One Year Ago: 415 Homes Flooded in All of Harris County; 380 of Those Bordered Woodridge Village
Harris County Flood Control District’s final report on the May 7, 2019, storm indicates that 415 homes flooded in all of Harris County. It also indicates that 380 of those bordered Perry Homes’ Woodridge Village development across the county line in Montgomery County.
That’s a whopping 91.5% of all flooded homes in the most populous county in the State. And the third most populous in the nation.
Report Cites Sheet Flow from Woodridge Village as Potential Cause
The heaviest rain that day fell on northeast Harris and southeast Montgomery Counties. However, the report also cited “large volumes of sheet flow” from Woodridge Village as the potential cause of flooding for those bordering the development. A jury in Harris County will decide the cause in two months.
At the time, Perry Homes’ contractors had clearcut virtually the entire 268-acre development but had only completed about 7% of the detention ponds.

For official reports on this and other storms, see the Reports Page of this website. Click on the Major Storms tab.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 5/8/2020
983 Days after Hurricane Harvey and 367 Days after the May 7th Storm