City to Lower Lake Houston for Dam Repairs

Houston City Council Member Dave Martin issued an alert on Feb. 22, 2019, stating that the Coastal Water Authority will soon lower the level of Lake Houston for dam repairs. The City is warning all property and boat owners to take appropriate action.

Lake Houston has an extensive overflow spillway system.

First Step in 18 Month Process

The Coastal Water Authority plans to lower Lake Houston by 12 inches starting Monday, February 25, for scheduled maintenance on the dam. This is the first step in an 18-month project to improve the dam’s stability.

The Lake Houston Dam during Hurricane Harvey Flooding. According to Harris County Flood Control’s final report on Harvey, An estimated discharge of 425,000 cfs or 5.0 times the average flow of Niagara Falls occurred at the peak flow over the Lake Houston spillway. This amount of flow would fill NRG Stadium in 3.5 minutes.

Scope of Dam Repairs

Property owners should secure property along the shoreline before the lowering begins.  The planned maintenance includes rehabilitation of two weir structures on the downstream portion of the dam. 

This preliminary work includes performing inspections and measurements which is the purpose for lowering the level of the lake on Monday. Once preliminary work is completed, the lake will be allowed to refill naturally. The lower lake level is expected to last approximately one week.

Posted by Bob Rehak on 2/23/2019

543 Days since Hurricane Harvey