Texas Water Development Board Wants Input on Their New TexasFlood.org
Hurry. TexasFlood.org Survey Closes September 8
Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is trying to make flood-related information more accessible and user friendly via an update of their website, TexasFlood.org. The refreshed website will become a one-stop shop for flood-related data and information throughout the state. Please review it and then give TWDB your input via this short survey. Make sure they’re providing the kind of information YOU want.
In 2019, the Texas Legislature and Governor Abbott greatly expanded the Texas Water Development Board’s (TWDB) role in flood mapping, planning, and financing.
In addition to existing flood programs, TWDB will administer a new state and regional flood planning process, increase flood-related financial assistance, and advance flood modeling and mapping capacities.
As the agency expands data, information, and resources related to flooding in Texas, a key priority is to ensure that flood-related information is timely, user friendly, and easy to find.
So judge the new website against those goals.
Purpose of Survey
The purpose of the survey is to understand:
- What flood-related information you find most valuable
- How best to present that information on the new version of the site.
Less Than Ten Minutes Will Help Texans Better Prepare for Next Flood
Until now, the TWDB web presence has largely been geared toward water professionals. This site however, targets ordinary citizens. It’s a fresh approach for the Board. The home page for instance, starts with a discussion of what to do before, during and after a flood. You can drill down from there.
The survey should only require 5 to 10 minutes. Hurry. The last day is September 8. So please take the survey today. Your help will benefit Texans for years to come.
If you are trying to find this website in the future, check out the Links page of this website.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 9/7/2020
1105 Days since Hurricane Harvey