Harris County Flood Task Force Looking for 11 More Members, How to Apply

The Harris County Commissioners Court established the Community Flood Resilience Task Force (CFRTF) as a multidisciplinary, community-driven body. Its purpose: to ensure Harris County implements equitable flood resilience projects that respect community priorities. The group needs 11 more members who represent the geographic, gender, age, racial, and ethnic diversity of Harris County. These are all are unpaid, pro-bono positions. Learn more about the task force, its goals, responsibilities and composition here.

Learn more about the Task Force and apply online

Qualifications Needed

Commissioners Court appointed the first five members in Fall 2020. Those five will chose the additional members from applications submitted online. Applicants must:

  • Reside in Harris County
  • Represent the geographic, gender, age, racial, and ethnic diversity of Harris County
  • Demonstrate interest in and have a commitment to serving the community
  • Contribute meaningful time and effort to achieving the purpose and objectives of the CFRTF. “Meaningful time and effort” includes, but is not limited to, reviewing provided materials, contributing ideas and thoughts to flood resilience discussions, and meeting at least once every other month for a total of at least six (6) times per year.

If possible, members must also meet one or more of the following qualifications: 

  • Represent one or more communities adversely impacted by flooding in Harris County. 
  • Have knowledge of or interest in:
    • Innovative and environmentally sustainable approaches to flood risk mitigation
    • Equitable approaches to flood resilience.

Among the skillsets that the task force needs:

  1. Public Housing
  2. Public Health
  3. Engineering/Construction
  4. Urban Design/Planning
  5. Flood-Risk Mitigation
  6. Environmental Sustainability
  7. Grassroots Community Organization
  8. Equity and Social Justice

CFRTF Bylaws

Task force bylaws balance the diverse range of interests in Harris County. To learn more about the purpose and responsibilities of the task force, please review the following.

Application Deadline: December 11, 2020

If you are interested in serving on the CFRTF, please complete the application by December 11, 2020.

If you need the application translated, please email the CFRTF.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 11/21/2020

1180 Days since Hurricane Harvey and 429 since Imelda