Rivers of Mud, Part Dos: Wayne Dolcefino Uncovers More Liberty County Dirt
Wayne Dolcefino, one of the country’s great investigative journalists, has been digging into Colony Ridge, as I have. So when he asked me last week if his videographer could hitch a ride on my helicopter, I said “sure.”
New Dolcefino Video Covers More Dimensions of Flooding Problem
While I shot hundreds of stills over Colony Ridge, his videographer shot 90 minutes of video. Dolcefino edited it together with other footage. His 8-minute video includes:
- The most recent Liberty County Commissioner’s meeting
- Attempted interviews with Trey Harris, the Colony Ridge developer
- Some mind-boggling political donations made by Harris
- An interview with a Harris County flood official
- Articles from ReduceFlooding.com, including my recent Colony Ridge post, Rivers of Mud.

While I have focused primarily on the physical issues involved in flooding, Dolcefino has also focused on political issues. He literally digs deeper into the problem.
From Colony Ridge to the Liberty County Courthouse
The background for Dolcefino’s latest video is a Liberty County Commissioner’s Court meeting in which he attempted to show Commissioners video of drainage violations in Colony Ridge before they voted on additional plats for the developer.
Commissioners approved the plats after refusing to watch the video. Then, incredibly, one said he didn’t see any proof of violations.
And that – in one brief soundbite – explains why flooding is such a difficult problem to solve.

I highly recommend Dolcefino’s video if you want to understand – in your gut – how politics can affect local flooding.
Out-Scrooging Scrooge
You may also find Trey Harris’ refusal to answer questions about deplorable living conditions in Colony Ridge, coupled with interest rates up to 13% on land purchases, quite interesting. It only took 177 years for someone to out-Scrooge Ebenezer Scrooge, the protagonist from Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. But, in my opinion, the Colony Ridge developer now sets the standard.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 12/13/2020 based on reporting by Wayne Dolcefino
1202 Days since Hurricane Harvey and 451 since Imelda
The thoughts expressed in this post represent opinions on matters of public concern and safety. They are protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Anti-SLAPP Statute of the Great State of Texas.