Damage Map: Neighborhoods in Lake Houston Area Hardest Hit by Harvey
From this damage map, it’s clear that Kingwood suffered the most home damage in the upper Lake Houston area during Hurricane Harvey.
Harris County Food Control has worked diligently to map damage due to Harvey. The map above shows the total number of damaged homes by watershed AND political jurisdiction. The black line that divides Kingwood in two is the dividing line between East Fork and West Fork drainage.
In Harris County, there were 4,484 homes (City of Houston – Primarily Kingwood 3,652; Humble 466, Atascacita: 366) flooded by the West Fork. Additionally, 1,290 homes (Kingwood 1,162; Huffman 128) were flooded along the East Fork.
These totals do not include additional homes flooded along each Fork that were not in Harris County, i.e., in Montgomery County. They do not include businesses. Nor do they include homes flooded further down on the lake, i.e., in Crosby or Summerwood.
These totals are lower than initially expected based on SBA and FEMA data. At a meeting of the Houston Geological Society on June 6, County Judge Ed Emmett explained that after floods many con artists file fraudulent claims. Therefore, he says, it’s common to see reductions in damage numbers after claims are investigated.
How to Read the Map
The total number of damaged structures within both the West Fork watershed and Houston appears three separate times for three different subdivisions. The total for all three is associated with each segment; do not make the mistake of adding the same number three times to get an exaggerated total for the damage.
Harris County Flood Control compiled this map for the Lake Houston Area Grass Roots Flood Prevention Initiative. Thanks go out to Matt Zeve and his team. They are currently working on a more granular breakdown that would show damage by subdivision, for instance, Barrington, Kingwood Lakes, Kings Point, etc.
Don’t Forget Meeting Tonight: Featured Speakers from Army Corps
Don’t forget the meeting tonight at the Kingwood Community Center. Mark Micheletti will update the community on SJRA flood mitigation projects. Bill Fowler will address tax valuations. Jonathan Holley will give us a quick overview of the Harris County Flood Bond. And the featured speakers from the Army Corps will address objectives, scope, timing and details of their emergency dredging project. The meeting starts promptly at 6:30 pm and will end by 8. Please attend.
Posted 6/11/2018 by Bob Rehak
286 Days since Hurricane Harvey