Flood Bond Projects Approved to Date by Harris County Commissioners Court
Six months have passed since the passage of the Harris County Flood Bond last August. Several projects have been approved so far that could benefit the San Jacinto watershed.
Tributary Map Showing Where the Water Fell During Harvey
This watershed map shows the volume of water carried by each tributary during Harvey.

Flood Bond Projects Approved to Date
Projects approved so far:
- Z-10 will resurvey and remap floodplains country wide. Contractors will factor in new rainfall data and use advanced modeling technologies to provide more accurate information on flooding risks.
- CI-012 provides major maintenance for Cypress Creek, an upstream tributary.
- CI-035 will update the 2003 Texas Water Development Board Regional Drainage Plan for Major Tributaries of Cypress Creek.
- F-20 approved right-of-way acquisition and floodplain preservation, also for Cypress Creek.
- Project C-58, final design of Drainage Improvements Along HCFCD Unit F101-06-00 (San Jacinto and Galveston Bay).
- C-17, the San Jacinto River Watershed Study in cooperation with the SJRA, Montgomery County, and the City of Houston.
- F-14, drainage improvements near Kingwood
- F-110, drainage improvements in the Huffman area that drain to the San Jacinto, Luce, and Cedar Bayou watersheds.
- F-19, right-of-way acquisition and floodplain preservation along Spring Creek.
- Voluntary Home Buyout programs are also in progress county wide and will affect many Forest Cove residents south of Hamblen Road as well as in Humble.
Current Principles Guiding Prioritization
After the equity flap, version 2.0 of the principles that guide project prioritization has been posted online, but a re-prioritized project list has not as of 8:30 am Saturday morning.
How to Track Flood Bond Project Status
To track the progress of projects near you, Harris County Flood Control updates this interactive map constantly. Click on the icon to see a description and the project status.
To see the full list of projects approved for the bond fund, click here. They are arranged in alphabetical order by watershed. San Jacinto River Projects start on page 9. However, don’t overlook related tributary projects, such as additional upstream detention on Spring and Cypress Creeks.
Posted by Bob Rehak on March 2, 2019
550 Days since Hurricane Harvey