New Caney ISD Clearcutting Site of High School #3 Before Installing Detention
The New Caney ISD has removed a long swath of trees that separated Sorters-McClellan Road from the site of its new high school south of the Kingwood Medical Center. Removal of the trees – before the construction of the detention pond for the site – removes the last barrier between sheet flow and residents downhill.
Similarities to Woodridge Village
Clearcutting creates a condition similar to that of Woodridge Village. Woodridge contributed to flooding Elm Grove and North Kingwood Forest twice last year after Perry Homes cleared the site before installing all the required detention. With nothing to retain runoff in a major storm, water could inundate Sorters Road and the homes on the opposite side of it in McClellan Circle.
This once again raises the question of whether contractors follow best practices for construction.
The site is in both Montgomery County and the City of Houston. But Montgomery County claims the City took the lead in permitting this site. MoCo claims it does not even have any drainage plans.
Building Pad Site Complete But No Detention Pond Yet
As of July 20, 2020, New Caney ISD had this to say about the project. “The site has been cleared and rough grading is at 90 percent completion.” Contractors have completed the building pad and will start installing the concrete piers concurrent with the underground storm and sanitary systems.
How Site Looked in June
Steep Slope Accelerates Runoff
The steepness of the slope accelerates runoff in the absence of features to slow it down.
Current State of Site
Here are some more shots showing the current state of construction on the site.
There seem to be some berms in the corners of the property. They may slow down sheet flow in a large storm. But the berms are absent over the large area in the center where the high school building itself will go.
Peak of Hurricane Season 5 Weeks Away
Let’s hope they get the detention in before the next big storm. No one wants a repeat of Woodridge.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 8/4/2020
1071 Days since Hurricane Harvey
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