary.

What is Phytoremediation?

This event definitely takes the prize for Best Title in the Curiosity Category. I didn’t even know what phytoremediation was. But once I looked it up, I got very interested.

Phytoremediation uses living plants to clean up soil, air, and water contaminated with certain types of hazardous contaminants. The term is a marriage of the Greek phyto (plant) and Latin remedium (restoring balance). It takes advantage of plants’ abilities to concentrate elements and compounds from the environment and to detoxify various organic compounds.

Goal of Program

Organizers of the program hope to make the community more resilient to extreme precipitation events by making people more knowledgeable about the possibilities and getting them more involved.

Staff and volunteers at Jesse Jones Park hope to plant thousands of trees and other vegetation along the creek this fall and winter to:

  • Help slow and absorb flood waters
  • Phytoremediate toxins
  • Prevent erosion
  • Beautify the area.

“Once established, these areas could be utilized in the research about phytoremediation,” said Jason Naivar, the Superintendent of Jesse Jones Park.

Grants from NOAA and the Boston Museum of Science helped make the program possible.

Learn More about Health Hazards of Extreme Flooding and How Plants Can Reduce Toxicity

Jesse Jones Park and Lonestar College-Kingwood have partnered to bring together experts to speak about the health hazards of extreme flooding. They will also focus on how native plants can help reduce the toxicity of these events.

Speakers include:

  1. Jason Naivar-Superintendent of Jesse Jones Park introduce the program and explain the history of flooding in Jones Park.
  2. Theresa Harris of American Association for the Advancement of Science will speak on initiating public engagement projects.
  3. Dr. Kristy Daniel of Texas State University will speak on volunteer training in science.
  4. Dr. Brian Shmaefsky from Lone Star College Kingwood will discuss general aspects of phytoremediation.
  5. Professor Xingmao (Sam) Ma of Texas A&M University will focus on phytotechnology related to civil engineering practices.

All Jones Park events allow for proper social distancing. Bring your own water bottle, however. Due to Covid concerns, the park’s water coolers are still shut down.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 8/3/2021

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