HCFCD Schedules Maintenance for Taylor Gully, Other Ditches

Jeff Miller, an Elm Grove resident, just reported receiving a note from Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD). Will Sherman, HCFCD’s Precinct 4 coordinator, indicated the following.

Plans for Taylor Gully

The right-of-way transfer to HCFCD for the upper portion of Taylor Gully (see map below) is scheduled to be on the next Commissioners Court agenda on July 9th.

HCFCD right of way access along Taylor Gully (left) should be complete by July 9.

That portion of Taylor Gully has become badly clogged with sediment due to the construction of Woodridge Village upstream just across the Montgomery County line.

Woodridge did not have erosion control measures in place when three storms in early May caused massive erosion.

Part of the erosion in the area clearcut for the new Woodridge Village subdivision. Tree line on the left is the Harris/Montgomery County Line. No erosion control measures were in place at the time of this photo during the heavy rains in early May.

Here’s what Taylor Gully looked like on 6/24/19.

Reinforced concrete box culvert on Taylor Gully at the Harris/Montgomery County Line. 10′ high culverts appear to be half clogged with sediment. Harris County is in foreground. Woodridge Village and Montgomery County are in background. Photo by Jeff Miller.

Following approval of the right of way transfer:

  • Equipment should be on-site July 11th 
  • Work should begin by July 15th

Regarding debris in the downstream portion of Taylor Gully:

  • HCFCD cleared debris after Harvey
  • HCFCD plans to do it again “soon” as part of a general debris removal process on multiple channels in Kingwood.
  • The wider effort should begin this August.
Blockage on lower portion of Taylor Gully. Photo courtesy of Chris Kalman. When banks erode and trees fall into ditches and creeks, the trees can catch other debris floating downstream and form “beaver dams” that back water up into neighborhoods.

Work on Ben’s Branch Expanded

Yesterday, HCFCD extended its work on Ben’s Branch west of Woodland Hills. They excavated the area between North Woodland Hills and the businesses on the south side of North Park Drive (Walgreens, Firestone, McDonalds, etc.).

HCFCD maintenance work along Bens Branch west of Woodland Hills Drive in Kingwood. Photo courtesy of Thomas Blailock.

To Report Blockages Near You

If you are aware of downed trees blocking a channel near you:

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!

Posted by Bob Rehak on 7/3/2019

With contributions from Jeff Miller, Thomas Blailock and Chris Kalman

673 Days after Hurricane Harvey