Upstream Section of Taylor Gully Nearly Restored
Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) has nearly completed restoration of Taylor Gully between Bassingham and the Montgomery County line. At least one drain pipe still needs to be installed and some dirt needs to be removed. But the drainage ditch itself is looking much better.
Taylor Gully Excavated, New Pipe Installed
Said Jeff Miller, an Elm Grove resident tracking the work, said, “Most all grading and sediment removal is complete. It looks like they are finishing rebuilding and installing one last backslope interceptor pipe. In all, I counted 8 new pipes and 2 cleared pipes, the majority on the west side of the gully.”

This ditch had become clogged from upstream erosion. But now, HCFCD has almost totally restored conveyance. All images courtesy of Jeff Miller.
New Drain Pipe Work Nearly Complete

Thank You, HCFCD!
A big shout out to the men, women and contractors of the Harris County Flood Control District for excellent work. It will help protect hundreds of homes that flooded on May 7.
Posted by Bob Rehak and Jeff Miller
734 Days since Hurricane Harvey