Correction on Post about Ben’s Branch and Taylor Gulley
My apologies. On Wednesday, I posted about easements along Ben’s Branch and Taylor Gulley. The story said that the City of Houston had finally sent long-awaiting documents to Harris County Flood Control that would allow the County to assume maintenance of those areas. It was based on assurances from a source at the City that the documents had finally been sent to the County.
However, different documents actually arrived at the County. They covered a small portion of Taylor Gulley and a small drainage ditch in King’s Forest that parallels Valley Manor west of Kingwood High School.

Like many of the drainage ditches in Kingwood, after annexation, this ditch west of Valley Manor and Kingwood High School fell into a maintenance black hole. The County has now received an easement from the City of Houston that will allow it to maintain the ditch.
Here are maps of the two areas for which documentation has actually been sent to Harris County:
My source at the City now says, “I am working with the legal team to have a full update on all the outstanding channels as well as have requested the expedited completion of Bens Branch.”
To see an interactive map of Harris County drainage projects in Kingwood, go to the Harris County Flood Control District website and see the Kingwood section.
Posted by Bob Rehak on September 7, 2018
374 Days since Hurricane Harvey