Tree Lane Bridge vs. Power of Moving Water

The downstream side of Ben’s Branch at Tree Lane. Photo taken 11/31/2019.

Tree Lane Bridge over Ben’s Branch

Bear Branch Elementary and Child Time on Tree Lane in Kingwood sit right next to a bridge over Ben’s Branch. Most people in Kingwood don’t need a reminder of the power of moving water. But for those with short memories this is it. A floodway and floodplain more than 250 feet wide narrows down to 80 feet at the bridge.

Lap-Band Surgery for the Creek

It’s like the creek had lap-band surgery.

The predictable result: water backs up behind the bridge and then jets through the opening. The water has literally torn the concrete lining designed to prevent erosion into confetti. Note how the erosion has also exposed a pipeline.

The floodway and floodplain constrict radically at Tree Lane. Source: Fema National Flood Hazard Layer Viewer.

Note the erosion immediately downstream from the bridge.

Erosion immediately downstream from the Tree Lane Bridge above. Wood chips are from HCFCD crews de-snagging the banks of the creek. Photo taken 11/30/2019.

Powerful lessons for anyone who thinks he or she can outsmart Mother Nature for long.

One More Thing to Consider in Kingwood Area Drainage Analysis

Harris County Flood Control is in the middle of its Kingwood Area Drainage Analysis right now. I hope they take a close look at this. While the bridge itself seems stable at this point, if this erosion continues unabated, that could easily change.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 12/2/2019

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