Crenshaw Donates Perry Homes’ Campaign Contribution to First Baptist Flood Relief Fund
Today, rumors sprung up on social media about a campaign contribution from Perry Homes to Congressman Dan Crenshaw. Some people new that he had accepted the check from Perry Homes back in November of 2018. Most people did not know, however, what Crenshaw had done with it. A quick call to Sue Walden, a Crenshaw aid, cleared up the confusion.

After touring the devastation in Elm Grove this week, Crenshaw did two things.
- He called Perry Homes and told them “firmly” that they needed to fix the drainage in Woodridge Village so that Elm Grove residents did not flood again.
- Crenshaw wrote a check for $2500 to the flood relief effort being sponsored by First Baptist Church of Kingwood. The amount of the donation matches the 2018 campaign contribution that Perry Homes made to his campaign.
I think this shows class, compassion, and integrity. It eliminates any appearance of a conflict of interest. It also helps the people who need it most, flood victims, rather than putting the money back in the hands of the people suing them.
If you can help, please donate at:
In the drop down box at top of the page, make sure you select, Flood Recovery Kingwood.
Posted by Bob Rehak
760 Days after Hurricane Harvey and 10 days after Imelda