Lake Conroe Level Now Exceeds Average for April a Week Early

The rain earlier this week continues to filter into Lake
Conroe and raise the lake level. As of today at 3 p.m. today, the level reached 200.35 msl (mean feet above sea level).

Lake Conroe level as of 3pm on 3/24/2020

That means the lake level now exceeds the average for April – and there’s still a week left in March. With additional rain or inflow, the lake could soon reach its highest point in an average year.

Monthly variation in average levels of Lake Conroe dating back to 1973 when the dam was built.

The highest monthly average happens in May when the lake reaches 200.44 feet. That means the lake is now 0.09 feet (1.08 inches) from its average annual peak in May.

That also means that the SJRA will begin releasing water on April 1 as part of its seasonal lowering plan to reduce flood risk to downstream communities.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 3/24/2020

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