Pouring Concrete for New Caney ISD High School #3

In June, I posted about how New Caney ISD was clearing approximately 50-60 acres of land between Sorters-McClellan Road south of the HCA Kingwood Medical Center for a new high school. Now, contractors are starting to pour concrete and drill piers to support the 337,000 square-foot, three-story building with a central courtyard. Aerial photos show their progress.

Detention Pond Now Substantially Complete

It was only last September when contractors started excavating a large and deep detention pond along the southern perimeter of the site. They used the dirt to build up and level the building pads.

Looking north from the center of the site. Note the Medical Center building in the upper right.
Looking south from the center of the site toward the 59 bridge in the background. Note holes for piers which will support columns to hold the weight of the building.
Looking west toward Sorters McClellan road from the center of the site. Note the additional holes for piers .
Looking at the east end of the detention pond, over the car dealerships that front on US59.
Looking in the opposite direction toward the west end of the detention pond.
General plan for New Caney High School #3
Artist rendering of building. Main entrance will face Sorters McClellan road.

School to Open in Fall 2022

The NCISD Board of Trustees approved an award of construction contract on May 18 for High School #3 to Gamma Construction. Gamma should finish construction in time for 2022-23 school year.

New Caney ISD’s enrollment grew 31 percent between 2011 and 2016. That ranked NCISD first in the greater Houston area and fourth in the state for percentage enrollment growth. Eventually, the high school will hold 2,250 students. However, the school will open with only 1,350.

While it’s nice to see growth, from a flooding perspective, it’s also scary. One can only hope the engineers specified enough drainage capacity for the detention pond.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 11/14/2020

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