San Jacinto River Watershed Master Drainage Plan Meeting Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
Harris County Flood Control District, Montgomery County, City of Houston, and San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) will host a virtual public meeting on August 13, 2020. Purpose: to provide information about work to date in the San Jacinto Regional Watershed Master Drainage Plan (SJMDP) and give you a chance to provide input.

About the Study and Its Goals
The study began in April 2019. Its goal: to reduce flood risks to people and property throughout the San Jacinto River regional watershed by identifying future flood mitigation projects for the near- and long-term. The SJMDP study area covers nearly 3,000 square miles in seven different counties and includes approximately 535 miles of stream.
The SJMDP team has updated and integrated hydraulic and hydrologic models for all the major streams in the watershed. This provides the technical basis for identifying vulnerabilities. It also allows the team to estimate impacts to existing infrastructure from future growth.
Meeting Details
Community engagement is an important component of the Bond Program. Feedback from residents helps “ground truth” models, assumptions and plans. So please attend the virtual meeting, ask questions, and volunteer feedback.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Join online at
Or by phone at 855-925-2801 with Meeting Code: 9742
You can register now, download a reminder for your calendar, submit questions, and sign up for future updates on this important study.
The meeting will begin with a brief presentation to share project updates, followed by a moderated Q&A session with Flood Control District team members. Residents will be able to submit questions and comments throughout the presentation. Any comments not addressed during the Q&A session will receive a response after the event.
A recorded version of the meeting will be available on the Flood Control District’s website and YouTube channel after the event.
Funding for Study
A Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Planning Program funds 75% of the study. The four local partners contribute equally to the rest.
For More Information
For questions, please contact the Flood Control District at 346-286-4152, or complete the online comment form. Comments may also be mailed to the Harris County Flood Control District, 9900 Northwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 77092, Attn: San Jacinto Regional Watershed Master Drainage Plan. For more information about the San Jacinto Regional Watershed Master Drainage Plan, visit
Posted by Bob Rehak on 8/12/2020
1079 Days since Hurricane Harvey