Perry Homes Pulls Excavation Equipment From Woodridge Village Before Finishing Detention Ponds
Instead of accelerating completion of detention ponds on Woodridge Village as Perry Homes promised, the company appears to have pulled all excavation equipment from the site. Contractors who were supposed to have been working on detention pond N-1 have gone…BEFORE they finished S2 and BEFORE they finished a berm sealing off the southern portion of the site at Fair Grove Drive.
S2 Pond Still Not Complete; Does Not Meet Regs
On October 17th, a lawyer for Perry Homes’ subsidiaries sent a letter to the City of Houston Attorney promising that the company would “accelerate” completion of detention ponds. Even though Perry Homes had already substantially completed Detention Pond S2, it took Perry 63 days to restore it to its pre-Imelda condition. Worse, contractors left before the pond met the regulations in Montgomery County’s Drainage Criteria Manual. It still doesn’t have fencing, service roads around its entire perimeter, or grass on its banks. Finally, it holds water when regulations call for a dry bottom.
Equipment Left Site Instead of Beginning On Next Pond
Perry Homes had promised in its letter to accelerate construction, but this will slow it down – if they ever return. The only work being done Friday? Removal of some dead tree piles on the northern portion of the site.
Jeff Miller took all the pictures and videos below on Friday and Saturday. He also monitored work on the site and provided this scouting report.
Woodridge Village Section One Now a Virtual “Ghost Town”
This weekend, Woodridge Village Section One looked like a ghost town, not a bustling construction site with people working against a deadline.
Still Removing Dead Trees/Mulch on Northern Section
Perry Homes Intentions Now a Mystery
As of Sunday morning 12/22/2019, no equipment actually working on construction could be seen on the site. The excavators and dump trucks parked at Fair Grove for months have been removed.
Perry Homes is NOT accelerating completion of detention ponds as it promised the City of Houston.
Instead, Perry Homes has thrown a curtain of silence around this job. It’s hard to know what their intentions are. At this point, Perry Homes’ lawyer J. Carey Gray has as much mud on his face as Elm Grove residents had in their homes.
The only thing we can say with certainty: Lowering flood risk for the people of Elm Grove does not seem high on Perry Homes’ priority list.
For Sale And For Lease Signs Serve as Christmas Yard Decorations
Meanwhile, a drive down Shady Maple or Village Springs, the two streets that border Taylor Gully, revealed residents’ attempts to salvage Christmas from the chaos of floodwaters. Dumpsters and debris still line the streets. Some people still live in trailers in their driveways. No apple cider around the hearth for them. They’ll be lucky to find space for a table top Christmas tree. For Sale and For Lease signs outnumber Christmas yard decorations ten to one.
Kathy Perry Britton just added another credit to her resume, “The CEO Who Stole Christmas.”
Posted by Bob Rehak on 12/22/2019 with reporting and images by Jeff Miller
845 Days since Hurricane Harvey and 94 since Imelda
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