Janet Wilson’s Losses and Long Road Back from Hurricane Harvey Make Case for Lowering Lake Conroe
Janet Wilson lives in Kingwood Greens. Her home, like those of all 225 in the subdivision, flooded during Harvey AFTER Lake Conroe opened its gates and started releasing almost 80,000 cubic feet per second. That amounted to ONE THIRD of all the water coming down the highly populated Humble/Kingwood corridor on the West Fork where most flood damage occurred. Her photos tell a tragic story about the toll that flooding places on a family. But her words told an even more tragic story.
Below are photos of our home in Kingwood Greens. They show just a fraction of the overnight loss of 48 years’ accumulation of household effects, family heirlooms, clothing, medicines, pictures, letters, books, keepsakes, both our cars, including a vintage Porsche, and more.

Beyond the Tangible Items
But, these are just the tangible items. Some of our greatest losses could not be photographed.
It has taken us more than two years to try to restore our life.
That’s time we could have spent with aging and now deceased parents plus our children, grandchildren and friends.
Then consider the loss of wages; my husband is a consultant. Also consider the physical and continuing mental toll that stress from this has put on us.
AND finally, consider the permanent loss of friends and neighbors. Seven out of 21 families on our street alone were so traumatized, they have sold their homes and left our neighborhood forever.
Those “Stop the Drop” homeowners on Lake Conroe have no idea of what “loss of recreation” is, and their insensitive selfishness is incomprehensible.
Tell YOUR Story In Person to the SJRA Board
If you feel like Janet, make sure you email the SJRA board and urge members to continue the policy of lowering Lake Conroe seasonally until other flood mitigation measures can be put in place. Until more gates can be added to Lake Houston and dredging is completed, it’s the only buffer against flooding that the Lake Houston Area has. You can email them or deliver your message in person at the next SJRA Board meeting.
- Tuesday, January 21, 2020
- 6pm at Lone Star Convention and Expo Center
- 9055 Airport Road, Conroe, Texas 77303.
- Doors open at 5pm.
Those wishing to address the board or register a comment at a special meeting must fill out a Comment Registration Form https://www.sjra.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Comment-Registration-Form_01062020.pdf. Comment Registration Forms may be submitted at the special meeting. The form may not be mailed, emailed, or dropped off prior to the meeting date.
If You Can’t Attend, Email Your Comments
Please write an email showing your support for continuing the temporary seasonal lowering of Lake Conroe. The SJRA Board of Directors also welcomes input via mail or email. To contact the Board please visit: https://www.sjra.net/about/board/. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the email form. Or email floodmanagementdivision@sjra.net.
Generally, original letters carry more weight than form letters. However, many people do not feel comfortable writing or speaking. So…
The Lake Houston Area Chamber of Commerce has automated email that makes the process easy.
For More Information About the Lake Lowering Strategy
A new page on this web site called Lake Lowering contains background information, sample letters, and previous posts. Please write or testify.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 1/19/2020
873 Days after Hurricane Harvey