TWDB Announces Members of New Regional Flood Planning Groups

This morning, at its October 1 board meeting, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) announced the members of its regional flood planning groups. Back in April, the TWDB announced the formation of 15 flood-planning regions and started soliciting nominations for members in 12 categories for each region.

Members of San Jacinto Watershed Regional Flood Planning Group

In Region 6, the San Jacinto watershed, the 12 initial members will be:

  1. Agricultural InterestsElisa Macia Donovan
  2. CountiesAlisa Max
  3. Electrical Generating UtilitiesPaul E. Lock
  4. Environmental InterestsSarah P. Bernhardt
  5. Flood DistrictsRuss Poppe
  6. IndustriesTimothy E. Buscha
  7. MunicipalitiesStephen Costello
  8. PublicGene Fisseler
  9. River AuthoritiesMatthew Barrett
  10. Small BusinessesJenna Armstrong
  11. Water DistrictsAlia Vinson
  12. Water UtilitiesTodd Burrer

Regional Flood Planning Group Responsibilities

According to the TWDB, the regional flood-planning groups (RFPGs) will meet as required to develop their own plans. They must:

  • Deliver the first regional flood plan no later than January 10, 2023
  • Adequately represent their associated interest group as it exists throughout the entire region
  • Consider all the region-wide stakeholders when making decisions
  • Commit to regularly attending their RFPG meetings
  • Understand and follow the state flood planning framework and process, as well as review the various materials that will be considered by the RFPG along the way
  • Solicit and consider stakeholder input in a transparent process
  • Participate in directing the work of technical consultants
  • Make decisions and recommendations regarding flood management goals and strategies and flood mitigation projects for their region
  • Ensure adoption of a regional flood plan that meets all requirements, including that no neighboring area may be negatively affected by an element of the regional flood plan

600 Nominees Considered

The TWDB selected RFPG members from more than 600 nominations. Several groups across the state will have smaller groups. TWDB either did not receive nominations or they could not find qualified candidates in some categories. For a complete list of members in all groups, see the last two pages of this agenda item from today’s TWDB meeting.

The TWDB will soon convene initial planning group meetings. All meetings will include opportunities for public input and will be open and transparent. Meeting notices will be posted to the TWDB’s Regional Flood Planning Group Meetings webpage. One of the many important considerations of the new flood planning groups will be the potential to include additional voting and/or non-voting members to the group.

Making Texas a Safer Place to Live

This is a significant step forward in making Texas a safer place to live. The distinguished members of the San Jacinto RFPG should represent the interests of this watershed capably. They have a little more than two years to formulate a plan. Game on.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 10/1/2020

1029 Days after Hurricane Harvey