SJRA to Offer First Peak at Master Drainage Study Results Thursday Morning

Due to Covid, the San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) Board of Directors will hold its regular board meeting via webinar Thursday morning.  Start time is 8 a.m. One of the more interesting things on the agenda is a first peak at the San Jacinto River Basin Master Drainage Plan. Chuck Gilman, SJRA Director of Water Resources and Flood Management, says that Halff & Associates will provide a high level summary of the results and recommendations. 

Master Drainage Plan Goals

The San Jacinto Regional Watershed Master Drainage Plan goals include:

  • Identifying the region’s vulnerabilities to flood hazards using Atlas 14 rainfall totals
  • Developing approaches to enhance public information and flood-level assessment capabilities during a flood
  • Evaluating flood mitigation strategies to improve community resilience
  • Providing a comprehensive Flood Mitigation Plan that supports the needs and objectives of each regional partner.

The study covers more than 3000 square miles!

Scope of Master Drainage Plan Study

The four partners in the project include Harris County Flood Control, SJRA, Montgomery County and City of Houston.

This web site explains the study in more detail, but not the results. At least not yet. The final report should be published in a month or two.

How to Attend the Virtual Meeting

You have to options to “attend” the meeting: webinar or telephone conference call.

For the webinar option, register to participate via this link: Please use Webinar ID: 375-802-867.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 

If you choose to participate via the GoToWebinar App, you WILL have the opportunity to provide comments during the designated portion of the meeting.  

You can also LISTEN to the meeting via a telephone conference call, but you will NOT have the opportunity to provide comments if you choose this option. Only webinar participants may comment.

Telephone conference call phone number: 415-655-0052 and the audio access code is 882-885-021.


These meetings can run several hours. For folks who may not be able to see the whole meeting, but want to see the drainage plan presentation, here’s the full agenda. SJRA can not predict when the master drainage plan presentation will start.


2. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 minutes per speaker)

3. DIVISION UPDATES – Receive updates from Operational Divisions and General & Administration Division related to ongoing projects, staff reports, or items on the consent agenda.

  • G & A: Jace Houston, General Manager
  • G & A: Heather Ramsey Cook, Director of Communications and Public Affairs
  • G & A:  Tom Michel, Director of Finance and Administration
  • Woodlands: Chris Meeks, Utility Enterprise O&M Manager
  • GRP: Chris Meeks, Utility Enterprise O&M Manager
  • Lake Conroe: Bret Raley, Lake Conroe Division Manager
  • Highlands: Jay Smith, Highlands Division Manager
  • Flood Management: Chuck Gilman, Director of Water Resources and Flood Management

4. CONSENT AGENDA – This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law, such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, resolutions, and orders; items previously approved by Board action, such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, interlocal agreements, or action which is required by law or delegated to the General Manager; and items of a non-controversial nature. These items will be considered by a single motion unless removed and placed on the Regular Agenda for individual consideration at the request of any Director.

  • G&A


Items requiring individual consideration by the Board of Directors.


  • Resolution Adopting Policies and Procedures Related to Contracting with Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs)


  • Amended and Restated Water Conveyance Contract with Coastal Water Authority
  • Ratify Contract for Time and Materials Services with Masters Advanced Remediation Service, Inc.


  • Presentation regarding the San Jacinto Regional Watershed Master Drainage Plan Project.
  • Presentation regarding the Fiscal Year 2021 Operating Budgets.
  • Presentation regarding the proposed Rate Order for Raw Water Customers.
  • Presentation regarding the proposed Rate Order for Woodlands Division Customers.

7. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Not open to public)

Consultations with attorney regarding:

  • Litigation related to Hurricane Harvey, including additional legal services to be provided by Hunton Andrews Kurth, LLP;
  • Litigation related to GRP water line breaks (Line Segments W2A and W2B); and
  • Expedited Declaratory Judgement Act litigation and other litigation related to GRP.

8. RECONVENE in Open Session

9.  SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT for Lawsuit with Various Parties Associated with GRP Transmission Line Segments W2A and W2B



Posted by Bob Rehak on 7/22/2020

1058 Days since Hurricane Harvey