Woodridge Village Construction Near Standstill
Construction progress on the Woodridge Village site has nearly ground to a crawl. After:
- Clearcutting the trees in a development called WOODridge
- Filling in natural streams
- Installing an outflow control device before creating detention ponds
- Filling in wetlands without so much as asking for a jurisdictional delineation from the Army Corps
- Building large parts of the development inside a 100 year flood plain
- Allowing erosion to clog Taylor Gully….
…Perry Homes should rename Woodridge Village the Village of the Damned (after the 1960 horror movie). What possesses these people!
Construction Update
The development is reportedly still months behind schedule. That may have something to do with more than 200 lawsuits against the developer.
My last update on Woodridge construction was 18 days ago and little has changed since then according to Elm Grove resident Jeff Miller who tracks construction progress on the site.
According to Miller, “The culvert across Taylor Gully and cement structure around it are complete and ready for the road crew to pave over it.”
“The clearing continues in the northern section. More trees are laying down and turning brown. I have seen some activity like preliminary marking of the future detention pond N1,” says Miller.
“The berm, swale and backslope interceptor structures seem to be complete on the southern border with Elm Grove,” continued Miller. “They have sprayed the slopes with a green fertilizer/seed mixture.”
On the plus side, maybe the grass will help prevent more erosion.
Posted by Bob Rehak with help from Jeff Miller
735 Days since Hurricane Harvey and almost 4 months since the Elm Grove flood
The thoughts expressed in this post represent my opinions on matters of public policy and safety. They are protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Anti-SLAPP statute of the great state of Texas.