Deed Restrictions on Northern Parcels of Romerica Land
I previously discussed the deed restrictions on the southern portion of Romerica land, where they plan to build most of their high rises. The southern portion is deed restricted to single family residential. That usually means “one family in one house on one lot.”
The largest, northern portion of the land purchased by Romerica for its development between Kingwood Lakes and the Barrington has deed restrictions, too. The restrictions on Romerica’s northern parcels are not quite as limiting, but still conflict in some ways with the developer’s announced plans.

Retail Restrictions
The 29.094 acre parcel of property (green area) adjacent to Woodland Hills is limited to “…church, school, townhomes, triplexes, amenity retail, not to exceed a total of 8,000 square feet for community based retail services such as a restaurant, snack bar, cleaners, ice cream parlor, bar, coffee shop, bakery, gym or other retail…”
While Romerica primarily plans condos for this northern section, this may conflict with plans announced on one of the developer’s many web sites – for almost 900,000 square feet of retail.
Multi-Family Low- to Mid-Rise For-Sale Housing
That parcel may also be used for offices, or low- to mid-rise, for-sale, multi-housing residential and patio homes.
Other parcels east of the first one are limited to offices or low- to mid-rise, for-sale, multi-housing, townhomes or triplexes, residential, patio homes and a conference center. Romerica has said it plans to put its 50-story hotel and conference center south of the Barrington, where land is restricted to single-family residential.
In Harmony with Surrounding Architecture
All design and architecture must be in harmony with the surrounding areas’.
So much for homes on stilts! Romerica had planned to build its condos on stilts to reduce the amount of fill needed to elevate homes out of the flood plain.
Specifically EXCLUDED: For-rent apartments, traditional single family homes, and duplexes.
Drainage Liability
The developer must also consider the impact that any improvements have on off-site and on-site drainage patterns. If the developer adversely impacts the drainage of adjoining property, the developer must correct the condition to the satisfaction of the adjoining land owner(s).
Surface drainage must go to underground storm drain structures. This could conflict with Romerica’s canal network.
Retail, Open Space, Parking and Height Restrictions
The deed restrictions also prohibit certain types of retail establishments. They include gas stations, night clubs, “adult” establishments, or funeral homes.
A minimum 20% open space requirement applies. All parking and buildings must sit back a minimum of 50 feet from property lines.
Deed restrictions limit building height to five stories. The roof line may not extend more than 65 feet above the slab.
No Boats or Trailers
Significantly, NO BOATS OR TRAILERS may be stored on the property. that could be a disappointment for people who buy condos as part of a marina resort.
For Complete List of Restrictions
To read the exact text in its entirely, click here and scroll down to exhibit B.
Please note: Roman Arrow, listed in the deed is one of more than 35 companies owned by Romerica’s two managers. Also note: Romerica and its related companies own additional parcels that may have other deed restrictions.
The thoughts expressed in this post represent my opinions on matters of public policy. They are protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Anti-SLAPP Statute of the Great State of Texas.
Posted by Bob Rehak on 4/6/2019
585 Days after Hurricane Harvey