HCFCD Taylor Gully Repair Project Approximately One-Third Complete
On January 19, I posted about Harris County Flood Control District’s (HCFCD) second major repair project on Taylor Gully since 2019. Thirty-nine days later, HCFCD has completed about one third of the project. They have now started on the downstream side of the Maple Bend Bridge in Kingwood’s Woodstream Village.
Pictures of Work to Date
Here are pictures of the Taylor Gully repairs taken today, 2/28/2021.

Purpose of Project
The purpose of the project: to repair erosion and side-slope failures; repair or replace outfalls; rectify flowlines; and rehabilitate existing backslope swale systems.
- Erosion repairs include the placement of fill material, placement of 3″x5″ granular fill and the placement of grade #1 riprap.
- Channel cross sections will be restored to the original design where feasible.
- The oldest recorded drawing on file is for the proposed channels from Elm Grove Village to White Oak Creek completed in March 1982. Record drawings typically show a 6-foot wide channel bottom with 3:1 side slopes.
Separate From Preliminary Engineering Study Approved on 2/5
Before HCFCD leaves a project, they will establish grass on the side slopes to prevent erosion and more downstream sedimentation.
This project is separate from a Taylor Gully preliminary engineering study for capital improvements that was approved by Harris County Commissioner’s Court at its last meeting. The capital improvements could include more upstream detention on the Perry Homes Woodridge Village Property, which is still pending purchase 1.5 years after Imelda.
A previous study, the Kingwood Area Drainage Analysis, proposed improvements to Taylor Gully in October 2020.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 2/28/2021
1279 Days since Hurricane Harvey